Notice it does not say "all straight men are created equal"

Notice it does not say "all straight men are created equal"

It does not say any men are created equal. That is priviilege enjoyed primarily by Americans. Enjoy it.
All men are not created equal, some of us are much more well endowed than others.
Apparently, I should be ashamed.

How does one go about doing that?
Well, I have; and then I was ashamed. But I can't do it at the insistence of others. It seems a bit bizarre.
"It" also says "Created".

Are we being selective in our word preferences?
Apparently, I should be ashamed.

How does one go about doing that?

Nah,,,, repentant works. Not thinking one is is the cat's meow helps. Having a conciousnes of ones mortality and severly linited scope on the planet goes a long way.
using the bible or any other crazy old book written by sociopaths from days of yore
to argue for or against gay rights is silly
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