'NOTHING TO SEE HERE - MOVE ALONG!' Paterson, NJ, to hold new election in City Council race marred by voter fraud charges

Somehow, we've all been lulled into accepting that the only thing that counts is winning.
Having watched three years of machinations by the Deep State, Hillary's allies, no one with any sense or knowledge expects any lull in the assault on Trump and America by the Democrats.

The most recent campaign was a combination of anti-business executive orders and regulations, loosely aimed at preventing the spread of the Chinese virus, and letting the dogs out by Democrat encouragemment of the ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter thugs and other 'Baker Street Irregulars,' and their allies in the teacher's unions designed to keep kids home so parents can't go back to work.
This in the hopes of erasing Trump's amazing accomplishments with the economy.

The next facet of the multi-pronged attack on Trump and America, is the plan to have the election by the easily manipulated mail-in balloting.
Which brings us to the sort of news article we had best all be prepared for.

From the Washington Post:

"New election ordered in New Jersey council race over fraud charges

New election ordered over fraud charges

A judge has ruled that a new election will be held in November for a disputed Paterson City Council seat, just weeks after the race’s apparent winner and a sitting councilman were charged with voter fraud.
State Superior Court Judge Ernest Caposela issued his ruling Wednesday.
Alex Mendez had won a special election on May 12 to fill the seat, but claims of voter fraud were soon raised. An investigation was then launched after the U.S. Postal Service’s law enforcement arm told the state attorney general’s office about hundreds of mail-in ballots located in a mailbox in Paterson, along with more found in nearby Haledon.

Ultimately, the Passaic County Board of Elections decided not to count 800 ballots cast in the race."

Too bad the Republican side isn't nearly as good as this sort of thing, I suppose.
This is an example of psychosis.
We know what we see.
Somehow, we've all been lulled into accepting that the only thing that counts is winning.
Having watched three years of machinations by the Deep State, Hillary's allies, no one with any sense or knowledge expects any lull in the assault on Trump and America by the Democrats.

The most recent campaign was a combination of anti-business executive orders and regulations, loosely aimed at preventing the spread of the Chinese virus, and letting the dogs out by Democrat encouragemment of the ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter thugs and other 'Baker Street Irregulars,' and their allies in the teacher's unions designed to keep kids home so parents can't go back to work.
This in the hopes of erasing Trump's amazing accomplishments with the economy.

The next facet of the multi-pronged attack on Trump and America, is the plan to have the election by the easily manipulated mail-in balloting.
Which brings us to the sort of news article we had best all be prepared for.

From the Washington Post:

"New election ordered in New Jersey council race over fraud charges

New election ordered over fraud charges

A judge has ruled that a new election will be held in November for a disputed Paterson City Council seat, just weeks after the race’s apparent winner and a sitting councilman were charged with voter fraud.
State Superior Court Judge Ernest Caposela issued his ruling Wednesday.
Alex Mendez had won a special election on May 12 to fill the seat, but claims of voter fraud were soon raised. An investigation was then launched after the U.S. Postal Service’s law enforcement arm told the state attorney general’s office about hundreds of mail-in ballots located in a mailbox in Paterson, along with more found in nearby Haledon.

Ultimately, the Passaic County Board of Elections decided not to count 800 ballots cast in the race."

Too bad the Republican side isn't nearly as good as this sort of thing, I suppose.
Too bad we don't have a more fool proof system since 2000. It is a new millennium.
It is just one city council election, in one Democrat run city, and it involved four Democrats charged with fraud in the election, and nearly a thousand votes tossed.
I think you might be overlooking the point.

We’ve had thousands and thousands of elections in thousands of cities with thousands of candidates.

And ONE was bad?

Sounds like a pretty good success story to me.


"28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last Four Elections

Between 2012 and 2018, 28.3 million mail-in ballots remain unaccounted for, according to data from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The missing ballots amount to nearly one in five of all absentee ballots and ballots mailed to voters residing in states that do elections exclusively by mail.

States and local authorities simply have no idea what happened to these ballots since they were mailed – and the figure of 28 million missing ballots is likely even higher because some areas in the country, notably Chicago, did not respond to the federal agency’s survey questions. This figure does not include ballots that were spoiled, undeliverable, or came back for any reason."
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last Four Elections | RealClearPolitics

Tell me what should bother me about these “missing ballots”? These are simply ballots that were sent out and never returned.

