Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

So this begs the question, is breaking the law or pushing the envelope ok as long as you don't get caught?

Show me where any of that has happened, pretend I'm from Missouri.

I'm just asking you a hypothetical question. Take for example OJ. We all know he is guilty, but he was found not guilty in his criminal lawsuit, but found responsible for the deaths in civil court. So though he was found not guilty in a criminal case, is it ok that he killed them?

I mean this with respect, I don't normally engage in hypotheticals. It has always seemed a bit silly.
I don't know of any tRump malfeasance , tax or otherwise.

I'm just asking an honest question, if you can knowingly push the envelop on a law, or even break the law in a way without getting caught, is it still ethical? Would you do it? I ask because one of Mark Cuban's comments was that he tells his tax lawyers ever year on his audits to follow the laws and pay the taxes he needs to pay.
Not paying taxes is always ethical for the same reason it's ethical not to hand over your money to a mugger.

Uh, no. I don't see any muggers putting out your house fire, coming to help protect you from a burglar, or paving your roads.
everyone pays sales taxes, the more stuff you buy the more you pay. The rich buy more stuff and pay more sales taxes. its really not very complicated.

The rich DO NOT buy more stuff as a % of their income, they buy LESS and thats even more true during recessionary periods, where their savings shoot through the roof and low income households still spend everything to make ends meet.

Do you have a link to your statement?

You seriously doubt that the rich spend a lower percentage of their income than the poor and middle class?


I didn't see the % mark, my mistake.
ROFL! So you believe people should pay more taxes than they are legally required to pay?

Moron....the only TWO years we have Trump's tax returns he paid ZERO.........Why don't you send him one of your welfare packages for the poor baby?
He paid zero taxes, or his company paid zero taxes? I'll bet you don't understand the distinction.

Pretty sure it was his personal taxes because it was to get a gambling license.
That sounds more like his business taxes. His business applies for the license.
I don't believe he is breaking any laws.....just release the returns......easy as breathing.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I believe it is the obligation of EVERY American to pay as little in taxes as possible, and I applaud any who are successful at this. Our politicians will spend whatever they please regardless of what they collect in taxes. The national debt is nearly $20 TRILLION, and increases over $2 billion per day, so if you taxed Donnie boy all his money, it would take less than a week before the national debt would begin climbing higher again.

U.S. National Debt Clock

The estimated population of the United States is 323,836,803
so each citizen's share of this debt is $60,314.89.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$2.38 billion per day since September 30, 2012!
Concerned? Then tell Congress and the White House!

You still want to pay taxes? Might want to save some for yourself.
No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

You were "stiffed" out of nothing...nada, zilch......

Not me...All of us. And thats on Trump. Not any other person or people you want to throw in as a distraction
Any of you who think it's honorable or great to pay taxes then I invite you to pay mine. Or if you don't want to then you can always charge yourself the Woodrow Wilson level of 95% and pay that to the IRS. They will take your overpayment.

You're thinking of Eisenhower.

Taxes were high under Wilson to pay for the war. And the same goes for WWII. To pay for the Vietnam war a 10% income tax surcharge was imposed.

Since then we haven't paid for wars as they happened. That accounts for much of our current debt.

Wilson was fooled into signing the Federal Reserve Act, he was fooled into signing the 16th amendment that was never ratified and then he got duped into signing on America to fight in the biggest bullshit war of all time WWII was ANOTHER bullshit war because the very banking oligarchs and Wall Street that fund Hitler's rise to power also made tons of money when America entered it after goading Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. They made money from both sides. Vietnam was also another bullshit war that enriched the military industrial complex based on an incident that we now know never happened.

The debt that has been incurred by USA.INC does not belong to the people, it's a debt that USA.INC has ran up by their own volition. If you had a lawn mowing company that you contracted with to do your lawn and they filed for bankruptcy, does that mean you are responsible for their debt? USA.INC is nothing but a corporate entity and a successor to contract to provide the 19 essential/enumerated services of "gubermint" and they have fleeced us, made us sureties on their debts while profiting from it. When enough people finally wake up, then and only then, can we take back this country and restore this republic and it needs to happen fast before it is too late. Most people have no clue about the Bretton Woods agreement, the collateral accounts and how USA.INC became the world's reserve currency after WWII and this on the heels of them being bankrupted in 1933 and again in 1950. If you don't know your country's real history, you can't POSSIBLY understand how we got to this place, where we are heading or what the remedy is.

