November Jobs Report Out Now : + 321,0000

The extreme drop in crude oil BBL prices from $115 to $66 means that the retailers are probably going to have the biggest shopping season since Bush fucked up everything for everybody in 2008.

Bush didn't fuck things up. He just heard about it on the news. He was really mad about it and was going to get to the bottom of it. Besides, the Democrats in congress cut funding and caused it all in the first place. They're at fault. If they would just work with Bush instead of obstructing everything he tried to do we wouldn't have had the worse recession since the Great Depression.
One of the reasons for the constant jobs increases is that Obama has increased oil production in the US which means high paid jobs. I just heard on the news that it has been the equivalent of finding an entire Iraq.

And he didn't kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people to do it.

Thank You Mr. President.
Yeah, that Obama....worst POTUS ever.


'''The US labor market is on fire.
According to the latest report from the BLS, the nonfarm payrolls grew by 321,000 in November, crushing expectations.
This is the biggest single-month gain in payrolls since January 2012.

The unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.8%.

This marks the 10th-straight month that the US economy saw payrolls grow by more than 200,000, the longest streak since 1995.'''
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Why isn't Obama creating higher pay jobs instead of these low wage jobs? The jobs are nice but too many people are needing higher wages. Why isn't he taking care of this issue?

Republicans in congress.

Now that they have the votes, you can say goodbye to all but the minimum wage jobs. If they can do it, we'll be one big Texasss.

Supersize those fries?

Once again, part time, temporary seasonal hiring is being touted as good paying permanent jobs created by the progtards giving the kenyan credit, even though they can point to nothing in particular Barry did to create these jobs.

More delusion and lying from the left.
Yeah, that Obama....worst POTUS ever.


'''The US labor market is on fire.
According to the latest report from the BLS, the nonfarm payrolls grew by 321,000 in November, crushing expectations.
This is the biggest single-month gain in payrolls since January 2012.

The unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.8%.

This marks the 10th-straight month that the US economy saw payrolls grow by more than 200,000, the longest streak since 1995.'''
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Why isn't Obama creating higher pay jobs instead of these low wage jobs? The jobs are nice but too many people are needing higher wages. Why isn't he taking care of this issue?

Maybe we should raise the minimum wage then?
Yeah, that Obama....worst POTUS ever.


'''The US labor market is on fire.
According to the latest report from the BLS, the nonfarm payrolls grew by 321,000 in November, crushing expectations.
This is the biggest single-month gain in payrolls since January 2012.

The unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.8%.

This marks the 10th-straight month that the US economy saw payrolls grow by more than 200,000, the longest streak since 1995.'''
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Why isn't Obama creating higher pay jobs instead of these low wage jobs? The jobs are nice but too many people are needing higher wages. Why isn't he taking care of this issue?

Republicans in congress.

Now that they have the votes, you can say goodbye to all but the minimum wage jobs. If they can do it, we'll be one big Texasss.

Supersize those fries?


Obama is the one creating the jobs, Republicans have nothing to with the jobs, he should be creating higher paying jobs.
Yeah, that Obama....worst POTUS ever.


'''The US labor market is on fire.
According to the latest report from the BLS, the nonfarm payrolls grew by 321,000 in November, crushing expectations.
This is the biggest single-month gain in payrolls since January 2012.

The unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.8%.

This marks the 10th-straight month that the US economy saw payrolls grow by more than 200,000, the longest streak since 1995.'''
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Why isn't Obama creating higher pay jobs instead of these low wage jobs? The jobs are nice but too many people are needing higher wages. Why isn't he taking care of this issue?

Maybe we should raise the minimum wage then?

Maybe Obama, while creating all these jobs, needs to create higher paying jobs. He is responsible for all the new jobs, yet he doesn't create the jobs needed to survive. Why would he create low wage jobs? Doesn't he realize we need more to live off of than the jobs he is creating?
Just in time for the upcoming GOP Congress to take all the credit.

In 2016, how can the GOP convince anyone that they need to go back to the bad old days of a GOP WH? You gotta be kidding me!
Since the majority of the jobs are in the professional and business sector, no, they're not seasonal. Retail was second so, yes, some of those jobs are likely seasonal.

Meanwhile, what are the Repubs doing to create jobs? Jobs bills?


They're threatening to shut down the government again.

That's it. That's all they've got to offer.

Well, that and cutting wages, ending minimum wage, driving more people into poverty.
Once again, part time, temporary seasonal hiring is being touted as good paying permanent jobs created by the progtards giving the kenyan credit, even though they can point to nothing in particular Barry did to create these jobs.

