Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

Millionaires and billionaires should be PROHIBITED from running. They are not pro american worker supporters. They are corporatist anti american people.

Indeed.....Do you ever suppose that Donald and Melania ever sat around and spoke about either going to dinner at some restaurant...or ordering a pizza instead to save a bit of cash?
Yes, how to play Trump saying "it makes me smart" about not paying taxes. So a self-proclaimed billionaire says he doesn't pay taxes, yet a middle class worker making $40k has to pay thousands in taxes. What would any normal middle class worker think about a 'billionaire' who brags about not paying taxes? It's such a mystery.
Each person gets only one vote

So I say 10% is enough . $10 bucks on a $100 , $100,000 on a million

But you know it's not like that, the way it is now 0 on a $100 and what $390,000 on a million ?

How is that fair one person one vote

One pays zip zero in federal taxes

And one pays

$390,000 dollars

Bullshit.....NO ONE has ever offered ONE verifiable example that any individual or corporation ever paid the 39.6%....Heck, the stipulation is that Trump made $640 MILLION and paid ZERO on that yearly income......

I can ONLY be proven wrong if Trump released his tax returns....LOL

The crazy thing is, business get tax exemptions ALL the time from the government from the smallest parts of government, cities, all the way up to the top in the federal government. Seriously, and then as soon as the exemption ends, they move on to somewhere else and a new set of exemptions. Putting workers out of jobs and leaving nothing but an empty building a weakened economy behind. I'm so tired of hearing about business taxes, truth is they get treated well all the time.
Yes, how to play Trump saying "it makes me smart" about not paying taxes. So a self-proclaimed billionaire says he doesn't pay taxes, yet a middle class worker making $40k has to pay thousands in taxes. What would any normal middle class worker think about a 'billionaire' who brags about not paying taxes? It's such a mystery.

Oh, you are late to the party. You're like Paul Revere riding through Gettysburg during the Civil War yelling the British are coming.
Each person gets only one vote

So I say 10% is enough . $10 bucks on a $100 , $100,000 on a million

But you know it's not like that, the way it is now 0 on a $100 and what $390,000 on a million ?

How is that fair one person one vote

One pays zip zero in federal taxes

And one pays

$390,000 dollars

Bullshit.....NO ONE has ever offered ONE verifiable example that any individual or corporation ever paid the 39.6%....Heck, the stipulation is that Trump made $640 MILLION and paid ZERO on that yearly income......

I can ONLY be proven wrong if Trump released his tax returns....LOL


(I spit up my Pepsi thorough my nose)

So why do you want to make it 90% and you can't even get them to pay 39%???
So abiding by the Tax Law and using it to your advantage is somehow "wrong".
The search for intelligent Left Wing life forms goes on.
That's hilarious coming from the guy who earlier said we should have a flat tax,

which btw you didn't answer my question about.

We should

But I don't argue right and wrong good or bad as those terms are too subjective.

If it is legal then that's that

Until the law gets changed why whine about it.

I will argue for the law to be changed and I will vote for people who say they will try to change the tax laws
But that's all I can do

Too subjective? On an opinion forum? That's another gem.

What will the flat tax apply to?

What tax are we talking about in this thread?
The kind you get returns for and candidates disclose.

Candidates don't have to disclose any of their financial documents if they don't want to
That is correct...and we are free to wonder what they are hiding then.
Yes, how to play Trump saying "it makes me smart" about not paying taxes. So a self-proclaimed billionaire says he doesn't pay taxes, yet a middle class worker making $40k has to pay thousands in taxes. What would any normal middle class worker think about a 'billionaire' who brags about not paying taxes? It's such a mystery.

Well, two possible responses as to why that middle class worker would vote for Trump:

1.That person is an IDIOT......and
2. The hatred of Hillary trumps (pardon the expression) sanity.
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So abiding by the Tax Law and using it to your advantage is somehow "wrong".
The search for intelligent Left Wing life forms goes on.

So this begs the question, is breaking the law or pushing the envelope ok as long as you don't get caught?

Show me where any of that has happened, pretend I'm from Missouri.
So abiding by the Tax Law and using it to your advantage is somehow "wrong".
The search for intelligent Left Wing life forms goes on.

So this begs the question, is breaking the law or pushing the envelope ok as long as you don't get caught?

Show me where any of that has happened, pretend I'm from Missouri.

I'm just asking you a hypothetical question. Take for example OJ. We all know he is guilty, but he was found not guilty in his criminal lawsuit, but found responsible for the deaths in civil court. So though he was found not guilty in a criminal case, is it ok that he killed them?
So abiding by the Tax Law and using it to your advantage is somehow "wrong".
The search for intelligent Left Wing life forms goes on. one stated that Trump broke the tax laws...NO ONE.....

However, when we found out the percentage that Romney paid, it did help him to LOSE the election.
Yes, how to play Trump saying "it makes me smart" about not paying taxes. So a self-proclaimed billionaire says he doesn't pay taxes, yet a middle class worker making $40k has to pay thousands in taxes. What would any normal middle class worker think about a 'billionaire' who brags about not paying taxes? It's such a mystery.

Oh, you are late to the party. You're like Paul Revere riding through Gettysburg during the Civil War yelling the British are coming.

Thank you judge of the Galactic Empire. Be sure to critique all my other posts here, I'd love to hear your faux historical contextual verbage on various other nonsensical calamities.

Paper or plastic?
We use every loophole available to avoid taxes....our accountant is as smart as Trump....get it now loons?

for many years I have given over my yearly ---IRS forms to
a very meticulous (to the point of neurotic) accountant-----I used. to PAY A LOT MORE (being a nervous Nelly type) This is a true story------I OVER PAID so much -----that the IRS people got confused-----and sent me a BIG BILL------I was stymied----but ended up in the local IRS office. A kindly man there sat with me for HOURS------and came to the conclusion that I has so OVERPAID that the IRS owed me a letter of APOLOGY!!!! I actually got an APOLOGY from the IRS---and----a refund (following two years of threatening letters)

I hate the IRS with a passion

I never did----until that kindly old man went over all my papers and told me ----( "YOU ARE VERY HONEST" ) My big sin was that I JUST PAID----and did not get thru all the forms (it was a really bad time for me) Turned out I OVERPAID---and the IRS was threatening to eat my liver anyway

Why would the IRS "eat your liver" if you overpaid?
Yes, how to play Trump saying "it makes me smart" about not paying taxes. So a self-proclaimed billionaire says he doesn't pay taxes, yet a middle class worker making $40k has to pay thousands in taxes. What would any normal middle class worker think about a 'billionaire' who brags about not paying taxes? It's such a mystery.

Oh, you are late to the party. You're like Paul Revere riding through Gettysburg during the Civil War yelling the British are coming.

Thank you judge of the Galactic Empire. Be sure to critique all my other posts here, I'd love to hear your faux historical contextual verbage on various other nonsensical calamities.

Paper or plastic?

Will do, but first can you give me the cliff notes of you 7,487 posts? It'll make it go faster.
So abiding by the Tax Law and using it to your advantage is somehow "wrong".
The search for intelligent Left Wing life forms goes on.

So this begs the question, is breaking the law or pushing the envelope ok as long as you don't get caught?

Show me where any of that has happened, pretend I'm from Missouri.

I'm just asking you a hypothetical question. Take for example OJ. We all know he is guilty, but he was found not guilty in his criminal lawsuit, but found responsible for the deaths in civil court. So though he was found not guilty in a criminal case, is it ok that he killed them?

I mean this with respect, I don't normally engage in hypotheticals. It has always seemed a bit silly.
I don't know of any tRump malfeasance , tax or otherwise.

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