Wilson's foreign policies led to to the rise of Hitler's and communist Soviet Union.

Had he not forced the King of Rus to stay in WW1 as conditions on the loan from the US. Then Rus could have stamped out the Bolshevik revolution, but given their depleted military they were unable to fight WW1 and the Bolsheviks at the same time. That's why Lenin took over and that lead to Stalin and over 20 millions dead Russians.

By us entering the war, because Wilson wanted a decisive victory for America, to solidify his own foreign policy chops. Had we stayed out then WW1 would have ended because all sides were fatigued and heading towards walking away. With lands in tact and no real penalties with a surrender. With us entering the war we decimated Germany, took their lands, took their money, and left a situation ripe for the Nazi's to step in.... this message resonated.

They separated Germans into small minorities and pit them against each other..... much like the progressives have done here .... which makes sense considering the progressives were tight with the nazi's on eugenics and propaganda.

Funny how this video still stands today as a warning.

Is that why the pre-WWII Republicans were so supportive of Hitler and Mussolini?

Hitler eugenics, Progressives for eugenics. Lol!
No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

And so you stiff America to? Do you take all your deductions?

Is this how you let everyone know that paying nothing in taxes is a net positive? By asking me questions instead of making statements of support?

You are the asshole that claims Trump is stiffing America by paying as little taxes as possible. I know why you won't anser the question honestly, it is because you take all the deductions you can legally. Just like Trump, however you want Trump taking deductions as bad. Pretty silly nutter crap.

Exactly. LEGAL deductions. He's probably fudging the living shit out of his taxes. On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes. Are you fucking kidding me?

And he wonders why he's under audit. He's a fucking crook and a sociopath and a serial liar.

On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes.

If I have $600 million in stocks and they double this year, how much do I pay in taxes?

Exactly what Trump paid, but don't tell liberals, they like being stupid and promoting class warfare.
Low income Americans who don't pay any income tax don't pay it because they don't have any taxable income.

It's that simple.

And a rich guy who takes enough LEGAL deductions so he doesn't have a taxable income doesn't pay income tax so what's your problem ?

That's because the rich guy is exploiting all those loopholes and schemes that the GOP keeps pretending they're going to get rid of when they once AGAIN cut the tax rates for the Rich.

You mean the loopholes hilary and her rapist husband took advantage of to become billionaires by selling her public office? You mean like that?
"Rapist husband"...when was he convicted of rape?

Hell people are calling Trump a tax cheat, trying to figure out when he was convicted. :dunno:
Almost every candidate release his birth certificate and college transcripts until Obama.

What an idiot you must be.........Try to find GHB birth certificate or Jimmy Carter's......and the ONLY reason that Obama had to show his is because of racist pigs (like you) didn't think that a half black guy could EVER sit in the oval office....

Too fucking bad for racists.....LOL
Almost every candidate release his birth certificate and college transcripts until Obama.

What an idiot you must be.........Try to find GHB birth certificate or Jimmy Carter's......and the ONLY reason that Obama had to show his is because of racist pigs (like you) didn't think that a half black guy could EVER sit in the oval office....

Too fucking bad for racists.....LOL

It's cute the way you douche bags are so desperate to portray every criticism of your messiah as racism.
Trump had the golden opportunity to explain to the Hag how business works in real world, you borrow money, at the lowest rate possible, invest and build a business, pay your monthly principle and interest, and in some businesses, real estate for-instance, the current tax code, provides the opportunity to pass on depreciation to its owners as a tax credit that reduces tax liability. He also had the opportunity to attack foundations created by wealthy families designed to shield assets, to be managed by family members that provide exorbitant compensation and perks to all those associated with the "foundation".
Why the fuck would anyone pay more taxes than is legal? As far as taxes, shouldn't the bribes Crooked Hillary and Slick Willie received in the pay for play scheme be taxed? :p
It's cute the way you douche bags are so desperate to portray every criticism of your messiah as racism.

Well, you are a racist....Some admit it, less honest racist like you don;t have the guts to do so.
Did morons like you ask for Reagan's, or Ford's or Bush's...???
Did you ask for Bush or Reagan college transcripts??
Trump had the golden opportunity to explain to the Hag how business works in real world, you borrow money, at the lowest rate possible, invest and build a business, pay your monthly principle and interest, and in some businesses, real estate for-instance, the current tax code, provides the opportunity to pass on depreciation to its owners as a tax credit that reduces tax liability. He also had the opportunity to attack foundations created by wealthy families designed to shield assets, to be managed by family members that provide exorbitant compensation and perks to all those associated with the "foundation".

