Now Khan says about Trump, "Shame on him, Shame on his family" (his family?)

Nothing you guys can do can make Comrade Donald look acceptable as President of the USA.

You just can't do it.

Vote for Gary Johnson
They attacked him first, douche bag. Trump is justified in attacking him.

Trump attacked Muslims first.
He didn't attack Muslims. He only proposed to limit their immigration. Of course, Muslims have plenty to attack. They have no problem with Jihadis murdering scores of people every day, as their recent lack of attendance at a protest against such attacks recently demonstrated.

You didn't attend that protest.

It was for Muslims, dumbass.

That is not true. It was open to anyone who cared. Obviously you don't care.

Did you go?
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

Yes! His family.

His kids seem like bright thoughtful people.

Why don't they check dad into a psych ward and get him the help he need?

Maybe they are worried about being cut out of the will.
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."
Sure, why not? Trump says as president, he would hold the families of terrorists responsible; so why shouldn't his family be held responsible for his actions?

As soon as Trump cuts someones head off or blows himself up in a crowded mall, his family should be held responsible.
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

He's absolutely right.

I used to remember when conservatives respected our troops and their families.

Oh well.

Trump/Pootin 16 changed all that!
Why should anyone respect an obvious Hillary operator and agent of the Muslim brotherhood?

The Dim theory we aren't allowed to criticize some people because of some tragedy they experienced has always been pure hoory.
Ok. Let me be among the first to say Patti Smith is a lying senile bitch who needs to quit whining. The Khan's son was as much a hero as her son, the only difference is they're better Americans.

Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi
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Americans really better wake up. This is how it all started in many Western European nations. The radicalization process began with extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagreed with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on.

This Kahn guy is more dangerous than most Americans think. England, France, Germany, Belgium, and others had too many just like him. They incite radicalization. Americans better pay closer attention. These folks are very dangerous.
You are simply a complete fucking idiot. I personally believe that scum who disparage the patriotism of military families should be shot in the face.

He's dangerous. It's exactly how the radicalization process began in Western Europe. It started with branding anyone who disagreed with extremist Muslims and Leftists, as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on. I hope Americans are paying close attention. This is how it begins.
How it began in Nazi Germany was by getting an unhinged narcissistic egomaniac leader who identified a group of people, based on their religion, as being the cause of their troubles and sought to ban them from his country.

Sounds eerily familiar, doesn't it?

It sure does. Those damned Jews were going around cutting Germans heads off, blowing themselves up in crowded malls and setting out IED's. They got what they deserved. Did I get that right?
The level the left will stoop. Shame on this father for using his son as a political pawn. Yeah, I would call him an asshole to his face. I see through everything they are doing and he is not going to use the jedi mind trick on me.

I see exactly what he along with the democrats are doing. They are pigs. All of them. Especially the father. That is right. Especially the father.

You think for one second these pieces of left wing shit will be able to manipulate me with their tactics? Not for one half of one second.
I take it you feel the same for Patricia Smith who did the same with her son Sean at the RNC?

Trump didn't lie to Kahn, Hillary lied to Patricia Smith. See the difference?
The level the left will stoop. Shame on this father for using his son as a political pawn. Yeah, I would call him an asshole to his face. I see through everything they are doing and he is not going to use the jedi mind trick on me.

I see exactly what he along with the democrats are doing. They are pigs. All of them. Especially the father. That is right. Especially the father.

You think for one second these pieces of left wing shit will be able to manipulate me with their tactics? Not for one half of one second.
I take it you feel the same for Patricia Smith who did the same with her son Sean at the RNC?

Trump didn't lie to Kahn, Hillary lied to Patricia Smith. See the difference?

Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi
I'm sorry, but what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? You think that's an example of "the left" disliking the military? Do you not recall what the "right" said about Kerry?
1) Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't applicable.

2) "the right" didn't smear Kerry enmass. Many on "the right", including myself, disagreed with Swiftboat tactics. Don't forget, "the right", meaning the same small group of assholes, also smeared McCain.

3) Another example: The Democrats' anti-war dilemma
“Democratic leaders must make a choice today: Either embrace the character assassination tactics has leveled against the four-star general leading our troops in the fight against Al Qaeda, or denounce it as disgraceful”.

Like the Kerry smear, not all on the Left are anti-military, but the group of anti-military on the Left is far larger than the Swiftboat assholes on the Right.

