Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

Did you not read my post? Either you did and you chose to ignore it, or you just skipped over the first few lines.

He doesn't just give to Africa and India. He's given far more money to charity in the US than Trump's given to charity anywhere.

You can come on here making up bullshit you believe, but until you start proving it, then you'll never find the truth.

He gives almost NOTHING to the US.
You don't actually know the mechanics of how his "Foundations" work?
He uses them mostly for tax write-offs and as interest bearing instruments.
He's a complete scumbag.
I watch his interviews and he has nothing but contempt for the US.
I laugh at the whole scam. People like Gates and Buffet pass money back and forth to each other's "foundations", but the libs seem to love it.
That's what happens when your brain can only absorb headlines.

So if your brain is so developed, you'll be able to back yourself up. If you get past the headlines, you'll be able to back yourself up. So why don't you?
What the hell are you babbling about now?

Seriously, it's not that hard to comprehend is it? Or maybe your bragging about your developed brain is just that, bragging.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Perhaps everyone should stop paying taxes to show him how smart they are.

Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

How has income tax been unconstitutional?

Article 1 Section 8: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises....

Proportional taxes and taxes that are within the confines of the constitution.

There is nothing in the constitution that tells Congress HOW to collect taxes.
I only stated why 1,000 times but you're too much of a bleeding heart to care.
He gives to Africa and India...NOT to the US.
He is ONLY investing in the slave labor force of the future.
He has stock in Big Pharma in Africa that experiments on Black humans.
He lobbies Congress to replace all non-Indians with Indian Business Visas.
98% of MS is H1-Bs and their products have not evolved since 1998.

But you love him; I just know you do.

Did you not read my post? Either you did and you chose to ignore it, or you just skipped over the first few lines.

He doesn't just give to Africa and India. He's given far more money to charity in the US than Trump's given to charity anywhere.

You can come on here making up bullshit you believe, but until you start proving it, then you'll never find the truth.

He gives almost NOTHING to the US.
You don't actually know the mechanics of how his "Foundations" work?
He uses them mostly for tax write-offs and as interest bearing instruments.
He's a complete scumbag.
I watch his interviews and he has nothing but contempt for the US.

Okay, he gives almost nothing, which is more than you give, and it's more than Trump gives.

The question is here, do you know how much he's given in America? Or are you just listening to what other people say, deciding you like what they say, and parroting what they say because it's convenient for you? Did you ever go look see how much he spends in the US?

So you tell me how much "almost NOTHING" amounts to.
You are a fucking moron.
He's on talk shows all the time talking shit about Americans and he's always testifying before Congress on why we need to replaced all non-Indian Business Visas with Indian Business Visas.
Are you an Indian H1-B or do you use them?
I can think of no other reason you completely skipped this fact.

Ah, insults.

I ask you to back yourself up, and you turn to insults. What a surprise.
I explained Bill Gates.
What did you not get?
Did you not read my post? Either you did and you chose to ignore it, or you just skipped over the first few lines.

He doesn't just give to Africa and India. He's given far more money to charity in the US than Trump's given to charity anywhere.

You can come on here making up bullshit you believe, but until you start proving it, then you'll never find the truth.

He gives almost NOTHING to the US.
You don't actually know the mechanics of how his "Foundations" work?
He uses them mostly for tax write-offs and as interest bearing instruments.
He's a complete scumbag.
I watch his interviews and he has nothing but contempt for the US.

Okay, he gives almost nothing, which is more than you give, and it's more than Trump gives.

The question is here, do you know how much he's given in America? Or are you just listening to what other people say, deciding you like what they say, and parroting what they say because it's convenient for you? Did you ever go look see how much he spends in the US?

So you tell me how much "almost NOTHING" amounts to.
You are a fucking moron.
He's on talk shows all the time talking shit about Americans and he's always testifying before Congress on why we need to replaced all non-Indian Business Visas with Indian Business Visas.
Are you an Indian H1-B or do you use them?
I can think of no other reason you completely skipped this fact.

Ah, insults.

I ask you to back yourself up, and you turn to insults. What a surprise.
I explained Bill Gates.
What did you not get?

I didn't get the bit where you just made it all up. I didn't get the bit where you provided not a single piece of evidence to back up your claims.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Perhaps everyone should stop paying taxes to show him how smart they are.

Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass.

Our taxes go to pay which bankers? Any specifics?

The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank. Reference the Grace Commission. Every country with a Rothschild central bank is under this debt slavery system.
He gives almost NOTHING to the US.
You don't actually know the mechanics of how his "Foundations" work?
He uses them mostly for tax write-offs and as interest bearing instruments.
He's a complete scumbag.
I watch his interviews and he has nothing but contempt for the US.

