Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Perhaps everyone should stop paying taxes to show him how smart they are.

Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass.

Our taxes go to pay which bankers? Any specifics?
Go back and review the billions Obama gave to foreign banks.

No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Perhaps everyone should stop paying taxes to show him how smart they are.

Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass.

Our taxes go to pay which bankers? Any specifics?

The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank. Reference the Grace Commission. Every country with a Rothschild central bank is under this debt slavery system.

The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Perhaps everyone should stop paying taxes to show him how smart they are.

Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass.

Our taxes go to pay which bankers? Any specifics?
Go back and review the billions Obama gave to foreign banks.

Don't feel like doing work you are too lazy to do. Greece is you hint.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Perhaps everyone should stop paying taxes to show him how smart they are.

Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass.

Our taxes go to pay which bankers? Any specifics?

The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank. Reference the Grace Commission. Every country with a Rothschild central bank is under this debt slavery system.

The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

With money they created out of their ass and then charge interest on make believe money..

Got to love that scam as much as the pyramid scam of S.S.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Perhaps everyone should stop paying taxes to show him how smart they are.

Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass.

Our taxes go to pay which bankers? Any specifics?

The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank. Reference the Grace Commission. Every country with a Rothschild central bank is under this debt slavery system.

The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.
Sometimes it works out that way. Now post the profits of the bank masters that control the private (and misnamed) federal reserve.
They didn't 'pocket' any.


And Bill did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky.
Using 20 year old gossip against a wronged wife is not going to win you any points with women voters, I can guarantee you that.

Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.
Bullshit. Decent women, good women, MOST women, don't second guess what another woman should do when her husband is unfaithful. It is no one's business. She had as much right to stay with him as not: it's her personal right in her personal beliefs to do what she chooses. It is not up to another woman to judge her and tell her what to do. A woman who judges another woman for making her own choices about her marriage is a woman who is not a decent, good person. Who thinks her opinion about another person's marriage is the right one. NO it isn't. Mind your own business.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on how marriage should work. If Hillary wants a marriage where her husband needs other women to please himself because she is a failure at pleasing her own husband. Most women would look down at that because she is failing as a wife. Whether or not they voice that opinion is irrelevant.... the fact is they just don't respect that behavior .

You are so fucking judgmental. Neither you nor anyone else has a right nor has any business judging anyone's marriage or anyone's roll in their marriage but your own. Maybe right wing, hypocritical, nose up their own asses women look down on a woman who stays with a husband who cheated.

But a good woman, a decent woman doesn't.

Ironically, leaving your husband because he cheated goes against Christian, as RW women generally claim to be holier than thou Christians, they are not living up to their religious beliefs when it comes to marriage and until 'death do us part.' What bloody great hypocrites you people are. You insist on your 'religious values' when it comes to hating gays, for example, but when it comes to shitting on your marriage vows, you've all got monumental diarrhea.
Perhaps everyone should stop paying taxes to show him how smart they are.

Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass.

Our taxes go to pay which bankers? Any specifics?

The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank. Reference the Grace Commission. Every country with a Rothschild central bank is under this debt slavery system.

The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

With money they created out of their ass and then charge interest on make believe money..

Got to love that scam as much as the pyramid scam of S.S.

Go check out Somalia, they don't have a "pyramid scam of S.S.".

And Bill did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky.
Using 20 year old gossip against a wronged wife is not going to win you any points with women voters, I can guarantee you that.

Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.
Bullshit. Decent women, good women, MOST women, don't second guess what another woman should do when her husband is unfaithful. It is no one's business. She had as much right to stay with him as not: it's her personal right in her personal beliefs to do what she chooses. It is not up to another woman to judge her and tell her what to do. A woman who judges another woman for making her own choices about her marriage is a woman who is not a decent, good person. Who thinks her opinion about another person's marriage is the right one. NO it isn't. Mind your own business.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on how marriage should work. If Hillary wants a marriage where her husband needs other women to please himself because she is a failure at pleasing her own husband. Most women would look down at that because she is failing as a wife. Whether or not they voice that opinion is irrelevant.... the fact is they just don't respect that behavior .