Those "Swiftboat assholes" were in the military and you denigrate them. Do you actually believe an asshole that would get in front of a Congressional committee and say the following while combat troops were still being killed in the 'nam has any honor?

"They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

Khan's a power tripping asshole. "Shame on Trump's family"? Oh really? I think he has some serious delusions.

A Sheehan wannabe.
Umm...under Clinton it was because we weren't at war. I understand the word "peace" isn't in you conservative's vocabulary, but we just didn't need all those troops and bases.
Bullshit. Are you fucking lying or just blind to reality? Am I correct that you claim to be a disabled Air Force vet? Do you recognize any of the following actions?:

Enforcing the the no-fly zones in Iraq.








Congo and Gabon.

Several others listed here: Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you try to pull the "we weren't at war" bullshit, let me remind you 1) the last time the US declared war was December 1941 under a Democrat President and 2) dead and maimed US troops don't give a shit if the war was "declared" or not.

I jumped on you in one post and give you a winner in this one. Good catch!
Those "Swiftboat assholes" were in the military and you denigrate them....
So was Kerry and McCain, yet you have no problem with them denigrating them up to and including telling baldfaced lies. I have no respect for Kerry's actions after he left Vietnam. As an officer and decorated war hero, he should have conducted himself like one, but that doesn't give anyone the right to lie or denigrate a person's factual service record.

If you are a vet, then you should know what I'm talking about whether you choose to admit it or not.
Shall we see if the fucking bleeding hearts have the same reaction to Sean Smiths mother? Or is hypocrisy all they know?

The Dems haven't said anything about her.

I see you are stil sucking the Hildebeast's vagina! Get your head out from between her legs and find out what is REALLY going on!

  1. pretty much called a Gold Star mother a liar .” -...
    Jul 30, 2016 · Have We Forgotten That Hillary Pretty Much Called A Gold Star Mother A Liar? Share; ... mother of slain...

  2. Hillary Called Benghazi Mom a Liar, But Media...
    Jul 29, 2016 · Hillary Called Benghazi Mom a Liar, ... gave while his mother stood ... Sean Smith’s death — essentially ...
Americans really better wake up. This is how it all started in many Western European nations. The radicalization process began with extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagreed with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on.

This Kahn guy is more dangerous than most Americans think. England, France, Germany, Belgium, and others had too many just like him. They incite radicalization. Americans better pay closer attention. These folks are very dangerous.
You are simply a complete fucking idiot. I personally believe that scum who disparage the patriotism of military families should be shot in the face.

He's dangerous. It's exactly how the radicalization process began in Western Europe. It started with branding anyone who disagreed with extremist Muslims and Leftists, as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on. I hope Americans are paying close attention. This is how it begins.
How it began in Nazi Germany was by getting an unhinged narcissistic egomaniac leader who identified a group of people, based on their religion, as being the cause of their troubles and sought to ban them from his country.

Sounds eerily familiar, doesn't it?

It sure does. Those damned Jews were going around cutting Germans heads off, blowing themselves up in crowded malls and setting out IED's. They got what they deserved. Did I get that right?
I guess you haven't noticed, but Muslims here are not cutting anyone's heads off.
The level the left will stoop. Shame on this father for using his son as a political pawn. Yeah, I would call him an asshole to his face. I see through everything they are doing and he is not going to use the jedi mind trick on me.

I see exactly what he along with the democrats are doing. They are pigs. All of them. Especially the father. That is right. Especially the father.

You think for one second these pieces of left wing shit will be able to manipulate me with their tactics? Not for one half of one second.
I take it you feel the same for Patricia Smith who did the same with her son Sean at the RNC?

Trump didn't lie to Kahn, Hillary lied to Patricia Smith. See the difference?
Well except that Hillary didn't lie to Smith, you almost have a point.
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

Khan's a power tripping asshole. "Shame on Trump's family"? Oh really? I think he has some serious delusions.

A Sheehan wannabe.
Khan is making Crazy Donald look like a small-minded idiot.
It really doesn't matter who steps into the POLITICAL RING, once they do, and pick a side, they are FAIR GAME for the offended to attack back!
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

Yes! His family.

His kids seem like bright thoughtful people.

Why don't they check dad into a psych ward and get him the help he need?

Maybe they are worried about being cut out of the will.

When we need input from a douche bag, we'll give you a call.
It really doesn't matter who steps into the POLITICAL RING, once they do, and pick a side, they are FAIR GAME for the offended to attack back!
The goal is what's good for America.

Not party before country and let's attack grieving mothers.

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