Okay, he gives almost nothing, which is more than you give, and it's more than Trump gives.

The question is here, do you know how much he's given in America? Or are you just listening to what other people say, deciding you like what they say, and parroting what they say because it's convenient for you? Did you ever go look see how much he spends in the US?

So you tell me how much "almost NOTHING" amounts to.
You are a fucking moron.
He's on talk shows all the time talking shit about Americans and he's always testifying before Congress on why we need to replaced all non-Indian Business Visas with Indian Business Visas.
Are you an Indian H1-B or do you use them?
I can think of no other reason you completely skipped this fact.

Ah, insults.

I ask you to back yourself up, and you turn to insults. What a surprise.
I explained Bill Gates.
What did you not get?

I didn't get the bit where you just made it all up. I didn't get the bit where you provided not a single piece of evidence to back up your claims.
I didn't get the point where you never watched a Bill Gates interview or looked up how many H1-Bs get requested by MS every year or
Immigration Reform Bills HR633 and S744.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Perhaps everyone should stop paying taxes to show him how smart they are.

Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

How has income tax been unconstitutional?

Article 1 Section 8: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises....

Proportional taxes and taxes that are within the confines of the constitution.

There is nothing in the constitution that tells Congress HOW to collect taxes.

The Supreme Court has ruled four times that the 16th amendment gave "da gubermint" no new taxing abilities. So if they didn't have it in 1923 the last time they ruled on it, they don't have it now. We have been gamed in a major way. Go back and read some of the stuff I have posted. I have laid it out for succinctly.
Okay, he gives almost nothing, which is more than you give, and it's more than Trump gives.

The question is here, do you know how much he's given in America? Or are you just listening to what other people say, deciding you like what they say, and parroting what they say because it's convenient for you? Did you ever go look see how much he spends in the US?

So you tell me how much "almost NOTHING" amounts to.
You are a fucking moron.
He's on talk shows all the time talking shit about Americans and he's always testifying before Congress on why we need to replaced all non-Indian Business Visas with Indian Business Visas.
Are you an Indian H1-B or do you use them?
I can think of no other reason you completely skipped this fact.

Ah, insults.

I ask you to back yourself up, and you turn to insults. What a surprise.
I explained Bill Gates.
What did you not get?

I didn't get the bit where you just made it all up. I didn't get the bit where you provided not a single piece of evidence to back up your claims.
I didn't get the point where you never watched a Bill Gates interview or looked up how many H1-Bs get requested by MS every year or
Immigration Reform Bills HR633 and S744.

So what are you doing here? You're trying to introduce evidence without introducing evidence? Maybe if you bothered to go produce that evidence, you might be believable.
You are a fucking moron.
He's on talk shows all the time talking shit about Americans and he's always testifying before Congress on why we need to replaced all non-Indian Business Visas with Indian Business Visas.
Are you an Indian H1-B or do you use them?
I can think of no other reason you completely skipped this fact.

Ah, insults.

I ask you to back yourself up, and you turn to insults. What a surprise.
I explained Bill Gates.
What did you not get?

I didn't get the bit where you just made it all up. I didn't get the bit where you provided not a single piece of evidence to back up your claims.
I didn't get the point where you never watched a Bill Gates interview or looked up how many H1-Bs get requested by MS every year or
Immigration Reform Bills HR633 and S744.

So what are you doing here? You're trying to introduce evidence without introducing evidence? Maybe if you bothered to go produce that evidence, you might be believable.

Maybe if you bothered to go read the Legislation endorsed by shit head Gates.
I don't cut and paste...I experience.
Perhaps everyone should stop paying taxes to show him how smart they are.

Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

How has income tax been unconstitutional?

Article 1 Section 8: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises....

Proportional taxes and taxes that are within the confines of the constitution.

There is nothing in the constitution that tells Congress HOW to collect taxes.

The Supreme Court has ruled four times that the 16th amendment gave "da gubermint" no new taxing abilities. So if they didn't have it in 1923 the last time they ruled on it, they don't have it now. We have been gamed in a major way. Go back and read some of the stuff I have posted. I have laid it out for succinctly.

I didn't talk about new taxing abilities from the 16th Amendment. I'm talking about Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution passed in 1789.

Besides, the 16th empowers the feds to take income tax and a little of how they may do this, and they don't have to give any to the states. It doesn't tell Congress HOW to collect taxes. It merely empowers them to do so.
Ah, insults.

I ask you to back yourself up, and you turn to insults. What a surprise.
I explained Bill Gates.
What did you not get?

I didn't get the bit where you just made it all up. I didn't get the bit where you provided not a single piece of evidence to back up your claims.
I didn't get the point where you never watched a Bill Gates interview or looked up how many H1-Bs get requested by MS every year or
Immigration Reform Bills HR633 and S744.

