Now corporations soon to have "freedom of religion"? Really?

As much as I hate the ACA and its various mandates, the first amendment's religious protections aren't there to grant religious believers special exemptions to the law.
This will be fun with Muslim run FOX.

[ame=]Whatcha talkin bout Willis - YouTube[/ame]

The right wing will slowly turn muslim without a shot being fired. They won't even realize they became what they used to hate. Might take a few years though.
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As much as I hate the ACA and its various mandates, the first amendment's religious protections aren't there to grant religious believers special exemptions to the law.

Quite true, the 1st Amendment is there to prevent everyone, even atheist, from the government. Once you get that through your bias you will see why you should support any and all attempts to restrict government power, even if you disagree with the people who are trying to do it.
Sorry....................corporations AREN'T people.

Yes, they are OWNED by people, but they aren't people in and of themselves, because they are a group of people.

Why should CEO's get an extra vote while ordinary citizens can't? If corporations are people, then that means the CEO's get a vote for themselves as individual citizens, and they get another vote via their corporation?

That means the CEO's get 2 votes, one for themselves, and one for their corporation. I thought this was a country of 1 person, 1 vote.

LMFAO!!!! I have to admit that your thought process fascinates me.:lol:
As much as I hate the ACA and its various mandates, the first amendment's religious protections aren't there to grant religious believers special exemptions to the law.

Quite true, the 1st Amendment is there to prevent everyone, even atheist, from the government. Once you get that through your bias you will see why you should support any and all attempts to restrict government power, even if you disagree with the people who are trying to do it.

But that's NOT what's happening here. Granting special exemptions doesn't restrict government power, it expands it.
As much as I hate the ACA and its various mandates, the first amendment's religious protections aren't there to grant religious believers special exemptions to the law.

Quite true, the 1st Amendment is there to prevent everyone, even atheist, from the government. Once you get that through your bias you will see why you should support any and all attempts to restrict government power, even if you disagree with the people who are trying to do it.

But that's NOT what's happening here. Granting special exemptions doesn't restrict government power, it expands it.

That is exactly what is happening here. If you don't believe me take a gander at the arguments defending the mandate.

I really like the one Sandra Fluke used, "So there’s an attack on allowing employers to be required to provide this insurance coverage on insurance that employees pay for, at the same time that there’s an attack on public availability through clinics."

Tell me the truth, do you view the argument against the mandate as an attack on allowing employers to provide contraception?
Quite true, the 1st Amendment is there to prevent everyone, even atheist, from the government. Once you get that through your bias you will see why you should support any and all attempts to restrict government power, even if you disagree with the people who are trying to do it.

But that's NOT what's happening here. Granting special exemptions doesn't restrict government power, it expands it.

That is exactly what is happening here. If you don't believe me take a gander at the arguments defending the mandate.

I really like the one Sandra Fluke used, "So there’s an attack on allowing employers to be required to provide this insurance coverage on insurance that employees pay for, at the same time that there’s an attack on public availability through clinics."

Tell me the truth, do you view the argument against the mandate as an attack on allowing employers to provide contraception?

Uh... no? But I'm not sure I understand your question.

The first amendment isn't there to give religious people an excuse to not follow the law. It's there to prevent government from targeting religions for persecution. These mandates are wrong, period. But allowing exemptions for favored special interest groups only expands government power, setting them up to pick and choose who will suffer the consequences of the law and who will get a pass.
In my opinion, businesses should not have to pay for their employees to have birth control or abortions. The decision should be left to the discretion of the business. That way, the government does not expand, and people get to keep their 1st Amendment Rights. That is, however, as far as it goes. Past that, I have no reason why business should be exempt from parts of a legal (and unjust) bill like the Unaffordable Care Act.

Also, justifying your argument that businesses should give up their rights so that others can force said business to adhere to their beliefs is a stupid argument. You are, in effect, saying, "Oh, well you're Christian/Catholic/General beliefs don't coincide with mine, so I'll force you to relinquish your liberties in the name of preserving mine." See the hypocrisy
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This will be fun with Muslim run FOX.

[ame=]Whatcha talkin bout Willis - YouTube[/ame]

The right wing will slowly turn muslim without a shot being fired. They won't even realize they became what they used to hate. Might take a few years though.