You are so fucking judgmental. You or anyone HAS NO RIGHT and NO BUSINESS judging anyone's marriage or anyone's roll in their marriage but your own. Maybe right wing, hypocritical, nose up their own asses women look down on a woman who stays with a husband who cheated. Ironically, leaving your husband because he cheated goes against Christian, as RW women generally claim to be holier than thou Christians, they are not living up to their religious beliefs when it comes to marriage and until 'death do us part.' What bloody great hypocrites you people are. You insist on your 'religious values' when it comes to hating gays, for example, but when it comes to shitting on your marriage vows, you've all got monumental diarrhea.
Someone is very angry and confused. Bad combo for a liberal. Hope he doesn't start shooting.
Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass.

Our taxes go to pay which bankers? Any specifics?

The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank. Reference the Grace Commission. Every country with a Rothschild central bank is under this debt slavery system.

The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

With money they created out of their ass and then charge interest on make believe money..

Got to love that scam as much as the pyramid scam of S.S.

Go check out Somalia, they don't have a "pyramid scam of S.S.".

Didn't know they had the jobs like we do.

So you telling me I can live comfortable off of $500 a month?

Here is an idea just give me the $267,000 I put in S.S. today and lets see what I can do with it.

Just give me my money when I am alive please.
If Donald was paying taxes he didn't need to pay, he would be stupid. It's not that hard a concept. OP mad that Trump isn't a politically correct POS.
Using 20 year old gossip against a wronged wife is not going to win you any points with women voters, I can guarantee you that.

Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.
Bullshit. Decent women, good women, MOST women, don't second guess what another woman should do when her husband is unfaithful. It is no one's business. She had as much right to stay with him as not: it's her personal right in her personal beliefs to do what she chooses. It is not up to another woman to judge her and tell her what to do. A woman who judges another woman for making her own choices about her marriage is a woman who is not a decent, good person. Who thinks her opinion about another person's marriage is the right one. NO it isn't. Mind your own business.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on how marriage should work. If Hillary wants a marriage where her husband needs other women to please himself because she is a failure at pleasing her own husband. Most women would look down at that because she is failing as a wife. Whether or not they voice that opinion is irrelevant.... the fact is they just don't respect that behavior .

You are so fucking judgmental. You or anyone HAS NO RIGHT and NO BUSINESS judging anyone's marriage or anyone's roll in their marriage but your own. Maybe right wing, hypocritical, nose up their own asses women look down on a woman who stays with a husband who cheated. Ironically, leaving your husband because he cheated goes against Christian, as RW women generally claim to be holier than thou Christians, they are not living up to their religious beliefs when it comes to marriage and until 'death do us part.' What bloody great hypocrites you people are. You insist on your 'religious values' when it comes to hating gays, for example, but when it comes to shitting on your marriage vows, you've all got monumental diarrhea.
Someone is very angry and confused. Bad combo for a liberal. Hope he doesn't start shooting.

You are a fucking crazy asshole.

You people are judging Hillary for her personal choices in her marriage when most of you are breaking your own marriage vows right and left. Monumental hypocrites.
It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass.

Our taxes go to pay which bankers? Any specifics?

The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank. Reference the Grace Commission. Every country with a Rothschild central bank is under this debt slavery system.

The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

With money they created out of their ass and then charge interest on make believe money..

Got to love that scam as much as the pyramid scam of S.S.

Go check out Somalia, they don't have a "pyramid scam of S.S.".

Didn't know they had the jobs like we do.

So you telling me I can live comfortable off of $500 a month?

Here is an idea just give me the $267,000 I put in S.S. today and lets see what I can do with it.

Just give me my money when I am alive please.

They do have jobs, because the govt isn't stable (that requires taxes) and doesn't go invading other countries for profit (that requires taxes) and because there isn't good infrastructure (that requires taxes too) and a host of other things, the country is in a mess, so the jobs don't pay much money.

Maybe we give you the social security money now, let you squander it, and then when you lose your job you get nothing and die and your family dies too. Great idea, straight out of the Neanderthal book of government.
If Donald was paying taxes he didn't need to pay, he would be stupid. It's not that hard a concept. OP mad that Trump isn't a politically correct POS.
How does a multi-millionaire not 'need' to pay taxes like the rest of us? It's just mind boggling that you defend this guy for not paying taxes. What hypocrites.
Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.
Bullshit. Decent women, good women, MOST women, don't second guess what another woman should do when her husband is unfaithful. It is no one's business. She had as much right to stay with him as not: it's her personal right in her personal beliefs to do what she chooses. It is not up to another woman to judge her and tell her what to do. A woman who judges another woman for making her own choices about her marriage is a woman who is not a decent, good person. Who thinks her opinion about another person's marriage is the right one. NO it isn't. Mind your own business.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on how marriage should work. If Hillary wants a marriage where her husband needs other women to please himself because she is a failure at pleasing her own husband. Most women would look down at that because she is failing as a wife. Whether or not they voice that opinion is irrelevant.... the fact is they just don't respect that behavior .

