Nov 9: National Day of Mourning

The country is losing either way this goes.
There you go again...riding that fence high on better watch your speed..

Clearly of the two assholes, one is better than the other. One has been in politics nearly her entire career and has a long list of corrupt criminal actions. The other never in politics and has run a successful business for decades, but has a tendency to say dumb things.

Trump said....Trump said....Trump said....

Cankles DID!!!
And again, you have it precisely backwards. No high horse for me or for a majority of the country. You partisans have a 50/50 chance of winning, of doing the Happy Dance, of rubbing it in everyone's faces.

The rest of us are getting our asses kicked. We're having to deal with the abominations you two "major" parties barfed onto us. We're having to deal with the two ends of the spectrum screaming and not listening, convinced that you alone have all the answers.

I actually WISH that I were on a high horse, so I wouldn't have stand in the crap.
Most people are not partisan because they don't know what's going on. They are mostly fed news from the Democrat media outlets. Furthermore, like I and numerous others have told your bullheaded highly sensitive ass, it isn't a party issue for many but ideological. I am a conservative, not a Republican. Even so many in the party are divided and not the monochromatic voice you envision.

I have no fucking idea why you are even here except to shit shit in every direction to feel superior somehow.

And the proof of that is how an ass clown of epic proportions
is this close to winning says a lot about the mood of the country.

View attachment 96806

Corruption may send thrills up your leg, but much of the country is fed up with the open and incessant corruption of the last 8 years. Putting the Mafia directly in charge of the nation is a poor choice.
The country is losing either way this goes.
There you go again...riding that fence high on better watch your speed..

Clearly of the two assholes, one is better than the other. One has been in politics nearly her entire career and has a long list of corrupt criminal actions. The other never in politics and has run a successful business for decades, but has a tendency to say dumb things.

Trump said....Trump said....Trump said....

Cankles DID!!!
And again, you have it precisely backwards. No high horse for me or for a majority of the country. You partisans have a 50/50 chance of winning, of doing the Happy Dance, of rubbing it in everyone's faces.

The rest of us are getting our asses kicked. We're having to deal with the abominations you two "major" parties barfed onto us. We're having to deal with the two ends of the spectrum screaming and not listening, convinced that you alone have all the answers.

I actually WISH that I were on a high horse, so I wouldn't have stand in the crap.
Most people are not partisan because they don't know what's going on. They are mostly fed news from the Democrat media outlets. Furthermore, like I and numerous others have told your bullheaded highly sensitive ass, it isn't a party issue for many but ideological. I am a conservative, not a Republican. Even so many in the party are divided and not the monochromatic voice you envision.

I have no fucking idea why you are even here except to shit shit in every direction to feel superior somehow.
I never intended to get up in your head like this.

Thank goodness your opinion is of no value to me.

Vote Jill Stein, the barely functional lunatic Maoist if you want a leftist dictatorship. BUT the corruption must stop, the Mafia candidate can NOT be allowed to take over the government.
The country is losing either way this goes.
There you go again...riding that fence high on better watch your speed..

Clearly of the two assholes, one is better than the other. One has been in politics nearly her entire career and has a long list of corrupt criminal actions. The other never in politics and has run a successful business for decades, but has a tendency to say dumb things.

Trump said....Trump said....Trump said....

Cankles DID!!!
And again, you have it precisely backwards. No high horse for me or for a majority of the country. You partisans have a 50/50 chance of winning, of doing the Happy Dance, of rubbing it in everyone's faces.

The rest of us are getting our asses kicked. We're having to deal with the abominations you two "major" parties barfed onto us. We're having to deal with the two ends of the spectrum screaming and not listening, convinced that you alone have all the answers.

I actually WISH that I were on a high horse, so I wouldn't have stand in the crap.
Most people are not partisan because they don't know what's going on. They are mostly fed news from the Democrat media outlets. Furthermore, like I and numerous others have told your bullheaded highly sensitive ass, it isn't a party issue for many but ideological. I am a conservative, not a Republican. Even so many in the party are divided and not the monochromatic voice you envision.

I have no fucking idea why you are even here except to shit shit in every direction to feel superior somehow.
I never intended to get up in your head like this.

Thank goodness your opinion is of no value to me.

Which explains why you responded right? And typically you did it in the same manner a pigeon clucks around in victory. Which pretty much sums up your posting history. I essentially called you a dumb fuck know nothing asshole. That doesn't translate to you getting into my head, it just confirms what I said.
The country is losing either way this goes.
There you go again...riding that fence high on better watch your speed..

Clearly of the two assholes, one is better than the other. One has been in politics nearly her entire career and has a long list of corrupt criminal actions. The other never in politics and has run a successful business for decades, but has a tendency to say dumb things.

Trump said....Trump said....Trump said....

Cankles DID!!!
And again, you have it precisely backwards. No high horse for me or for a majority of the country. You partisans have a 50/50 chance of winning, of doing the Happy Dance, of rubbing it in everyone's faces.

The rest of us are getting our asses kicked. We're having to deal with the abominations you two "major" parties barfed onto us. We're having to deal with the two ends of the spectrum screaming and not listening, convinced that you alone have all the answers.

I actually WISH that I were on a high horse, so I wouldn't have stand in the crap.
Most people are not partisan because they don't know what's going on. They are mostly fed news from the Democrat media outlets. Furthermore, like I and numerous others have told your bullheaded highly sensitive ass, it isn't a party issue for many but ideological. I am a conservative, not a Republican. Even so many in the party are divided and not the monochromatic voice you envision.

I have no fucking idea why you are even here except to shit shit in every direction to feel superior somehow.
I never intended to get up in your head like this.

Thank goodness your opinion is of no value to me.

Which explains why you responded right? And typically you did it in the same manner a pigeon clucks around in victory. Which pretty much sums up your posting history. I essentially called you a dumb fuck know nothing asshole. That doesn't translate to you getting into my head, it just confirms what I said.

Bitch, bitch, bitch.

Which explains why you responded right? And typically you did it in the same manner a pigeon clucks around in victory. Which pretty much sums up your posting history. I essentially called you a dumb fuck know nothing asshole. That doesn't translate to you getting into my head, it just confirms what I said.
If the bitch wins, November will break all previous records for gun and ammo sales.

If Trump wins, the stock market will soar.

You choose. But either way, buy Smith and Wesson stock.

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