“Nothing To Do With Man” – Astrophysicist Says Climate-Cultists “Are On A Gravy Train” To Make Money

I would agree with that, but so many lefties are against nuclear energy. Why do we only have one plant here in california built decades ago? I cant remember the last time a governor mentioned building another one. Could have but he decided to go with a HS rail system.
San Onofre had to closed due to cracked pipes they couldn't replace.
Sustainable energy is the fastest growing field for job creation. Enjoy that unemployment line.

For temporary construction jobs. Why don't you ever research what your heroes tell you?

The facts are that windmills and solar, as the technology currently sits, are losers.
I would agree with that, but so many lefties are against nuclear energy. Why do we only have one plant here in california built decades ago? I cant remember the last time a governor mentioned building another one. Could have but he decided to go with a HS rail system.
Fusion isn’t your father’s nuclear energy.
Sensible folks need only look at the endless failed predictions over the last three decades to see this whole 'climate' nonsense is utter trash. Sadly it takes a decade or more for most people to wake up, but most will. Only the morons who are true believers, like the cultist nutjobs they are, keep hounding on the topic decade after decade.
Nuclear energy is superior to all other forms. It's a good gap filler for clean coal. And no exhaust. Creating clean energy costs less than dirty energy.
Fusion isn’t your father’s nuclear energy.

people would rather build windmills, than put down research for fusion though. I havent heard anyone pushing for new nuclear in our government. maybe Trump, but he was busy constantly being impeached.


Of what? Failed technology that is making YOUR life worse?

Wake up silly boy. You are going to get to live in a third world shithole. I have spent years in them, I know what they are like.

That's why I have spent two decades making sure that my property is protected from idiots.

Like you.
Sensible folks need only look at the endless failed predictions over the last three decades to see this whole 'climate' nonsense is utter trash. Sadly it takes a decade or more for most people to wake up, but most will. Only the morons who are true believers, like the cultist nutjobs they are, keep hounding on the topic decade after decade.
The ice caps should be gone and NYC should be under water. :laughing0301:
Climate is a huge money maker.

All you need to do to earn grant money for climate research is do some research and even if your results are inconclusive, you get to keep the grant money. Politicians and groups also pay to get results they want to support their cause which in turn gets donations for stopping climate change. Politicians also use it to further agendas and use it as a platform to run on.

Even benefits for climate change are in existence to make money. Who do you think pays the organizers? The caterers? Limo Drivers? Pays for the bracelets? Rent the venue? And so on? The people who make the donations. Donations come in, everyone gets paid and whats left over is used for whatever. None of its free.
He's not wrong but I bet he's left holding the shitty end of the stick when it comes to grant money.....It looks like he can't even afford a comb, much less a haircut.
Piers Corbyn has done okay as his net worth is estimated between $1 and $5 million, and that is without selling his soul on the altar of climate change. He's dead right that a large chunk of the scientific community do sell out their integrity to get their share of lucrative grant monies. Should they admit that human kind has little or nothing to do with climate change, that grant money goes away fast.

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