now 2 Dems on Intel Committee say they'd be surprised if Trump crime associates didn't get time

Liberals on Chris Matthews' propaganda show fantasizing about Trump associates going to jail. Now there's something we don't see every day, huh? :lol:
From the same people who told us Trump would never get the nomination and then had no path to the White House.

You might want to trade in your Magic 8 Ball for an order of fries or something
a third intel committee member said she would not be surprised either, but what she was talking about was something on the lines of Tax evasion/Money Laundering.... for the Russians...

tick tick tick

like sand through the hourglass, so will be the days of their sentences

Did you even watch the video you posted? The Dems kept saying "people" might go to jail, not "Trump associates" (despite Wolf Blitzer's best efforts). Does it penetrate your tiny skull that nearly every story concocted by MSNBC has no factual basis?

I was hoping to detect a learning curve on your posts, but have seen nothing so far...
"now 2 Dems on Intel Committee say they'd be surprised if Trump crime associates didn't get time"

There is only 1 problem, you retarded snowflake:

There is no crime.

There was NEVER a crime.

Both the Directors of the FBI & NSA testified there is no evidence of criminal activity, no collusion!

The FBI stated last week, for the 3rd time, that thete is NO evidence to support the snowflake LIE about Russia-Trump collusion.

Both the Directors of the FBI and NSA did testify, however, that the only PROVEN crimes perpetrated to date are the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE facilitated by the Obama administration and perpetrated by Obama holdovers!

And the revelation that Rice, Obama's fellow Benghazi 'protest/video' liar, was involved was the latest bit of this smear campaign's implosion.
Members of the party of hate, division and obstruction on a fake news network saying jail time. Lol. The Democrats have no clue as to how bad they're gonna get their asses kicked in '18. People are sick of their division, hate and obstruction.

The Democrats are a tired old radical party of failed policies and zero ideas or solutions.
Who cares what a few Dems say, they are all liars.

There is zero evidence of any crime having been committed by the Trump staff. The only crimes were the unmasking of Trump staff, the dissemination of that to White House staff members, and the leak of that information to the press.

Dems must now lie and cover their own asses since their corruption has been exposed.

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