Not Sure What To Do With the Homeless?

Fortunately a lawsuit is pending:

Civil libertarians say the plan that City Council adopted unanimously last week violates their protections of equal treatment under the law and their freedom of assembly.

Perhaps the most controversial feature of the plan involves increasing police patrols in a 36-block business district and at the riverfront shelter to direct the homeless there for help. If they refuse, they could be arrested under a range of public nuisance laws that include loitering, public intoxication, public urination, aggressive panhandling or trespassing.

“I was concerned that it is criminalizing homelessness,” said Sue Berkowitz of the Appleseed center. “People could be targeted and made a suspect class because they’re walking down the street.”

Susan Dunn, the legal director for the state’s Charleston-based ACLU chapter, shares the same concerns.

“Police are not supposed to coerce people into behavior,” Dunn said. “The whole nexus of the relationship between law enforcement and the citizen is that ... they have to have reasonable suspicion of a crime.

“The underlying design is that they want the homeless not to be visible in downtown Columbia,” Dunn said. “You can shuttle them somewhere or you can go to jail. That’s, in fact, an abuse of power.”

Columbia homelessness plan draws heated criticism, threat of lawsuits | Local News | The State
Do what Columbia, SC has done. Ban them. It is now illegal to be homeless in Columbia, SC. If I were homeless in Columbia, I'd make sure they arrested me and jailed me on a regular basis. Free food and a free pad. Who could ask for more?

South Carolina City Bans Homeless People - AOL On

That's not what it says. They are only banned from the DOWNTOWN BUSINESS AREA.

As for the homeless in my town, I say run them out of town...completely.

And this viewpoint was reinforced yesterday when neighbors called me at home to let me know that a homeless man was defecating in front of my house. I went outside and he had taken a shit in front of my house, right up by the cedar fence my husband and I constructed with our own hands. He had left his shitty toilet paper laying in my driveway.

Neighbors pointed him out, he was walking away with two buddies. I yelled after them and let them know I would be calling the cops from now on if I saw them loitering anywhere nearby. One of them yelled back, "Call the cops! Go ahead!" I assured them I would, but not when they were expecting it.

Shitting in front of people's houses, leaving shitty toilet paper in people's driveways, don't even have the dignity to find a private spot somewhere. What if a child got that on them? Scum. Run them out of town.
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I think we should pass a law that all the homeless advocates have to take one homeless person into their homes.
I think we should pass a law that all the homeless advocates have to take one homeless person into their homes.

I will agree to that as long as the anti abortionists have to adopt at least one unwanted child.
Did anyone ever consider that the vast majority of homeless people aren't there because of bad decisions or being mentally handicapped?

Most of the homelessness in this country was caused by Wall St., and the way they blew up the housing bubble.

Sorry....................but greed has more to do with poverty in this country than anything else.
95% of the homeless in my town are homeless because they choose to stay drunk on their asses every possible minute rather than doing anything constructive with their lives.

And I actually understand this because I am an alcoholic and went through a phase of my life where my next drink was more important than just about anything else. I guess I was lucky in that I didn't have to end up laying in my own puke out on the streets in order to "hit bottom" and turn my life around.
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95% of the homeless in my town are homeless because they choose to stay drunk on their asses every possible minute rather than doing anything constructive with their lives.

And I actually understand this because I am an alcoholic and went through a phase of my life where my next drink was more important than just about anything else. I guess I was lucky in that I didn't have to end up laying in my own puke out on the streets in order to "hit bottom" and turn my life around.

You said that it was 95 percent.

Got any links to back that up?

I'm guessing that the drunks make up only around 10 to 15 percent.

But...................I'd really like to see the links you have that state 95 percent of the homeless are because they're drunks.

BTW..................ever heard about the homeless Veterans?

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