:confused:What do you mean? Are you suggesting that right-wingers and the like will start reciting passages from the Quran, celebrating Ramadan, going on pilgrimages to Mecca, etc.? I'm fairly certain nearly every American would notice the change. For example, the U.S. would probably get a regime change every other week followed by days of executions and rebellions. Seems pretty noticeable to me.
This will be fun with Muslim run FOX.

[ame=]Whatcha talkin bout Willis - YouTube[/ame]

The right wing will slowly turn muslim without a shot being fired. They won't even realize they became what they used to hate. Might take a few years though.

Sadly, I can imagine that based on what I see happening today.
Hobby Lobby doesn't care who has birth control. It is none of their business who practices birth control or who has an abortion.

They object to paying for it.

Actually, they do. You should read the link.

They are against providing any kind of health care for their employees which goes against their own religious beliefs, which is why they are arguing before the SC that for profit corporations should have freedom of religion, meaning they should be able to impose their own views on their employees.

Sorry, but ever since Citizens United said that corporations were people and entitled to free speech, they've been looking for more ways of imposing their views on others.

If they were non-profit religious organizations, I'd say they had a point, but that particular thing is ALREADY covered under the ACA.

But....................since they are for profit corporations, they should have to comply with the law like everyone else. If they want religious freedom, let them convert their business to a non profit religious organization.
So, you object to people imposing their beliefs on others and insist the government should impose your beliefs on them.

Remind me...why are they bad again? :confused:
Sorry....................corporations AREN'T people.

Yes, they are OWNED by people, but they aren't people in and of themselves, because they are a group of people.

Why should CEO's get an extra vote while ordinary citizens can't? If corporations are people, then that means the CEO's get a vote for themselves as individual citizens, and they get another vote via their corporation?

That means the CEO's get 2 votes, one for themselves, and one for their corporation. I thought this was a country of 1 person, 1 vote.
Ummm...corporations can't vote. Nor can CEOs direct how the corporation's officers and employees vote.

Take your time. I can tell you haven't given this much thought. At all.
This will be fun with Muslim run FOX.

nobody on the left has a problem with Sharia-compliant banks and finance corporations...

And you people didn't have a problem with bush swapping spit and holding hands with the saudi prince either.

How is ANYTHING involving George W. Bush going to save this country from what Obama is doing to it and us?

Please tell me.

And if you won't, then PLEASE STFU about Bush. We're trying to save this country. We're not playing tit 4 tat.
nobody on the left has a problem with Sharia-compliant banks and finance corporations...

And you people didn't have a problem with bush swapping spit and holding hands with the saudi prince either.

How is ANYTHING involving George W. Bush going to save this country from what Obama is doing to it and us?

Please tell me.

And if you won't, then PLEASE STFU about Bush. We're trying to save this country. We're not playing tit 4 tat.

I think the point is that a lot of Republicans who are griping about stuff Obama is doing, were conspicuously silent when Bush was doing exactly the same things. Of course, it's also true that a lot of Democrats that were griping about the stuff Bush was doing are conspicuously silent while Obama does exactly the same thing. It's kind of a hypocrite's circle jerk. Go team.
Bush tried to force churches to push birth control and abortions?

Please link that.

The right wing will slowly turn muslim without a shot being fired. They won't even realize they became what they used to hate. Might take a few years though.

:confused:What do you mean? Are you suggesting that right-wingers and the like will start reciting passages from the Quran, celebrating Ramadan, going on pilgrimages to Mecca, etc.? I'm fairly certain nearly every American would notice the change. For example, the U.S. would probably get a regime change every other week followed by days of executions and rebellions. Seems pretty noticeable to me.

Start boiling a live frog in a pot at room temperature and he will remain in the water until it is hot enough to kill him but he'll never save himself because the temperature rise happens so gradually he never becomes alarmed.

What's happening to America right now is an indication the strategy can work.

We sat here and watched the left gain a strangle hold on our news our culture our politics our history and we let it happen with only a few court battles here and there and now this country is in really bad shape and things are not looking any more hopeful with Obama in office for another 3 years!

Things are VERY different...noticeably different today than they were twenty years ago.

And not for the better.

So, to expect the Muslim Brotherhood would permit us to become alarmed is very unlikely.

They will want things kept as calm as possible so we won't have anything or anyone to shoot at until it is too late for shootin.

And so many of the left will act as Judas goats that we'll all go down with hardly any blood being shed.

Nationwide, only a few dozen thousands or so, I'd guess.
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People will die of starvation and of easily treated disease.It's already starting.

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