So what are you doing here? You're trying to introduce evidence without introducing evidence? Maybe if you bothered to go produce that evidence, you might be believable.

Maybe if you bothered to go read the Legislation endorsed by shit head Gates.
I don't cut and paste...I experience.

So, you expect me to believe you because you have some "experience" that you haven't proven? Why should I believe anything you say? You're just some person on the other side of a computer somewhere in the world who won't back themselves up.
I explained Bill Gates.
What did you not get?

I didn't get the bit where you just made it all up. I didn't get the bit where you provided not a single piece of evidence to back up your claims.
I didn't get the point where you never watched a Bill Gates interview or looked up how many H1-Bs get requested by MS every year or
Immigration Reform Bills HR633 and S744.

So what are you doing here? You're trying to introduce evidence without introducing evidence? Maybe if you bothered to go produce that evidence, you might be believable.

Maybe if you bothered to go read the Legislation endorsed by shit head Gates.
I don't cut and paste...I experience.

So, you expect me to believe you because you have some "experience" that you haven't proven? Why should I believe anything you say? You're just some person on the other side of a computer somewhere in the world who won't back themselves up.
No...I gave you the Legislation.
There's this neat new search engine called Google.
There's also a REALLY cool website called YouTube.
I know it's not DailyKOS, but give it a try...simply search for Bill Gates interview and watch one for 5 minutes.
Ah, insults.

I ask you to back yourself up, and you turn to insults. What a surprise.
I explained Bill Gates.
What did you not get?

I didn't get the bit where you just made it all up. I didn't get the bit where you provided not a single piece of evidence to back up your claims.
I didn't get the point where you never watched a Bill Gates interview or looked up how many H1-Bs get requested by MS every year or
Immigration Reform Bills HR633 and S744.

So what are you doing here? You're trying to introduce evidence without introducing evidence? Maybe if you bothered to go produce that evidence, you might be believable.

Maybe if you bothered to go read the Legislation endorsed by shit head Gates.
I don't cut and paste...I experience.

This is YOUR ARGUMENT, not mine. It's up to YOU to provide the evidence to back up YOUR argument.
I didn't get the bit where you just made it all up. I didn't get the bit where you provided not a single piece of evidence to back up your claims.
I didn't get the point where you never watched a Bill Gates interview or looked up how many H1-Bs get requested by MS every year or
Immigration Reform Bills HR633 and S744.

So what are you doing here? You're trying to introduce evidence without introducing evidence? Maybe if you bothered to go produce that evidence, you might be believable.

Maybe if you bothered to go read the Legislation endorsed by shit head Gates.
I don't cut and paste...I experience.

So, you expect me to believe you because you have some "experience" that you haven't proven? Why should I believe anything you say? You're just some person on the other side of a computer somewhere in the world who won't back themselves up.
No...I gave you the Legislation.
There's this neat new search engine called Google.
There's also a REALLY cool website called YouTube.
I know it's not DailyKOS, but give it a try...simply search for Bill Gates interview and watch one for 5 minutes.


Right now all I have is bullshit. Nothing you have said is convincing. Nothing you have said is worth the time you've spent on it.
I explained Bill Gates.
What did you not get?

I didn't get the bit where you just made it all up. I didn't get the bit where you provided not a single piece of evidence to back up your claims.
I didn't get the point where you never watched a Bill Gates interview or looked up how many H1-Bs get requested by MS every year or
Immigration Reform Bills HR633 and S744.

So what are you doing here? You're trying to introduce evidence without introducing evidence? Maybe if you bothered to go produce that evidence, you might be believable.

Maybe if you bothered to go read the Legislation endorsed by shit head Gates.
I don't cut and paste...I experience.

This is YOUR ARGUMENT, not mine. It's up to YOU to provide the evidence to back up YOUR argument.
You seem to be the SOLE person tonight who refuses to leave this site and use your brain without being spoon fed.
I'm fed up with your consistent bullshit.
I didn't get the point where you never watched a Bill Gates interview or looked up how many H1-Bs get requested by MS every year or
Immigration Reform Bills HR633 and S744.

So what are you doing here? You're trying to introduce evidence without introducing evidence? Maybe if you bothered to go produce that evidence, you might be believable.

Maybe if you bothered to go read the Legislation endorsed by shit head Gates.
I don't cut and paste...I experience.

So, you expect me to believe you because you have some "experience" that you haven't proven? Why should I believe anything you say? You're just some person on the other side of a computer somewhere in the world who won't back themselves up.
No...I gave you the Legislation.
There's this neat new search engine called Google.
There's also a REALLY cool website called YouTube.
I know it's not DailyKOS, but give it a try...simply search for Bill Gates interview and watch one for 5 minutes.


