“Nothing To Do With Man” – Astrophysicist Says Climate-Cultists “Are On A Gravy Train” To Make Money

No, its not and that you say that shows you have an abject ignorance of where science has taken us. 'Science' is a process. Astrophysicist is a specialty field. This is like asking a car mechanic to fix an F-15. They know jack shit about jets. An astrophysicist knows jack shit about climate.
A car mechanic knows a lot more than you give him credit for. Is he qualified to fix a jet? Probably not. But he would know more than me or you how mechanical things work and understand the process a lot better than most people who have never studied mechanics. Likewise an astrophysicist is not a climatologist, but he knows something about climate and he knows a LOT about science and the processes used to study it and how the scientific community operates and what drives it.

And I would guess he knows a hell of lot more about climate than I do, or you do.
There are only so many jobs with oil companies. The average climate scientist earns roughly $90k which isn't peanuts and most work for scientific research groups, universities, government and such.
Not necessarily jobs, per se. They’ll pay people to NOT talk.
A car mechanic knows a lot more than you give him credit for. Is he qualified to fix a jet? Probably not. But he would know more than me or you how mechanical things work and understand the process a lot better than most people who have never studied mechanics. Likewise an astrophysicist is not a climatologist, but he knows something about climate and he knows a LOT about science and the processes used to study it and how the scientific community operates and what drives it.

And I would guess he knows a hell of lot more about climate than I do, or you do.
No the mechanic would not. I know, I actually am an aircraft mechanic. It does not give me any insight on cars beyond what the average joe can get by tinkering with random machines and is not relevant to a HIGHLY specialized field. He will know more about reading a paper properly. He will know more about the process. He WILL NOT know enough to make a qualified statement about it. That is just a fact.

And anyone that has ever talked to anyone that actually is highly specialized knows that the first thing out of their mouth, if they are honest, when talking about another field is that it is not their specialty so they are not qualified to remark about it as an authority.

It is ALWAYS some rando dude that is not even in a related field that is brought up in these discussions. It shows how monumentally weak the counter argument is. An astrophysicist is not even in a remotely related field. The car mechanic is at least related to the aircraft mechanic. This is much more like my original comparison or a geologist commenting on how a biologist is incorrect about germ theory of disease. It is laughable.

I do not mind people in other fields making comments or challenging the consensus. That is a good thing. The problem is when people like the OP take credentials in another field that has no insight on the one being discussed and act like that even remotely qualifies them in any shape or form. It does not, period.
No the mechanic would not. I know, I actually am an aircraft mechanic. It does not give me any insight on cars beyond what the average joe can get by tinkering with random machines and is not relevant to a HIGHLY specialized field. He will know more about reading a paper properly. He will know more about the process. He WILL NOT know enough to make a qualified statement about it. That is just a fact.

And anyone that has ever talked to anyone that actually is highly specialized knows that the first thing out of their mouth, if they are honest, when talking about another field is that it is not their specialty so they are not qualified to remark about it as an authority.

It is ALWAYS some rando dude that is not even in a related field that is brought up in these discussions. It shows how monumentally weak the counter argument is. An astrophysicist is not even in a remotely related field. The car mechanic is at least related to the aircraft mechanic. This is much more like my original comparison or a geologist commenting on how a biologist is incorrect about germ theory of disease. It is laughable.

I do not mind people in other fields making comments or challenging the consensus. That is a good thing. The problem is when people like the OP take credentials in another field that has no insight on the one being discussed and act like that even remotely qualifies them in any shape or form. It does not, period.
Well my auto mechanic knows a lot about how mechanical things work. I would hope as an aircraft mechanic you know a lot about how mechanical things work. You probably can't do each other's jobs, but I would hope you would understand a lot about each other's jobs. If you don't, I wouldn't want either of you working on anything I had to depend on.

And if you think an astrophysicist doesn't know anything about science or how scientific research is done, there is nothing I can say to convince you. I just happen to be in a position that I know a little something about that, but oh well. Have a good night.
Well my auto mechanic knows a lot about how mechanical things work. I would hope as an aircraft mechanic you know a lot about how mechanical things work. You probably can't do each other's jobs, but I would hope you would understand a lot about each other's jobs. If you don't, I wouldn't want either of you working on anything I had to depend on.
Then you inherently misunderstand how different the two machines are. They have nothing to do with each other. Even the manuals read and are organized in a manner that is totally different.
And if you think an astrophysicist doesn't know anything about science or how scientific research is done, there is nothing I can say to convince you. I just happen to be in a position that I know a little something about that, but oh well. Have a good night.
I did not say that. As a matter of fact I said the EXACT opposite. What I DID say is that understanding grants them exactly zero expertise in a field they are not even remotely related to.

Again, sticking to this silly notion just makes your arguments look very, very weak.
No, its not and that you say that shows you have an abject ignorance of where science has taken us. 'Science' is a process. Astrophysicist is a specialty field. This is like asking a car mechanic to fix an F-15. They know jack shit about jets. An astrophysicist knows jack shit about climate.

I have a PhD in geology. Geology is what is called an exact, or hard science. Climatology is an INEXACT science, or a soft science.

I suggest you read up on the differences.

You are exposing your scientific illiteracy for all to see.
No the mechanic would not. I know, I actually am an aircraft mechanic. It does not give me any insight on cars beyond what the average joe can get by tinkering with random machines and is not relevant to a HIGHLY specialized field. He will know more about reading a paper properly. He will know more about the process. He WILL NOT know enough to make a qualified statement about it. That is just a fact.

And anyone that has ever talked to anyone that actually is highly specialized knows that the first thing out of their mouth, if they are honest, when talking about another field is that it is not their specialty so they are not qualified to remark about it as an authority.