You are so fucking judgmental. You or anyone HAS NO RIGHT and NO BUSINESS judging anyone's marriage or anyone's roll in their marriage but your own. Maybe right wing, hypocritical, nose up their own asses women look down on a woman who stays with a husband who cheated. Ironically, leaving your husband because he cheated goes against Christian, as RW women generally claim to be holier than thou Christians, they are not living up to their religious beliefs when it comes to marriage and until 'death do us part.' What bloody great hypocrites you people are. You insist on your 'religious values' when it comes to hating gays, for example, but when it comes to shitting on your marriage vows, you've all got monumental diarrhea.
Someone is very angry and confused. Bad combo for a liberal. Hope he doesn't start shooting.

You are a fucking crazy asshole.

You people are judging Hillary for her personal choices in her marriage when most of you are breaking your own marriage vows right and left. Monumental hypocrites.

I have a just one question ..did anyone ever see Bill or hillary mouth . I love you" to one another?

Its like obama and Michelle relationship.

Ronnie had Nancy

George has Barbara

George Jr has Laura

Why does Bill and hillary and obama and Michelle look like both a marriage of convience ..?
The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank. Reference the Grace Commission. Every country with a Rothschild central bank is under this debt slavery system.

The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

With money they created out of their ass and then charge interest on make believe money..

Got to love that scam as much as the pyramid scam of S.S.

Go check out Somalia, they don't have a "pyramid scam of S.S.".

Didn't know they had the jobs like we do.

So you telling me I can live comfortable off of $500 a month?

Here is an idea just give me the $267,000 I put in S.S. today and lets see what I can do with it.

Just give me my money when I am alive please.

They do have jobs, because the govt isn't stable (that requires taxes) and doesn't go invading other countries for profit (that requires taxes) and because there isn't good infrastructure (that requires taxes too) and a host of other things, the country is in a mess, so the jobs don't pay much money.

Maybe we give you the social security money now, let you squander it, and then when you lose your job you get nothing and die and your family dies too. Great idea, straight out of the Neanderthal book of government.

So your hope is I die so the government can squander it ?

Like my wife who died at 44

My cousin at 46

My best man at my wedding at 45

My good friend at 36

And on and on....

No one got the few million it went back into the S.S. pyramid scheme .
The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

With money they created out of their ass and then charge interest on make believe money..

Got to love that scam as much as the pyramid scam of S.S.

Go check out Somalia, they don't have a "pyramid scam of S.S.".

Didn't know they had the jobs like we do.

So you telling me I can live comfortable off of $500 a month?

Here is an idea just give me the $267,000 I put in S.S. today and lets see what I can do with it.

Just give me my money when I am alive please.

They do have jobs, because the govt isn't stable (that requires taxes) and doesn't go invading other countries for profit (that requires taxes) and because there isn't good infrastructure (that requires taxes too) and a host of other things, the country is in a mess, so the jobs don't pay much money.

Maybe we give you the social security money now, let you squander it, and then when you lose your job you get nothing and die and your family dies too. Great idea, straight out of the Neanderthal book of government.

So your hope is I die so the government can squander it ?

Like my wife who died at 44

My cousin at 46

My best man at my wedding at 45

My good friend at 36

And on and on....

No one got the few million it went back into the S.S. pyramid scheme .

Your a Fucking asshole dude I hope you die one day shy of you don't see a penny
The shareholders of the Federal reserve bank.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

With money they created out of their ass and then charge interest on make believe money..

Got to love that scam as much as the pyramid scam of S.S.

Go check out Somalia, they don't have a "pyramid scam of S.S.".

Didn't know they had the jobs like we do.

So you telling me I can live comfortable off of $500 a month?

Here is an idea just give me the $267,000 I put in S.S. today and lets see what I can do with it.

Just give me my money when I am alive please.

