Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

Trump's new argument, I manipulate and bend the tax code to pay as little as possible (if anything) because I don't like how government spends my money.

No one likes how our government spends money. The federal government is massive machine, wasteful and inefficient. But somehow people still make millions and billions in this country, capitalism, public-private partnership, regulated markets, it all seems to work.

So not paying your fair share, when you have been successful in America, is well... unAmerican.

**How many hundreds of millions of tax dollars have benefited Trump building projects through subsidies and credits?

**How many tens of millions of tax revenue were washed away when Trump settled with N.J. for 17 cents on the dollar? (because Chris Christie allowed it).

**How many hundreds millions of tax dollars went to government man hours auditing and overseeing all of Trumps bankruptcies, federal court cases, and investigations into the thousands of complaints to various state agencies and AGs about Trump's business practices?

The man has benefited in every way from the U.S. economy, infrastructure, and all the systems and functions of Government, but he doesn't think he should pay his share.

The bankruptcy laws in the U.S. favor businessmen like Trump. Shameless and with broken moral compass.

This year low-icome households will contribute 10%-15% of their income to the 'community chest'. Fair because to tax them higher would impede their ability to pay bills, buy good and serves, eat. This money is taken out of their paycheck and many don't owe any tax liability on April 15. But they still paid. Everybody pays some tax. (sales, gas, utility)

Middle income will pay 25%-28% of their income. These people may have a pension fund or 401K but they certainly don't have an extensive and diverse investment portfolio worth over a million.

Upper income pay 33%-39% - however depending on how much of their income is earned from salary and bonuses and how much from investment, they never pay at those rates. More like 20%-24% or lower depending on the state of residence. Their portfolios grow because of the American consumer driven economy and infrastructure. However, for three decades they have been getting more out of the system (everything Government does to protect, promote, sustain commerce and growth) than they have been paying for. Over the past three 80% of the Wealth has been transferred via the tax code that favors the wealthy to 1% of the population. CEO compensation went up during Clinton because of a change in the tax code that made companies award bonus compensation through stock options.

In fact, that single provision in the tax code had major repercussions -- not only did CEO and upper management compensation go up, but companies moved toward a overall business paradigm that put the stock price above everything else - product quality, customer service and satisfaction, following the law, ethical and moral responsibility to the environment, the employee, or society. Because as long as the stock was healthy, all was good. Minimize exposure on all potential liability because it might hurt the stock price. But integrity means doing the right thing when it's least convenient. Why not pay your employees a living wage, take responsibility for product liability, EPA superfund sites, and stop overpaying your CEOs, CFO's and upper management, especially when they mismanage the company.

Why do low income conservative and GOPs think that's right? 1% controlling 80% of the wealth. If it's "right" or "good" then why wasn't it always that way? The right longs to take America back to the prosperous 1950s when middle income people paid off their homes, took long vacations, had money to send their kids to school and retire on a golf course. Guess what, back then millionaires paid their fair share.

Then vote out the bastards that won't reform the tax codes.

How the hell is it the fault of an American citizen to take advantage of the deductions the government legally allows. How is it unAmerican for an American to pay taxes and take the allowed deductions that is granted by the government.

I am sure the Clintons took tax deductions, is that unAmerican?

The government determines the "fair share", don't get mad at the lawful citizens, get mad at your rich congressman.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Turns out he does much more than that. We all need to apologize to Hillary she was right

A jury has found two Trump Organization companies guilty on multiple charges of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records connected to a 15-year scheme to defraud tax authorities by failing to report and pay taxes on compensation for top executives. The Trump Corp. and Trump Payroll Corp.

This isn't smart it's criminal.
Does your company pay for your kids private school instead of pay you $ in order to avoid paying taxes? That's compensation. That's what Trump Corp did and it's illegal.

WTF are you blabbering about Boob?

We pay for our children's schooling

You post stupid shit.

Stop with the TDS crap.... it's past tiresome
I hate the IRS with a passion
You shouldn't. In the years since you wrote this the rich have have not been paying taxes. They defunded the IRS so it only had the manpower to catch poor and middle class tax dodgers. For all these years the rich haven't been paying their fair share and they all got away with it. Or they think they have because Biden just hired a bunch of IRS agents to go after them. And they can go back 7 years.

They say this has cost America $1 trillion dollars a year. Go bac 7 years that's $7 trillion dollars. Put it all towards the debt.
You shouldn't. In the years since you wrote this the rich have have not been paying taxes. They defunded the IRS so it only had the manpower to catch poor and middle class tax dodgers. For all these years the rich haven't been paying their fair share and they all got away with it. Or they think they have because Biden just hired a bunch of IRS agents to go after them. And they can go back 7 years.

They say this has cost America $1 trillion dollars a year. Go bac 7 years that's $7 trillion dollars. Put it all towards the debt.

Gfy, lemming
Trump doesn't use "loopholes" to avoid taxes. He uses lies, deceit and fraud. If you're using an accountant "as smart as Trump", you'll end up in bankruptcy court or at the wrong end of a fraud suit, too.

I don't care about Trump you stupid bitch
Stupid is as stupid does.

The only people who hate those who do their jobs and follow the law, are the people who do neither.

Worry about your shithole and cuckold leader. I don't give two craps what some foreigner thinks

That's your problem
Well look at the bright side. If a billionaire like Trump doesn't pay any taxes, his tax cuts for the Rich won't help him.

Gfy, lemming

You defend/turn a blind eye to rich people not paying their fair share of taxes and then cry when your taxes go up? I told you giving them tax breaks is only going to shift the tax burden more on to you. States get less federal funding so your local and state taxes go up.

And those are legal tax breaks we should never have given to rich people. But they are legal. Congress passed them. It still hurts us but at least it's legal. You guys all assumed Trump was just using the tax code when he said not paying taxes makes him smart. Because he was breaking the law. He said this 7 years ago but his crime spree goes back 15.

two Trump Organization companies guilty on multiple charges of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records connected to a 15-year scheme to defraud tax authorities by failing to report and pay taxes on compensation for top executives.
I don't care about Trump you stupid bitch

You really have zero reading comprehension skills at all. You said your accountant is "smart like Trump". I said Trump's not very smart, he's dishonest. If your accountant is "smart like Trump", you could be in big trouble.

Do you have to wear that hockey helmet all of the time, or just when you leave the house???
Trump doesn't use "loopholes" to avoid taxes. He uses lies, deceit and fraud. If you're using an accountant "as smart as Trump", you'll end up in bankruptcy court or at the wrong end of a fraud suit, too.
So you're saying the IRS is incompetent?
You really have zero reading comprehension skills at all. You said your accountant is "smart like Trump". I said Trump's not very smart, he's dishonest. If your accountant is "smart like Trump", you could be in big trouble.

Do you have to wear that hockey helmet all of the time, or just when you leave the house???

Gfy. Again, you don't matter. Childish little foreign dweeb

Wanna play I'll play
Worry about your shithole and cuckold leader. I don't give two craps what some foreigner thinks

That's your problem

I understand Ireland is a low tax country for corporations. So who pays all the taxes?

Top 5% of earners, earned over €100,000 in income and paid 40% of personal tax. Top 23% of earners, earned earn over €50,000 in income and paid 77% of personal tax. Bottom 77% of earners, earned less than €50,000 in income and paid 23% of personal tax.
We use every loophole available to avoid taxes....our accountant is as smart as Trump....get it now loons?
Is your accountant smarter than Trump's former CFO?

Weisselberg was sent to New York’s Rikers Island jail in January for helping engineer a wide-ranging 15-year tax fraud scheme at Donald Trump’s family business.

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