In 2016, there were about 200 million registered voters and 130 million votes cast. do we say that 70 million voters went missing? Obviously not.

"Tell me what should bother me about these “missing ballots”?"

How about the fact that 28 million Americans were deprived of the franchise.

How about that large numbers of them from certain districts were undoubtedly 'lost' due to the machinations of the Democrat Party?

That doesn't bother you???

Oh.....right.....you're a Democrat.
"What is Ballot Harvesting?
To increase voter participation, various organizations in multiple states have made active and coordinated efforts to collect absentee voters' ballots during elections. Then they drop them off at polling places or election offices.

This practice, known as ballot harvesting, has been effective and, unsurprisingly, has generated controversy.

Some see the practice of ballot harvesting as a voter service that has long-assisted elderly voters and Native American voters living on remote reservations. Others see it is a political tool that can easily lend itself to fraud.

Is Ballot Harvesting Legal?
Although ballot harvesting is legal in some states, it is illegal in others. However, some of the same tactics are used both in states where ballot harvesting is legal and where it is illegal.

This leads ballot harvesting to generate controversy, praise, and criticism from people across the political spectrum. Some practices that are uniformly illegal across the nation include:

  • Filling out a ballot for another voter
  • Intimidating a voter into voting for or against a candidate
  • Influence a voter's decision"
Let's see what the Democrat have planned, and why they are sooooo in favor of mail-in elections.

"Harvesting Votes To Win In 2020

In states with a significant vote by mail component, hijacking mail-in ballots is the tool of choice for those trying to steal elections.

In 18 states, a photo identification is needed to vote on Election Day, with another 17 states requiring at least a non-photo ID. In the 2016 General Election, about a quarter of all the votes cast were by mail. But unlike when voting in person, voting by mail almost never requires an ID.

The ballot can get lost in the mail. The mail-in ballot application can be completed by others, sometimes with false information. Ballots, when they arrive in the mail, can be intercepted by political operators. And, in some cases, largescale fraud can take place where, through nominal gifts of food or alcohol, voter intimidation, or deception, a professional ballot harvester can simply substitute his vote for the voter’s and turn in the ballot. "
The Democrats have done it before, and you can count on it happening again.

United States v. Ike Brown
Brown was the head of the Democratic Party in Noxubee County, a majority black county. The party ran the Democratic primaries, which served as de facto general elections, and Brown made no secret about his desire to see every government office in the county held by a black officeholder. “You ain’t dealing with Mississippi law, this is Ike Brown’s law,” was his motto. Brown organized teams of notary publics to roam the county collecting absentee ballots, the notaries regularly cast the ballots themselves instead of the voters.

a. During one election, teams of federal observers counted hundreds of verified examples of illegal assistance. Brown lawlessly disqualified white candidates from running for office. Ike Brown institutionalized racial lawlessness, and brazenly victimized white voters during the 2003 and 2007 elections. And yet, many in the Voting Section never wanted the Department even to investigate the matter.

b. Hostility pervaded the Voting Section…Some said that unless whites were victims of historic discrimination, they shouldn’t be protected….Because whites were better off than blacks in Mississippi, no lawsuit should be allowed to protect whites, they argued.

c. Before the trial, article after article appeared in the New York Times and other newspapers critical of the decision to bring the Ike Brown case. ABC News presented it as a classic man-bites-dog story. Even National Public Radio traveled to Noxubee to do a story suspicious of the Bush administration’s decision to sue Ike Brown. The benefit of hindsight makes the national media effort to demean the case, and the hostility from the civil rights community, look laughable and petty. We won the case, and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the decision in two historic opinions."
Pajamas Media » PJM Exclusive: Unequal Law Enforcement Reigns at Obama’s DOJ (UPDATED: Adams Discusses this Article on Fox News) exclusive/4/

The system works if they have been caught.
Only a fool thinks we can catch it all.
I see you support defunding the police also.
Why not they can't catch every criminal act or person either including the crimes committed by their own. So let us give up or be a fool to think they can.
Voting should be a fuck of a lot more fail proof than catching all criminals in a nation of our size.
"Whatever these modern Lefties decry they are likely doing. That’s life in the Age of Progressive Projection. The Democrats have perfected the art of vote stealing and ballot hijinx (Old Joke: “My uncle from Chicago was a staunch Republican. Now that he’s dead, he’s been voting Democrat.”), but the story persisting is that it will be the GOP that will somehow turn the union-dominated USPS into its co-conspirator to deny Joe Biden a mail-ballots victory. Either that or delay his monthly shipment of Geritol. Maybe both. "
"NJ Election Invalidated over Rampant Voter Fraud...Which I Was Told Doesn't Happen in the US