Right now all I have is bullshit. Nothing you have said is convincing. Nothing you have said is worth the time you've spent on it.

Wait! I thought Liberals were full of love.
Nothing you see or hear will make a difference.
I didn't get the bit where you just made it all up. I didn't get the bit where you provided not a single piece of evidence to back up your claims.
I didn't get the point where you never watched a Bill Gates interview or looked up how many H1-Bs get requested by MS every year or
Immigration Reform Bills HR633 and S744.

So what are you doing here? You're trying to introduce evidence without introducing evidence? Maybe if you bothered to go produce that evidence, you might be believable.

Maybe if you bothered to go read the Legislation endorsed by shit head Gates.
I don't cut and paste...I experience.

This is YOUR ARGUMENT, not mine. It's up to YOU to provide the evidence to back up YOUR argument.
You seem to be the SOLE person tonight who refuses to leave this site and use your brain without being spoon fed.
I'm fed up with your consistent bullshit.

You talk about other people using their brains, yet you REFUSE to go use your brain to back up your argument.

If I make an argument, I back it up with the relevant sources I believe back up my argument. If you make an argument you do shit and expect others to do YOUR WORK for them, then make insults about them lacking a brain when they don't do it.

If you think you backing up your own argument is bullshit, then I'm sorry for you and your inability to do something everyone leaving High School should be able to do.
So what are you doing here? You're trying to introduce evidence without introducing evidence? Maybe if you bothered to go produce that evidence, you might be believable.

Maybe if you bothered to go read the Legislation endorsed by shit head Gates.
I don't cut and paste...I experience.

So, you expect me to believe you because you have some "experience" that you haven't proven? Why should I believe anything you say? You're just some person on the other side of a computer somewhere in the world who won't back themselves up.
No...I gave you the Legislation.
There's this neat new search engine called Google.
There's also a REALLY cool website called YouTube.
I know it's not DailyKOS, but give it a try...simply search for Bill Gates interview and watch one for 5 minutes.


Right now all I have is bullshit. Nothing you have said is convincing. Nothing you have said is worth the time you've spent on it.

Wait! I thought Liberals were full of love.
Nothing you see or hear will make a difference.

It would make a difference if you backed up your own arguments.

Your strategy:

"The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.

I said it a hundred times, what don't you fucking understand about this?"

"I don't understand the bit about you not proving it."

"Go look on google, some guy stated on some website somewhere that the moon is made of cheese."

"I don't believe you."

"you're an idiot, you don't have a brain, you're so fucking stupid and I'm so fucking smart, I'm so fucking smart I don't even need to use accepted forms of debate, I can just INSULT YOU YOU MOTHER FUCKING IDIOT".

See what you did?
Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

How has income tax been unconstitutional?

Article 1 Section 8: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises....

Proportional taxes and taxes that are within the confines of the constitution.

There is nothing in the constitution that tells Congress HOW to collect taxes.

The Supreme Court has ruled four times that the 16th amendment gave "da gubermint" no new taxing abilities. So if they didn't have it in 1923 the last time they ruled on it, they don't have it now. We have been gamed in a major way. Go back and read some of the stuff I have posted. I have laid it out for succinctly.

I didn't talk about new taxing abilities from the 16th Amendment. I'm talking about Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution passed in 1789.

Besides, the 16th empowers the feds to take income tax and a little of how they may do this, and they don't have to give any to the states. It doesn't tell Congress HOW to collect taxes. It merely empowers them to do so.

The 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states. Read Bill Benson's book "The Law That Never Was". Bill Conklin has collected over 17,000 documents proving it was never ratified by enough states. Income as defined by Black's Law dictionary does not include the bartering of one's wages.
How has income tax been unconstitutional?

Article 1 Section 8: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises....

Proportional taxes and taxes that are within the confines of the constitution.

There is nothing in the constitution that tells Congress HOW to collect taxes.

The Supreme Court has ruled four times that the 16th amendment gave "da gubermint" no new taxing abilities. So if they didn't have it in 1923 the last time they ruled on it, they don't have it now. We have been gamed in a major way. Go back and read some of the stuff I have posted. I have laid it out for succinctly.

I didn't talk about new taxing abilities from the 16th Amendment. I'm talking about Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution passed in 1789.

Besides, the 16th empowers the feds to take income tax and a little of how they may do this, and they don't have to give any to the states. It doesn't tell Congress HOW to collect taxes. It merely empowers them to do so.

The 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states. Read Bill Benson's book "The Law That Never Was". Bill Conklin has collected over 17,000 documents proving it was never ratified by enough states. Income as defined by Black's Law dictionary does not include the bartering of one's wages.

But it doesn't matter, as all states after this have had to ratify it as a condition of joining as a state.

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