Now meteorologists have to fear for their lives

The thread is about the absolutely insane threats that meteorologists are having to deal with from absolutely insane people, but it's the last thing the Trumpsters want to talk about.

I wonder why! Weird!

So many are doing it huh???

You are saying all Trump supporters are doing it.

You agree we are ALL terririst.

SOOOO Screw you and this prapaganda from your tribe.
Did the Democrats manipulate the weather to aim the last two hurricanes at red states?
It is the Deplorables who are called flat earthers and do not believe in any science from Progs. So, you are saying that the accusations are of science. Many Prog voters believe in the Climate Change scam. And that electric cars will save the earth by 2030. We got near 5 years left and have 8 charging stations for cars. Meanwhile other nations are on a carbon footprint explosion. Progs lie in everything using the problems that exist to profit from it. They deny they lie and then put it on others.
This ugly story is the perfect example of why so many of us across the political spectrum are so against this cult.

This is not about the issues or laws or specific policies. It's about the fundamental sanity and decency and normalcy of America. Who we are.

The issues and policies have to wait. This is our biggest threat.
This ugly story is the perfect example of why so many of us across the political spectrum are so against this cult.

This is not about the issues or laws or specific policies. It's about the fundamental sanity and decency and normalcy of America.

The issues and policies have to wait. This is our biggest threat.
It is the Deplorables who are called flat earthers and do not believe in any science from Progs. So, you are saying that the accusations are of science. Many Prog voters believe in the Climate Change scam. And that electric cars will save the earth by 2030. We got near 5 years left and have 8 charging stations for cars. Meanwhile other nations are on a carbon footprint explosion. Progs lie in everything using the problems that exist to profit from it. They deny they lie and then put it on others.
Another non-answer.

Typical. That's all I get from Trumpsters to that straight, clear, simple question.
The thread is about the absolutely insane threats that meteorologists are having to deal with from absolutely insane people, but it's the last thing the Trumpsters want to talk about.

I wonder why! Weird!

When watching them on TV they seem to emote like they are on a stage. I get the feeling they want tragedy. There are times they have been caught acting out as they promote the destruction and look like they are in the center of the maelstrom and people are walking behind them with no weather othering them.
MTG is crazy? Say it ain't so!

You're missing the point.
  1. First the democrats radicalized politics both in their own rhetoric and also with their own policies!
  2. Meanwhile, they spent years dumbing down a generation to believe and follow it all. The consequence is Scalise shot just playing baseball in a field by one loon just for being a republican, another rushing the stage with Trump on it, BLM taking over the stage from Bernie Sanders to go on and riot for 5 months doing 2 billion in damages because a felon died resisting arrest, another loser from a nursing home trying to assassinate Trump, and now yet another goon from Hawaii hiding in Trump's hedges with an AK-47 in between gigs to the Ukraine, all the while Joe Biden stirring the pot calling the GOP a terror organization and a threat to democracy.
So now a few yokels call a weather channel saying stupid things no one here believes (if it is even real news), and this bum Mac1958 waxes on about how NOW everything is going to hell as if all of this wasn't tied right back to everything the democrats have worked on accomplishing for years.

Republicans are crazy. :laugh:

Oh dear, it appears Mac's reading comprehension is acting up again.

Mac has no reading comprehension. He is a one-note show. He never addresses nor replies to a single question, doubt, critique or analysis of his deranged hate-mongering. He is just a white IM2 who like a broken computer, no matter what the input, all he ever puts out is his hoity-toity holier-than-thou 3rd party condescension of others while never proffering anything of his own in terms of position nor solution to be criticized for himself.

He just sits in his basement in his underwear sucking down Bud Lites while looking down on the rest of the world shaking his head at how far below his regal genius the rest of us are and all the foolish mistakes humanity makes he is just too smart to be any part of, yet never reveals any of it for us to put it to any test.
I don't mean to get all Holy Roller on y'all but...

Trump casts truth to the one ever like him in all of history.... Satan is the father of all lies and liars.....some Christians need to wake up! They are supporting every single thing that is anti Christ's teachings....

Some of those Christians know it, but they don't seem to care... they chose not to believe in truth for their own worldly cause.... they are under a Delusion....

....just like the Bible predicted they would be... And the Bible uses that exact word, a delusion.

He and his follower lying, causes destruction of this Nation... Harms a lot of innocent people.

Ok, nuff said.... sad, sad indeed.
And yet you sit idly by consuming all the lies, hate and fear mongering from your left.

Satan is a democrat.

This ugly story is the perfect example of why so many of us across the political spectrum are so against this cult.

This is not about the issues or laws or specific policies. It's about the fundamental sanity and decency and normalcy of America. Who we are.

The issues and policies have to wait. This is our biggest threat.

The Narrative

I would not hold your breath, this is what they want.

See the post above this one. Division is what they want.
Have any of the metro
Kinda ironic, isn't it? After radical democrat-progressives like you promoting wild claims, exaggerations and misinformation for YEARS about Trump, the GOP and conservatives in an attempt to swing elections and vilify political opponents with increasingly polarized incendiary remarks right up to and including by Joe Biden to the point of getting a candidate attempted assassination TWICE now, all of a sudden, you have an issue with it now like you have no idea who started it just because it has come back to bit you in the ass. Too fucking bad.
well said

The same libs who laugh off two verified attempted murder of trump go bananas over alleged ugly emails to a trump hater

Big deal
Mac has no reading comprehension. He is a one-note show. He never addresses nor replies to a single question, doubt, critique or analysis of his deranged hate-mongering. He is just a white IM2 who like a broken computer, no matter what the input, all he ever puts out is his hoity-toity holier-than-thou 3rd party condescension of others while never proffering anything of his own in terms of position nor solution to be criticized for himself.

He just sits in his basement in his underwear sucking down Bud Lites while looking down on the rest of the world shaking his head at how far below his regal genius the rest of us are and all the foolish mistakes humanity makes he is just too smart to be any part of, yet never reveals any of it for us to put it to any test.
Your post just REEKS of victimhood.

And poverty. “Hoity toity”?

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