The first rocket that is fired from the living room of a member of ISIL living in Palestine you'll get your answer.
MOSAD has spies all over Palestine.
What your point?
Israel is the occupying power of Gaza, or were you ignorant of that fact too?
You're right. Israel has the power to protect it's citizens.
Be careful Israel doesn't decide enough is enough and turn Gaza City into a thirty foot thick molten glass lake.
Nowadays Palestinians who are caught doing land sales with the Israelis are more likely to be assassinated by other Palestinians than being executed.
Your link, Loser:

"Since the occupation in 1967, Israel has continuously fostered the establishment of Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The State has declared Palestinian land 'state land' and turned over possession of land of displaced Palestinian owners (so-called 'abandoned' or 'absentee' property).[1]

"Israel has furthered the transfer of Israeli citizens on Palestinian land with subsidies for housing settlers, and tax benefits.Palestinian privately owned land has been expropriated for building settlements and settlement bypass roads.

"The Negotiations Affairs Department of the State of Palestine (PLO-NAD) declared in 2008, that all transactions with Israelis and other foreigners transferring confiscated land in the Occupied Territories violate international law and are null and void.[1]

"It stated that under the Hague Regulations an occupant may only administer public property as a usufructuary and does not gain sovereignty or title over any part of occupied territory.

"Israel thus has no right to sell Palestinian state land, nor does it have a right to lease state land for long periods or for the purpose of settlements.[1]

"According to the PLO-NAD, the Palestinian government of the future Palestinian state will not be under any obligation to honour Israeli transactions in occupied Palestinian property that took place during Israel’s occupation.[1]

Property transactions under Palestinian law[edit]
While Palestinian Authority courts can impose death sentences, they cannot be carried out..."

Palestinian land laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You're right. Israel has the power to protect it's citizens.
Be careful Israel doesn't decide enough is enough and turn Gaza City into a thirty foot thick molten glass lake.
Israeli citizens aren't the issue in Gaza.
Gaza is occupied territory, and Israel is the occupying power.
Israel has no legal justification for declaring war on a civilian population it occupies. BTW, Gaza real estate is much too valuable to greedy Jews to ever become molten glass. When 80% of Gazans can be convinced to leave the strip and take up temporary residence in the Sinai, Jews will steal the land and water in Gaza just as they have on the West Bank.
You're right. Israel has the power to protect it's citizens.
Be careful Israel doesn't decide enough is enough and turn Gaza City into a thirty foot thick molten glass lake.
Israeli citizens aren't the issue in Gaza.
Gaza is occupied territory, and Israel is the occupying power.
Israel has no legal justification for declaring war on a civilian population it occupies. BTW, Gaza real estate is much too valuable to greedy Jews to ever become molten glass. When 80% of Gazans can be convinced to leave the strip and take up temporary residence in the Sinai, Jews will steal the land and water in Gaza just as they have on the West Bank.
The FACT that the PA has ruled that any Palestinian that sells their land to an Israeli should be put to death does led one to believe that said land sales must be happening. Even a simpleton like you must understand that laws are not passed unless they need to be for the good of the society they are passed in.
Palestinians have been quietly selling their land to the Israelis for decades.
You are completely correct that the 'Jews' have every intention of displacing the Arabs from Gaza and then turning the land into peaceful prosperous land. All the fucking sand monkeys have ever done for centuries with any land they control is fight each other for who gets to let their fucking goats graze on what little grass grows.
I did hear a rumor that the next Mercedes production line might be built in Gaza City but don't hold your breath. HAAA HAAA!
Palestinians have been quietly selling their land to the Israelis for decades.
You're a long way from proving that, Bigot.
"Sources differ on the number of Palestinians officially executed for the offence, with theJerusalem Post stating that none have been executed[10] while a BBC report indicates that there have been two executions.[3]

"However, a number of extrajudicial killings have also taken place since the death penalty was first announced. In May 1997 for example, three Palestinians convicted under the statute were later found murdered. Human Rights Watch argued that the circumstances of the murders 'strongly suggested official tolerance if not involvement' by the PA, citing as evidence 'inflammatory statements' by PA Justice Minister Frei Abu Medein 'which seemed to give a green light to violence against suspected land dealers.' Medein is quoted as saying: '... expect the unexpected for these matters because nobody from this moment will accept any traitor who sells his land to Israel.'"[citation ne

Tell us how many dunams of land Palestinians have "sold" to Jews since 1967, Golda.

Palestinian land laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Palestinians have been quietly selling their land to the Israelis for decades.
You're a long way from proving that, Bigot.
"Sources differ on the number of Palestinians officially executed for the offence, with theJerusalem Post stating that none have been executed[10] while a BBC report indicates that there have been two executions.[3]

"However, a number of extrajudicial killings have also taken place since the death penalty was first announced. In May 1997 for example, three Palestinians convicted under the statute were later found murdered. Human Rights Watch argued that the circumstances of the murders 'strongly suggested official tolerance if not involvement' by the PA, citing as evidence 'inflammatory statements' by PA Justice Minister Frei Abu Medein 'which seemed to give a green light to violence against suspected land dealers.' Medein is quoted as saying: '... expect the unexpected for these matters because nobody from this moment will accept any traitor who sells his land to Israel.'"[citation ne

Tell us how many dunams of land Palestinians have "sold" to Jews since 1967, Golda.

Palestinian land laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You're just a typical sand monkey. No fucking brains.
You are stupid enough to call people 'racists' and bigots yet you use terms like "greedy Jews". According to your own quote three Palestinians who sold land in 1997 to Israelis were "murdered".
You claim the Jews have been stealing land and water from the sand monkeys for "hundreds of years". So what's the matter with the sand monkeys? Too stupid and backward to stand up for themselves? I can't think of any other reason can you?
They tried to get the Germans in both world wars to help them fight the Jews. B/c they couldn't do it on their own. Both times the fucking Germans played the Arabs for the fools they are.
The Germans never trusted the sand monkeys to ever win a single battle. For good reason. All the Germans wanted from the sand monkeys was cannon fodder. They go it. More fools the sand monkeys.
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You're just a typical sand monkey. No fucking brains.
You are stupid enough to call people 'racists' and bigots yet you use terms like "greedy Jews"

Greedy Jews, Golda.
Get over it.
You're just a typical sand monkey. No fucking brains.
You are stupid enough to call people 'racists' and bigots yet you use terms like "greedy Jews"

Greedy Jews, Golda.
Get over it.
Ya "greedy Jews" who have been eating you're fucking lunch for centuries. And will be for all time.
Got a date for when the new Lexus production plant in Gaza City starts up? HAAA HAAAA!
There's nothing an Arab hates more than having someone play him for a fool. The "Greedy Jews" have been playing the sand monkeys for the fools they are for centuries. Why? B/c the sand monkeys are fools.
Sooner or later the last sand monkey will sell the last piece of Gaza city to a "greedy Jew" and then the place will become a prosperous bountiful safe place for the Jews to enjoy life. The sand monkeys who have escaped being murdered by their fellow sand monkeys for exercising their right to do what the fuck they want with their land can go live in fucking Farfur for all I care.

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