They do have jobs, because the govt isn't stable (that requires taxes) and doesn't go invading other countries for profit (that requires taxes) and because there isn't good infrastructure (that requires taxes too) and a host of other things, the country is in a mess, so the jobs don't pay much money.

Maybe we give you the social security money now, let you squander it, and then when you lose your job you get nothing and die and your family dies too. Great idea, straight out of the Neanderthal book of government.

So your hope is I die so the government can squander it ?

Like my wife who died at 44

My cousin at 46

My best man at my wedding at 45

My good friend at 36

And on and on....

No one got the few million it went back into the S.S. pyramid scheme .

So you'd prefer to take the chance that you're going to die early, rather than the chance you'll die late?
The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

With money they created out of their ass and then charge interest on make believe money..

Got to love that scam as much as the pyramid scam of S.S.

Go check out Somalia, they don't have a "pyramid scam of S.S.".

Didn't know they had the jobs like we do.

So you telling me I can live comfortable off of $500 a month?

Here is an idea just give me the $267,000 I put in S.S. today and lets see what I can do with it.

Just give me my money when I am alive please.

They do have jobs, because the govt isn't stable (that requires taxes) and doesn't go invading other countries for profit (that requires taxes) and because there isn't good infrastructure (that requires taxes too) and a host of other things, the country is in a mess, so the jobs don't pay much money.

Maybe we give you the social security money now, let you squander it, and then when you lose your job you get nothing and die and your family dies too. Great idea, straight out of the Neanderthal book of government.

So your hope is I die so the government can squander it ?

Like my wife who died at 44

My cousin at 46

My best man at my wedding at 45

My good friend at 36

And on and on....

No one got the few million it went back into the S.S. pyramid scheme .

So you'd prefer to take the chance that you're going to die early, rather than the chance you'll die late?

... or option 3, that he'll be able to invest and budget his retirement money better than the government until the day he dies.
The Fed pays the Treasury, not the other way around.

With money they created out of their ass and then charge interest on make believe money..

Got to love that scam as much as the pyramid scam of S.S.

Go check out Somalia, they don't have a "pyramid scam of S.S.".

Didn't know they had the jobs like we do.

So you telling me I can live comfortable off of $500 a month?

Here is an idea just give me the $267,000 I put in S.S. today and lets see what I can do with it.

Just give me my money when I am alive please.

They do have jobs, because the govt isn't stable (that requires taxes) and doesn't go invading other countries for profit (that requires taxes) and because there isn't good infrastructure (that requires taxes too) and a host of other things, the country is in a mess, so the jobs don't pay much money.

Maybe we give you the social security money now, let you squander it, and then when you lose your job you get nothing and die and your family dies too. Great idea, straight out of the Neanderthal book of government.

So your hope is I die so the government can squander it ?

Like my wife who died at 44

My cousin at 46

My best man at my wedding at 45

My good friend at 36

And on and on....

No one got the few million it went back into the S.S. pyramid scheme .

So you'd prefer to take the chance that you're going to die early, rather than the chance you'll die late?


Do you know what investments are?

I can do a hell of a lot better job then S.S. if they just give me my money an plus if they gave me my wife's money she could of had a gold plated head stone..

What are you missing here?

Go check out Somalia, they don't have a "pyramid scam of S.S.".

Didn't know they had the jobs like we do.

So you telling me I can live comfortable off of $500 a month?

Here is an idea just give me the $267,000 I put in S.S. today and lets see what I can do with it.

Just give me my money when I am alive please.

They do have jobs, because the govt isn't stable (that requires taxes) and doesn't go invading other countries for profit (that requires taxes) and because there isn't good infrastructure (that requires taxes too) and a host of other things, the country is in a mess, so the jobs don't pay much money.

Maybe we give you the social security money now, let you squander it, and then when you lose your job you get nothing and die and your family dies too. Great idea, straight out of the Neanderthal book of government.

So your hope is I die so the government can squander it ?

Like my wife who died at 44

My cousin at 46

My best man at my wedding at 45

My good friend at 36

And on and on....

No one got the few million it went back into the S.S. pyramid scheme .

So you'd prefer to take the chance that you're going to die early, rather than the chance you'll die late?


Do you know what investments are?

I can do a hell of a lot better job then S.S. if they just give me my money an plus if they gave me my wife's money she could of had a gold plated head stone..

What are you missing here?


Plus...if you know you are about to die, you can go out with a blast, or leave the left over money to your family.

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