November Jobs Report Out Now : + 321,0000

Right after Obama and the Democrats lost control of the Senate interesting. The majority of this is likely seasonal hiring which happens every year around this time.

You are just assuming that. Actually the strength of the is the report is the profession and business sector. If the economy continues to improve, and the RE market recovers to even near 2006 levels....the GOP will have a hard time convincing anyone to turn the clock back to a Bush era....meaning Jeb.

So let me get this right:

It's all Bush's fault that the economy unraveled starting with the Democrats taking the House and Senate, but then it's all to Obama's credit that the unemployment trend declined when the Republicans took the House, and the recovery that we're now in is due to increased domestic fossil fuel production that Obama said he was going to stop?

I get that shrewd politicians adjust, but doesn't this show that the guy you voted for is successful for not doing what he promised to do?
Once again, part time, temporary seasonal hiring is being touted as good paying permanent jobs created by the progtards giving the kenyan credit, even though they can point to nothing in particular Barry did to create these jobs.

More delusion and lying from the left.
Shh. They don't want anyone to know that.

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