“Nothing To Do With Man” – Astrophysicist Says Climate-Cultists “Are On A Gravy Train” To Make Money

The bribe money flowing to people who will say whatever the fossil fuel companies want. See, for example, Willie Soon or Judith Curry.

Piers Corbyn is more well known for being an antivaxxer crank. Yes, his stoopid is well-rounded.
So all the "climate scientists" are on the government tit sucking Climate cult gravy train?

There are hundreds of billions of dollars of government money going to subsidize the climate cult. At most there is a few million funding climate skeptics. I'm sure that the climate cult is doing everything it can to smear Piers Corbyn. The ad hominem is their favorite argument.
Science is science. Or, to put it another way, a astrophysicist is qualified to teach any climatology class there is. Undergrad, Graduate level, it doesn't matter.

But climatology is a soft science. That means they ARE NOT qualified to teach Graduate level astrophysics.


Natural science needs first of all a solide knowledge in the spiritual science mathematics. The strange thing: It exists an hierarchy in the way physics -> chemistry -> biology -> psychology -> sociology. Or with other words: From the big bang to an intelligent species whith much more degrees of freedom. Human beings do a lot of things - for example musics and arts - and human beings also made mathematics. And this form to think made it possible to make natural science and to find this out what I said here. So your simplifying sentence "science is science" is anything else than clear. Someone has to learn really a lot if he only likes to use the methods and instruments of a special science - and someone has to know much more to interpret all this results for science in total. Climatology needs in this context many excellent scientists and mathematicians. But one thing existst for sure not in this hierarchies. A "soft" science. I don't know who is Piers Corbyn - but what he said was just simple stupid. Oh by the way: Scientists are not only scientists - they are also human beings like all others. And whatever you will ask a human being - a human being will always have an opinion.
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Of what? Failed technology that is making YOUR life worse?

Wake up silly boy. You are going to get to live in a third world shithole. I have spent years in them, I know what they are like.

That's why I have spent two decades making sure that my property is protected from idiots.

Like you.
I'm sorry, what were we talking about?
The astrophysicist instead believes that changes in the Earth’s climate and its weather are dictated primarily by cyclical activity on the surface of the sun (and not, pointedly, by the effects of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere).
Then he should go brush up on the research. As it turns out, someone else thought of that possibility long before he did.
“Nothing To Do With Man”

This message expresses here by the way the moral opinion: "If something is not my fault then I have not any duty to do something". This moral statement remembers me to something what had happend some long years ago in Austria or Switzerland. Some foreigners - could be they had been Americans - were on a bridge when a big wave of water came down from the mountains. They had been fascinated and took their smart phones and filmed this natural spectacle. Local people who were a little far tried to warn them. They shouted and gesticulated they should run and leave the bridge. But they did not understand. Suddenly they noticed they saw not a film about water in a TV - this was a real wave of dirty water. When they started to run it was to late. They all died.
For an astrophysics you are extremely stupid Mr. Piers Corbyn - or what do you say about the climate on planet Venus which is dominated from the greenhouse gas CO2 ? Sure is the sun an important factor - but it exist much more factors which have to be in balance. The current mass extinction of life on Earth and the current climate change are man made. And not to know everything in this context means not that "lazybonism" and "ignorancism" are ways how to solve problems in the category "Worst case scenario: bye bye mankind!"

Here the CO2-level during the last 420,000 years:

CO 2 levels have been much higher than today without it being hotter than today.

Explain that.
Science is science. Or, to put it another way, a astrophysicist is qualified to teach any climatology class there is. Undergrad, Graduate level, it doesn't matter.

But climatology is a soft science. That means they ARE NOT qualified to teach Graduate level astrophysics.

Owlgore is the MMGW Cult’s God.

’nuff said.
No, its not and that you say that shows you have an abject ignorance of where science has taken us. 'Science' is a process. Astrophysicist is a specialty field. This is like asking a car mechanic to fix an F-15. They know jack shit about jets. An astrophysicist knows jack shit about climate.
Owlgore has a journalism degree, Simp.
By shutting down energy production here and transferring that wealth to other countries by buying oil from them. It is not hard to figure out.
Energy production has been shut down? From what I can see we’re still pumping in the US, so what’s up with the fairy stories?
CO 2 levels have been much higher than today without it being hotter than today.

Explain that.

Read what I wrote here. Not so in the last 420,000 years. So it is impossible that the sun is the reason for this what happens now.

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