Now its Muslim Judges too .

I think the word you're looking for is "bigoted".
No I got it right. He thinks everyone is out to get him. He has attacked everyone including the party he claims to belong to.
Now replace he with she and you have described Hillary (the pathological liar) clinton.

The fight right now is for the supreme court. Do you or any of the nevertrumpers understand this?

Trump is not exactly the greatest thing I have seen and they all take things personally. The skinny slithering smoking marxist snake in the white house now is one of them.

The conservatives who are the nevertrumpers should fully understand what is at stake.

The next 30 or so years of the Supreme Court. Why don't you or the beck people get this?
I like being able to smile at myself in the mirror. Trump is as corrupt as Hillary imo but now instead of buying "favors" he will just create the loopholes for them so he no longer needs to pay.
I will defend his right to be an asshole but I will not vote for him.
I will say it again. This election is for the supreme court.

Creating loopholes? Are you really that naive? What do you think all of the DONORS are donating for? What do you suppose these HIGH PRICED SPEECHES clinton is doing is for?
And I will say it again. I see no difference between the two as far as corruption goes. I will be voting 3rd party or independent.
A vote for that is a vote for Hillary. Smile at yourself in the mirror all you want. I have no idea what that is like since my entire existence is entirely dependent on the mercy of God through the blood of the Lamb. Too many sins to count. Very little smiling from me into a mirror, that is for sure.

You should know that by voting independent you are giving this country over to pure socialism......which is a cute word for Marxism.

You think the left will be satisfied with "socialism?" Here is a clue. Do you think they stopped with their race baiting, race dividing strategy after we finally elected a black president? No!!!! They amped up their race dividing strategy. BLM is a direct creation of this creature in the white house.

Get a clue.
Do you have evidence of a connection? The group that Curiel is a member of is a typical state wide lawyers association, granted a "lawyers group" is a pretty distasteful concept but nothing approaching the level of the violent, left-wing nutcases that inhabit the National Council of La Raza.

The only connection I've seen so far is the similarity in the informal names of the two groups.
You have no excuse now to say that. You were given the exact place to see the POLICY similarities of Curiel's groups and NCLR. For the 3rd (or is it 4th ?) time >. see Post # 13 and 29.
*YAWN* Been there, done that and I find the prospect that your "evidence" will be any less spurious upon a second viewing highly dubious. :bye1:

"When you’re born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you’re born in America, you get a front row seat." -- George Carlin
proof is easy to obtain ... the NY AG clearly said Trump committed fraud ... stop being a Trumpbot and look it up.
Again, If you have any real evidence to show a corruption, present it. Otherwise, stop boring us.

PS - "look it up" is the most common admission of defeat in forum posting. No, if it's so "easy to obtain" then you should have no problem in obtaining it, and presenting it, right ? Right, Siete ? Right ? Right ? Right ? :biggrin:

Burden of proof is on the accuser. That's YOU.

if you insist being a dumbass who am I to argue

burden of stupidity is on you .. enjoy.

Trump University: N.Y. attorney general says 'this is straight up fraud' -
*YAWN* Been there, done that and I find the prospect that your "evidence" will be any less spurious upon a second viewing highly dubious. :bye1:

"When you’re born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you’re born in America, you get a front row seat." -- George Carlin
"Spurious" means FALSE. So now that you have made an accusation, you are compelled to substantiate it with PROOF. You got any ? Got a source ? Got a link ? Got anything ?

So now that you realize you can't go on pretending that you didn't see the evidence, you are going to try to invalidate the evidence. OK Mr Invalidation card. Bring it on.

(or are we just supposed to take your claims on faith ?)
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if you insist being a dumbass who am I to argue

burden of stupidity is on you .. enjoy.

Trump University: N.Y. attorney general says 'this is straight up fraud' -
Sorry, I go this mixed up with another thread which talks about the FLORIDA Attorney General, who dismissed the case against Trump U as having insufficient evidence. Same as there is insufficient evidence for ANY attorney general, but the NY guy appears to have motives of his own. I wonder who's paying him.
if you insist being a dumbass who am I to argue

burden of stupidity is on you .. enjoy.