Voter fraud really doesn’t happen here. It’s a right-wing talking point. It just doesn’t happen here. These are all the things I’ve heard about voter fraud peddled by Democrats and their allies in the media. Well, in Paterson, New Jersey, it shows that a) voter fraud can happen here; and b) what the 2020 election could look like if this mail-in voting scheme pushed by Democrats over COVID is fully enacted. Folks, we’re heading for a train wreck. The US Postal Service warned at least 40 states that not all of their ballots could be counted in time for the 2020 election (via WaPo):

Anticipating an avalanche of absentee ballots, the U.S. Postal Service recently sent detailed letters to 46 states and D.C. warning that it cannot guarantee all ballots cast by mail for the November election will arrive in time to be counted — adding another layer of uncertainty ahead of the high-stakes presidential contest.
The letters sketch a grim possibility for the tens of millions of Americans eligible for a mail-in ballot this fall: Even if people follow all of their state’s election rules, the pace of Postal Service delivery may disqualify their votes."
As always in election years, the Media pushes the Progressive agenda, often ignoring or misrepresenting facts as it suits their Narrative.

Consider the humble Post Office. It has ALL the resources, all the cash, all the sorting machines, and all the boxes that it could conceivably need to handle the blip in snail mail traffic that the election will entail.

The Progs, with full Media support, have peddled the ridiculous fictions that (a) obsoleting old, unused and unnecessary sorting machines will hamper delivery of mail, (b) the continuation of 10-year-ongoing removal of neighborhood mailboxes - now largely irrelevant since YOUR OWN CARRIER will mail your stuff, every day, for free, so there's no need to even leave your basement to get something mailed - is sabotaging mail deliver FOR THE ELECTION, and (c) Trump's unwillingness to add 25 Billion in bailout funds will slow the mail.

Bullshit, on steroids, yet carried every day as part of the "news."

Also, Trump's warnings about the INEVITABLE problems with universal mail-in balloting are somehow intended to SUPPRESS THE VOTE, and the Media's near unanimous refusal to point out the SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES between ABSENTEE BALLOTS and MAIL-IN BALLOTS.

In total, it doesn't bode well for November. There is NO FUCKING WAY the election will be "over" by Inauguration Day, 2021.
"The closer we get to the general election, the more conspiracy theories we’re bound to see. Making fun of them, however tempting it might be, is the worst possible reaction."

"Conspiracy theories are first and foremost forms of political propaganda. They are designed to denigrate specific individuals or groups or advance a political agenda. The theory that the Clintons were somehow involved in the Epstein suicide denigrates the Clintons. The notion that the US government staged the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School helped the pro-gun lobby to deflect arguments for greater gun control. What better way to pre-empt calls for greater gun control in the wake of a school shooting than to claim that it never happened?"

'Such beliefs promote extreme political agendas and allow governments to dismiss their critics as cranks.'

While PoliticalChic and I disagree on lots, she is a faithful adherent to a political party and ideology I find anti-American. That said the growth of conspiracy thinking in today's so called conservatives astounds me. Franklin said it best, "Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead." But when nothing has to proven anything goes. Sad that the American right and republicans have gone this far off the tracks. Listen to these Qanon as an example.

For the interested reader see here: The Prophecies of Q

Since 9\11 I have seen Americans deny the laws of science and nature to believe GWB as he said you are either with us or against us. We are a stupid bunch.
Voter fraud really doesn’t happen here. It’s a right-wing talking point. It just doesn’t happen here. These are all the things I’ve heard about voter fraud peddled by Democrats and their allies in the media.

Well, in Paterson, New Jersey, it shows that a) voter fraud can happen here; and b) what the 2020 election could look like if this mail-in voting scheme pushed by Democrats over COVID is fully enacted. Folks, we’re heading for a train wreck. The US Postal Service warned at least 40 states that not all of their ballots could be counted in time for the 2020 election


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