It is ALWAYS some rando dude that is not even in a related field that is brought up in these discussions. It shows how monumentally weak the counter argument is. An astrophysicist is not even in a remotely related field. The car mechanic is at least related to the aircraft mechanic. This is much more like my original comparison or a geologist commenting on how a biologist is incorrect about germ theory of disease. It is laughable.

I do not mind people in other fields making comments or challenging the consensus. That is a good thing. The problem is when people like the OP take credentials in another field that has no insight on the one being discussed and act like that even remotely qualifies them in any shape or form. It does not, period.

If you are truly an A&P then yeah, you can repair cars. The skill sets are similar. I know this for a fact because I have been working with A&Ps for decades at the air races. My friend is the FBO at Stead, and they can repair anything mechanical from a two stroke drone engine to a jet engine in a Mig 21.
Then you inherently misunderstand how different the two machines are. They have nothing to do with each other. Even the manuals read and are organized in a manner that is totally different.

I did not say that. As a matter of fact I said the EXACT opposite. What I DID say is that understanding grants them exactly zero expertise in a field they are not even remotely related to.

Again, sticking to this silly notion just makes your arguments look very, very weak.

That is pure unadulterated bullshit. Like I said, science is science. We use the same methods, and systems.

What you are describing are high priests spreading the scriptures....which is ridiculous.
Thread summary:

"Cult crank on the fossil fuel payroll babbles conspiracy to keep his fossil fuel gravy train going. Fascist cult losers lap it up. Film at 11".
What the fuck is the "fossil fuel gravy train?" Produce a product that people need is a "gravy train?" I suppose from the perspective of the climate cult it is since they produce nothing anyone wants.

I know much more about climate science than that idjit. Way, way more. It's not because I'm that brilliant. It's because, like all deniers, he's a cult imbecile.
The problem is that everything you know is wrong.

Follow the money. All of the corrupting bribe money goes to the deniers, which is why all the fraud, moral filth and crank cult pseudoscience comes from the denier side.
ROFL! You can count the AGW sceptics getting paid on your fingers. On the other hand, there are thousands and thousands of climate cult members on the government payroll

Anyways, shouldn't you Trump cult fascist losers be out trying to overthrow democracy, helping DearLeader send classified info to our enemies, and running cover for the RussoNazis in Ukraine? Lying about climate is so 2010's for conservatives. Climate lying is your parents' conspiracy theory, and is quite uncool. Come up with something more modern.

Standard gratuitous insults in place of an argument.
No, its not and that you say that shows you have an abject ignorance of where science has taken us. 'Science' is a process. Astrophysicist is a specialty field. This is like asking a car mechanic to fix an F-15. They know jack shit about jets. An astrophysicist knows jack shit about climate.
ROFL! The idea that so-called "climate scientists" have access to some kind of special knowledge doesn't pass the laugh test.
It's about time someone in the AGW industry exposed the truth. AGW is a scheme for politicians and bureaucrats to generate revenue by scaring the public.
This year's heat waves and subsequent droughts resulted in the hottest summer in recorded European history, according to a report by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) - an EU-funded Earth observation agency.
“We’ve not only had record August temperatures for Europe, but also for the summer, with the previous summer record only being one year old,” said Freja Vamborg, a senior scientist at the Copernicus Climate Change Service.
Of course, this 'record' heat in the summer has prompted activists to trot out the same old tropes that this 'confirms climate change' is having a catastrophic effect on the world already. With the energy crisis facing Europe, this is not a particularly comfortable topic as numerous nations abandon - albeit apparently temporarily - their green policies in favor of not letting their citizenry starve or freeze.
Given that it's all 'settled science', the following RT News anchor was probably expecting a rote response to his questions about climate change.
He was in for a big surprise...
Piers Corbyn - physicist, meteorologist, and elder brother of former UK Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn - explained to the shocked RT anchor that the climate "has always been changing, but this has nothing to do with man"
The astrophysicist instead believes that changes in the Earth’s climate and its weather are dictated primarily by cyclical activity on the surface of the sun (and not, pointedly, by the effects of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere).

"Surely man has something to with this," exclaims the struggling new anchor, to which Corbyn responds:

The frustrated anchor falls back to consensus, asking "so how come then that so many climate change scientists disagree with you and they get so much support for that?"
Corbyn's laughing response was straightforward:

Watch the brief interview below:

Finally, we note that in former UK PM Boris Johnson once lauded Corbyn as “the world’s foremost meteorological soothsayer”.
We suspect this is the last time Mr.Corbyn will be allowed on TV...
I have a PhD in geology. Geology is what is called an exact, or hard science.
Geology as you learned it is stamp collecting.

You're not qualified to teach a Womyn's Studies class, much less an actual science class.

I will single out physics as something you suck especially hard at, even by denier standards.

Climatology is an INEXACT science, or a soft science.

Climatology _is_ physics. Everyone in the field has an atmospheric physics degree.

Sweet Jeebus, you're a stupid cultist.
What the fuck is the "fossil fuel gravy train?"
The bribe money flowing to people who will say whatever the fossil fuel companies want. See, for example, Willie Soon or Judith Curry.

Piers Corbyn is more well known for being an antivaxxer crank. Yes, his stoopid is well-rounded.
Then you inherently misunderstand how different the two machines are. They have nothing to do with each other. Even the manuals read and are organized in a manner that is totally different.

I did not say that. As a matter of fact I said the EXACT opposite. What I DID say is that understanding grants them exactly zero expertise in a field they are not even remotely related to.

Again, sticking to this silly notion just makes your arguments look very, very weak.
You inherently missed the point I made. It's okay. I get that a lot from those who disagree with me. Do have a great day.

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