Trump University: N.Y. attorney general says 'this is straight up fraud' -
Sorry, I go this mixed up with another thread which talks about the FLORIDA Attorney General, who dismissed the case against Trump U as having insufficient evidence. Same as there is insufficient evidence for ANY attorney general, but the NY guy appears to have motives of his own. I wonder who's paying him.

my first comment clearly said NY ... I can see how easy it is for you to confuse NY and Florida.

(or are we just supposed to take your claims on faith ?)
Apparently the memo didn't reach that alternative universe that you inhabit...

I'm not the one making any claims, Donald Trump is and unfortunately for him and his legions of boot-licking apologists he's been unable to demonstrate the veracity of his claims of judicial bias thus far. I'm sure that won't stop the Trumpoldytes and their fearless leader from continuing to whine about it and thereby alienate every member of the electorate whose reason hasn't been completely obliterated by partisan propaganda and politician worship.

.... Now feel free to carry on, carrying on.

(or are we just supposed to take your claims on faith ?)

I'm not the one making any claims, Donald Trump is and unfortunately for him and his legions of boot-licking apologists he's been unable to demonstrate the veracity of his claims of judicial bias thus far.
1. Yes you are. You just CLAIMED that the information I provided in Post # 13 was FALSE.

2. When challenged to substantiate your accusation, you have failed to do so.

2. Trump has already demonstrated the veracity of his claims of judicial bias, and so have I, right here in this thread twice (Post 13 & 29)

It's about time someone on the right started 'whining' to counterbalance the enormous whining on the left that never stops.....

ask a true Muslim which is of a higher priority to him.....the Koran or the Constitution.......

if the Muslim is a judge, separation of church and state enter the equation,allowing both to be a priority.

It's about time someone on the right started 'whining' to counterbalance the enormous whining on the left that never stops.....

ask a true Muslim which is of a higher priority to him.....the Koran or the Constitution.......

if the Muslim is a judge, separation of church and state enter the equation,allowing both to be a priority.

however a believer in Islam does not recognize any such separation...

It's about time someone on the right started 'whining' to counterbalance the enormous whining on the left that never stops.....

ask a true Muslim which is of a higher priority to him.....the Koran or the Constitution.......

if the Muslim is a judge, separation of church and state enter the equation,allowing both to be a priority.

however a believer in Islam does not recognize any such separation...

LMAO ... yeah,stick with that one.
Could the man be anymore insecure? Jesus Christ

I think the word you're looking for is "bigoted".
No I got it right. He thinks everyone is out to get him. He has attacked everyone including the party he claims to belong to.

Nope, all he has asked for is for the media to be honest and to report things as they actually happen, with no spin or lies.

I do not understand why you Trump haters condone a biased media. Can you explain that?
We will probably never know, but what we do know is that he might and that is enough to ask him to recuse himself. He is an acknowledged member of La Raza, a Hispanic grievance group, La Raza has come out against Trump, that is sufficient reason to doubt his impartiality
Wrong La Raza, Curiel is a member of the La Raza formally known as the Latino Bar Association of California which has no affiliation to the National Council of La Raza (the radical grievance group you're referring to).

and you really believe there is no connection? If so, I have some ocean front property to sell you in Kansas
Do you have evidence of a connection? The group that Curiel is a member of is a typical state wide lawyers association, granted a "lawyers group" is a pretty distasteful concept but nothing approaching the level of the violent, left-wing nutcases that inhabit the National Council of La Raza.

The only connection I've seen so far is the similarity in the informal names of the two groups.

oh come on, are you really that naïve?
Naive enough to base my opinions on available evidence rather than hearsay, gossip and innuendo? Yeah I am, it's one of the things that separates me from all the hyper-partisan lunatics running around with foam running out of their mouths over this bullshit.

Let me know when you come up with some actual evidence of a connection between the two groups and I'll be happy to consider it.


they both have the same name. is that close enough for you?

It's about time someone on the right started 'whining' to counterbalance the enormous whining on the left that never stops.....

ask a true Muslim which is of a higher priority to him.....the Koran or the Constitution.......

if the Muslim is a judge, separation of church and state enter the equation,allowing both to be a priority.

however a believer in Islam does not recognize any such separation...

LMAO ... yeah,stick with that one.

I will.......The primary goal of Islam is to bring the law of Allah (meaning the submission to sharia) to all people on any means available.....from violence to deceit.....

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