Trump is NOT running for business man of the year, nitwit....
It's cute the way you douche bags are so desperate to portray every criticism of your messiah as racism.

Well, you are a racist....Some admit it, less honest racist like you don;t have the guts to do so.
Did morons like you ask for Reagan's, or Ford's or Bush's...???
Did you ask for Bush or Reagan college transcripts??
Why would I demand the documents of a Republican? That's for douche bags like you.

You call me a racist, so find one thing I have ever posted in this forum that indicates I'm racist.
10% is standard charitable giving.
Why don't you pull up the foundation's financials and the Clinton's returns and explain to us how that worked?
It's all available.
Fine. I will look at the financials and you read.(below)

If you are saying 10% is the standard for how much of a charity is used on the needy themselves you are living in a fantasy world.
You are an obedient soldier for the cause, admit to nothing.



Reacting to attacks on the Clinton Foundation, its defenders have cited the wonderful charitable works the organization performs. But an examination of the Foundation’s 2013 tax return, by indicates that only 10% of its budget went directly to grants tofulfill its charitable purposes.

According to the Federalist, the Foundation spent:


Charitable Grants 10%
Travel 10%
Rent 5%
Office Supplies 6%
IT Services 2%
Salaries, Benefits 33%
Other Expenses 34%

In other years, the Foundation spent more on grants. In 2008, for example, it spent nearly $100 million purchasing and distributing medicine to needy people. But, by 2011, those activities amounted to only $1.2 million and, by 2012 and 2013, the Foundation spent nothing on these activities.

According to, seven out of ten charities spend at least 75% of their funds on the programs and services they exist to provide. Nine of ten spend two-thirds of their funds on these purposes.The ten percent figure in the Clinton Foundation is absurd.

What do they do with the money? They underwrite Bill’s travel (and now Hillary’s). They presumably provide them with staff without their having to use campaign funds for it. They pay for all of the Clinton’s lavish Foundation events. By the way, one thing you will never see on the Clinton’s tax returns is entertainment expenses. They never personally pay for any of it. And the Foundation maintains a 4000 square foot apartment for the Clintons in Little Rock.

Of course, the Foundation revenue stream is quite apart from the personal funds that flow to the Clintons from their speeches, all of which goes into their joint bank accounts. But many of the Foundation donors also find a way to give the Clintons personal money by paying exorbitant speaking fees.

10% is standard for personal giving there Einstein.

FYI, and much to your glee, I am lost???

I have no idea what you are saying? It cannot be that charities are expected to give only 10% of what they take in to the actual needs of their cause?

It's not dope.
Open the quote boxes and read the context of my response to your " pittance" post rather than continuing to post nonsense at me.

Sorry, I am just a child. And getting bored playing this game with you.

I'm on the same site as you. You can't operate it competently?
I was responding to you. You can't remember or easily refresh your memory of what you responded to?

Hint: click to expand.
Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.

No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

And so you stiff America to? Do you take all your deductions?

Is this how you let everyone know that paying nothing in taxes is a net positive? By asking me questions instead of making statements of support?

You are the asshole that claims Trump is stiffing America by paying as little taxes as possible. I know why you won't anser the question honestly, it is because you take all the deductions you can legally. Just like Trump, however you want Trump taking deductions as bad. Pretty silly nutter crap.

Exactly. LEGAL deductions. He's probably fudging the living shit out of his taxes. On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes. Are you fucking kidding me?

And he wonders why he's under audit. He's a fucking crook and a sociopath and a serial liar.

Like I said earlier, he has to work very hard to get his taxes to or near zero. An especially exceptional douche.
everyone pays sales taxes, the more stuff you buy the more you pay. The rich buy more stuff and pay more sales taxes. its really not very complicated.

The rich DO NOT buy more stuff as a % of their income, they buy LESS and thats even more true during recessionary periods, where their savings shoot through the roof and low income households still spend everything to make ends meet.

Do you have a link to your statement?

You seriously doubt that the rich spend a lower percentage of their income than the poor and middle class?


Yes,they fill warehouses and warehouses full of goods they will never use. One man had 6,000 pairs of pants.

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