More delusion and lying from the left.
Except the numbers are seasonally adjusted to account for seasonal hiring. The actual change was +497,000, adjusted down to +321,000 to eliminate the effects of seasonal hiring.

The red line is not seasonally adjusted, blue line is seasonally adjusted.
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Once again, part time, temporary seasonal hiring is being touted as good paying permanent jobs created by the progtards giving the kenyan credit, even though they can point to nothing in particular Barry did to create these jobs.

More delusion and lying from the left.
Except the numbers are seasonally adjusted to account for seasonal hiring. The actual change was +497,000, adjusted down to +321,000 to eliminate the effects of seasonal hiring.

The red line is not seasonally adjusted, blue line is seasonally adjusted.
And now lets adjust that to how many people have simply dropped out of the work force and quit looking for a job...

Real unemployment rate is at least 18 percent TheHill

The Real Unemployment Rate and the Dearth of Full-Time Jobs - US News
The TRUTH is FAR less rosy than the LIAR LEFT would have you believe... they LIVE on LIES... but thanks to us CONSERVATIVES, we get the TRUTH out there when we can, like below. Jobs in America PLUNGED after the kenyan took office, and they haven't recovered since... ya... THANKS OBAMA...

Right after Obama and the Democrats lost control of the Senate interesting. The majority of this is likely seasonal hiring which happens every year around this time.

You are just assuming that. Actually the strength of the is the report is the profession and business sector. If the economy continues to improve, and the RE market recovers to even near 2006 levels....the GOP will have a hard time convincing anyone to turn the clock back to a Bush era....meaning Jeb.
Yeah, that Obama....worst POTUS ever.


'''The US labor market is on fire.
According to the latest report from the BLS, the nonfarm payrolls grew by 321,000 in November, crushing expectations.
This is the biggest single-month gain in payrolls since January 2012.

The unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.8%.

This marks the 10th-straight month that the US economy saw payrolls grow by more than 200,000, the longest streak since 1995.'''
Read more:
Seasonally adjusted?


Btw, what law did Obama sign that created this wondrous news? Hmmmmm???
The not seasonally adjusted rate, which you preferred when you posted but now will suddenly reject, is 5.5%
Yeah, that Obama....worst POTUS ever.


'''The US labor market is on fire.
According to the latest report from the BLS, the nonfarm payrolls grew by 321,000 in November, crushing expectations.
This is the biggest single-month gain in payrolls since January 2012.

The unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.8%.

This marks the 10th-straight month that the US economy saw payrolls grow by more than 200,000, the longest streak since 1995.'''
Read more: [URL='[/QUOTE'][/URL]

Why isn't Obama creating higher pay jobs instead of these low wage jobs? The jobs are nice but too many people are needing higher wages. Why isn't he taking care of this issue?
Wages are up, too! Thank you President Obama :)
Once again, part time, temporary seasonal hiring is being touted as good paying permanent jobs created by the progtards giving the kenyan credit, even though they can point to nothing in particular Barry did to create these jobs.

More delusion and lying from the left.
Except the numbers are seasonally adjusted to account for seasonal hiring. The actual change was +497,000, adjusted down to +321,000 to eliminate the effects of seasonal hiring.

The red line is not seasonally adjusted, blue line is seasonally adjusted.
And now lets adjust that to how many people have simply dropped out of the work force and quit looking for a job...
Why would we do that? They tell us nothing about the current month job market. The 9 million people who looked for work from mid-October to mid-November without finding work tell us how hard it was to find a job. The people who haven't done anything to find work earlier don't tell us how hard it was to get a job in November.

While I usually like Dr. Morici, he just made those numbers up. And he made them up back in July, so I'm not sure why you think they're relevent to November. He got his 18% by including those who were not trying to work but claimed they want a job and only stopped looking because they thought they wouldn't find one, including people who have jobs but aren't working as many hours as they would like, adding in people who are going to school but who he says should be looking for work instead, and excluding foreign born workers.

Does that really make sense to you as "real" unemployment?

There was a large drop in full time employment in July (the only time this year for such a large drop) and that's what that article is about.
Right after Obama and the Democrats lost control of the Senate interesting. The majority of this is likely seasonal hiring which happens every year around this time.

You are just assuming that. Actually the strength of the is the report is the profession and business sector. If the economy continues to improve, and the RE market recovers to even near 2006 levels....the GOP will have a hard time convincing anyone to turn the clock back to a Bush era....meaning Jeb.
You mean job hiring does not usually go up during the holiday season? I'm making an observation based on past history.

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