Now negative WuFlu tests mean nothing...


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
So now the MSM presstitutes are pushing this narrative that even with a negative test, you still can’t see your family for Thanksgiving.

Then what good are doing tests at all? What do the tests have to do with a holiday anyway? They now suddenly are worthless?

Why not just treat everyone as if they have the China AIDS?

Some of us know what this is all really about . . . . :45:

Social distancing, masks still necessary after getting COVID-19 vaccine: Fauci

So now the MSM presstitutes are pushing this narrative that even with a negative test, you still can’t see your family for Thanksgiving.

Then what good are doing tests at all? What do the tests have to do with a holiday anyway? They now suddenly are worthless?

Why not just treat everyone as if they have the China AIDS?

I am a big believer in taking precautions. Always have been. That said, the traditional Thanksgiving day get together and dinner is at our house this year. Family (our kid, grand kids and in-laws) will be coming from two counties in Tennessee. Everybody already knows if someone in their household has a new cough, fever, or even a new runny nose, they are to skip the event and look to getting together at the family Christmas day celebration witch will not be at our house this year. My brother and I are the oldest survivors in the family and nobody will jeopardize us. Most of the male members have missed one or more of the traditional holiday get together s in the past due to overseas military duty assignment, military deployments or civilian job conflicts. It happens. But, we are looking forward to celebrating the holiday together, safely and give thanks for us all making it through another year. I hope all that read this post have a Happy Thanksgiving and with your love ones if you can safely do it. Good luck and good sense, to all.
So now the MSM presstitutes are pushing this narrative that even with a negative test, you still can’t see your family for Thanksgiving.

Then what good are doing tests at all? What do the tests have to do with a holiday anyway? They now suddenly are worthless?

Why not just treat everyone as if they have the China AIDS?

I think the thanksgiving orders are different because of the recent spikes in cases and hospitalizations. The worse things get with COVID the tighter the restrictions are going to get... did Trump not mention this at his spreader rallies?
Dr. Fauci, after decades of anonymous toil in Washington DC, was named the "Sexiest Man Alive"

Sure , he's 80 , but he's still a man and has no intention of letting this slip by without him taking maximum advantage.
So now the MSM presstitutes are pushing this narrative that even with a negative test, you still can’t see your family for Thanksgiving.

Then what good are doing tests at all? What do the tests have to do with a holiday anyway? They now suddenly are worthless?

Why not just treat everyone as if they have the China AIDS?

I am a big believer in taking precautions. Always have been. That said, the traditional Thanksgiving day get together and dinner is at our house this year. Family (our kid, grand kids and in-laws) will be coming from two counties in Tennessee. Everybody already knows if someone in their household has a new cough, fever, or even a new runny nose, they are to skip the event and look to getting together at the family Christmas day celebration witch will not be at our house this year. My brother and I are the oldest survivors in the family and nobody will jeopardize us. Most of the male members have missed one or more of the traditional holiday get together s in the past due to overseas military duty assignment, military deployments or civilian job conflicts. It happens. But, we are looking forward to celebrating the holiday together, safely and give thanks for us all making it through another year. I hope all that read this post have a Happy Thanksgiving and with your love ones if you can safely do it. Good luck and good sense, to all.
That's how you do it, common sense. Protect the vulnerable, if your sick stay home. Everyone else, gobble gobble!!
If the police don't enforce lock-downs, the Great Reset can't go forward.

The Thick Red Line project is an effort to support Sheriffs and police to organize collectively to say: NO! to politicians and bureaucrats who force them to use violence on peaceful people to enforce victimless "crimes" and raise revenue on their friends and neighbors.


So now the MSM presstitutes are pushing this narrative that even with a negative test, you still can’t see your family for Thanksgiving.

Then what good are doing tests at all? What do the tests have to do with a holiday anyway? They now suddenly are worthless?

Why not just treat everyone as if they have the China AIDS?

How does a billionaire get tested 4 times in one day 2 test come back positive 2 come back negative....

Its unbelievable the amount of screaming sheep we have in our former country

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