Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

I took advantage of every part of the tax code to ensure I paid as little in taxes as possible and max out my profits last year, so I could take that money and increase my wealth. I used to not think that made me smart, but apparently it does, especially after reading all these comments from Dembots that somehow thing it's not smart to follow the tax code, and increase their wealth

Very few of them pay taxes.

Within Ireland's taxation system, the most distinctive element is the ratio of net Personal Income taxes on higher earners versus lower earners, which is called progressivity. In 2016, the OECD ranked Irish personal taxation as the 2nd most progressive tax system in the OECD, with the top 10% of earners paying 60% of taxes.

The top 10% pay only 60% of the taxes?

In America it's 74%

The top 10 percent of earners paid 74 percent of all income taxes

When they have all the money they should pay 74%. Do you realize that they have so much money that they pay a smaller percent of taxes on their money and still pay 74%? The middle class and poor will pay more taxes if you give us a bigger percent. Please?
Paye workers pay the largest share of income tax in Ireland and although public servants make up only 16% of the total workforce, they pay 34% of all PAYE collected.

They must be paying their public servants really high wages.
Or most of the people in Ireland are poor. Very few rich people have all the money???
Boy are you wrong about that.

A single taxpayer who earns €43,200 a year will have their tax calculated as follows: The standard rate band for a single taxpayer is €40,000. This means that the first €40,000 is taxed at the standard rate of tax, 20%, and the remainder (€3,200) is taxed at the higher rate of tax, 40%.

So if you want to do it like Ireland, your taxes have to go up because the rich and corporations don't pay any.

Boy are you wrong about that.


You don't need to argue with me, you need to argue with your source.
The top 10% pay only 60% of the taxes?

In America it's 74%

The top 10 percent of earners paid 74 percent of all income taxes

When they have all the money they should pay 74%. Do you realize that they have so much money that they pay a smaller percent of taxes on their money and still pay 74%? The middle class and poor will pay more taxes if you give us a bigger percent. Please?

The top 10% pay only 60% of the taxes?

In America it's 74%

That's outrageous!!!!

Leftists have always said the rich don't pay their fair share in America.

Are the leftists fucking morons or fucking liars?

Do you realize that they have so much money that they pay a smaller percent of taxes on their money and still pay 74%?

IF the wealthy deliberately underfunded the IRS, it would be wealthy people in Congress. Since you say you have a business, which deductions did you NOT take because you felt the IRS was not getting their fair share?

Years ago, I was told that if you have a hobby, turn it into a business and make it tax deductible. I did that, and now my hobby is tax deductible and loses money every year, by virtue of my being able to deduct 1/3 of my rent and utilities, all my equipment, fabrics and material as a business expense, and travel to elite skating competitions as "promotion".

Every legal loophole possible.
Turns out he does much more than that. We all need to apologize to Hillary she was right

A jury has found two Trump Organization companies guilty on multiple charges of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records connected to a 15-year scheme to defraud tax authorities by failing to report and pay taxes on compensation for top executives. The Trump Corp. and Trump Payroll Corp.

This isn't smart it's criminal.
/——/ What do two crooks have to do with Trump? Guilt by association??
Does your company pay for your kids private school instead of pay you $ in order to avoid paying taxes? That's compensation. That's what Trump Corp did and it's illegal.
/——/ My employer paid for my college education. Perfectly legal.
I took advantage of every part of the tax code to ensure I paid as little in taxes as possible and max out my profits last year, so I could take that money and increase my wealth. I used to not think that made me smart, but apparently it does, especially after reading all these comments from Dembots that somehow thing it's not smart to follow the tax code, and increase their wealth

There wasn't a single leftist in this thread that said anything of the kind. We all take every legal deduction possible.

0ne of my friends told me she slept well at night because she if Rev Canada came calling, she had nothing to fear. Her accountant saw to it that they took every deduction possible and their business paid the least amount of tax possible. He even deducted her show horses as a business expense [they sold horse trailers]. ut she knew that he was 100% honest, and would never do anything shady or illegal. Rev Canada audited and the only thing they found was one sale on December 31st, that was included in the next year's sales.
There wasn't a single leftist in this thread that said anything of the kind. We all take every legal deduction possible.

0ne of my friends told me she slept well at night because she if Rev Canada came calling, she had nothing to fear. Her accountant saw to it that they took every deduction possible and their business paid the least amount of tax possible. He even deducted her show horses as a business expense [they sold horse trailers]. ut she knew that he was 100% honest, and would never do anything shady or illegal. Rev Canada audited and the only thing they found was one sale on December 31st, that was included in the next year's sales.
yeah every dembot on this thread said what i said when they attacked trumpnfor his comment
They were in his employ, and the crimes they were committing were done with his knowledge, at his behest and personally profited Donald Trump as the owner of the corporation.
/——-/ You have no proof Trump knew. Why would he risk his business to help two crooked employees rip others off? So, every CEO should be jailed when an employee is caught stealing?
No. You just hate Trump.
They were defunded so much a few years ago that they didn't have enough agents to go after guys like Trump, who are difficult to audit. So they left millionaires and billionaires alone for like 7 years. And no doubt billionaires knew this and they didnt' pay $1 trillion dollars a year in taxes. That's $7 trillion dollars they owe us. Put it towards the debt or funding social security.
Well, typically, the IRS can go back 3 years to audit. For some dumbass reason you feel they would pay down the debt, or even better, put it towards social security? Damn, you are some special stupid.
Years ago, I was told that if you have a hobby, turn it into a business and make it tax deductible. I did that, and now my hobby is tax deductible and loses money every year, by virtue of my being able to deduct 1/3 of my rent and utilities, all my equipment, fabrics and material as a business expense, and travel to elite skating competitions as "promotion".

Every legal loophole possible.
You bet, it must be totally different when you take advantage of those loopholes....dumbass.
/——/ My employer paid for my college education. Perfectly legal.

Your employer paid for your college education to enjoy the benefits of your skills. I’m willing to bet that you have to pay back at least a portion of your tuition if you failed to remain with your employer for a specific length of time.
yeah every dembot on this thread said what i said when they attacked trumpnfor his comment

Trump wasn’t attacked for his comment. Trump was attacked because it was a lie. He wasn’t being “smart”, he was lying and evading taxes. That’s not “smart” that’s “criminal”.

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