Now Romney is mocking Trump's foreign born wives. Unreal. Uncool.

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Chief among them, YOUR posts.
Naw, I am just reacting to racism... ....

Anyone can read your posts and see your posts and see you are an active producer of it.
On an RW dominated website such as this one I expect to hear that. Your perspective is consistent with those who are real racists and want to deflect that reality onto those who critique them.

Are you trying to say that anyone who disagrees with you or calls you out on your silly use of the race card is therefore a racist?

I don't play race cards ....

Both Trump's wives, past and present, so-called "foreigners" are preferable to the "American" bitch who was never proud of her country until her husband became President.
I bet you ask every twat in bed, if they loved their country...

Did Barack ask his twat? You know, Thunder Thighs Michelle? Was she ever vetted as the confidante of the President? Quote me anything Trump's wives ever said anything as disrespectable as what Michelle said.

A wise and patriotic person would prefer a grateful foreigner to a miserable and ungrateful native born bubble brain bitch.
Michelle is a fine upstanding citizen who honestly voiced her opinion. Those people who were already hostile to an Obama presidency did and will vilify anything he and his wife does. Michelle didn't pose nude for Ebony or some popular magazine. Her reputation is impeccable and he morality by far exceeds most of the Conservatives on this board and anywhere else.

How is her reputation "impeccable" when before Obama became President she had a $300,000 job at a hospital that required her to do virtually nothing. We know that because her employer saw no need to replace her when she left to go to Washington. What was she being paid for?
And just what has Trump done to "earn" his billions? Not very much. That is how the rich get and stay rich. They find ways to make money without doing a damn thing for it. Now, some one else, probably White, is doing that $300,000 a year job and apparently doing nothing. That is what managers do....nothing but provide oversight and supervision.

Really? That's how they become billionaires--doing nothing?

How many billions do you have for doing nothing? You watch way too many televisions shows.
I don't think the wives are the problem. It's who they're sleeping with on the side. Hillary in particular. Her husband was a classic security risk, but so is she.
Well, who is Hillary sleeping with? Yoko Ono? heh heh well...when she was a hippie, maybe..but not now..... and there is no proof.
Joke about this all you like. When I held my clearance, they knew who I was hanging around with, where I traveled, when I was being transferred.

Hillary is a huge security risk.

She's sleeping with Huma.....a Muslim woman she hired as a handler/helper. If you wonder why these people are so understanding when it comes to Muslims and not Christians is because they're literally sleeping with the enemy.

Russia used women during the cold war to get information from top officials and during WWII it was common for a female spy to use sex to get information out of enemy generals and government officials. Nobody is allowed to say anything about it because of political-correctness, so Hillary can continue to have contact with non-vetted individuals with ties to terrorist groups.
You have no proof that Hillary is sleeping with anyone, including Bill Clinton...let alone some dame named Huma. where did you get that...Faux News? And you can bet "Huma" was vetted before she got anywhere near the Clintons.

But here is something to refresh your short memory about Republican love affairs with Muslims:

I'm sure you have a video of Bush getting his pole smoked by the Saudi King. Anything short of that is the usual non sequitur.

When the two walked hand in hand off into the sunset with stars in their eyes I don't think it was anything less than true love. There is no non-sequitur there. The premise follows my present conversation line from beginning to end as an example of GOP love affairs with Muslim leaders: an adjunct to your 'Huma' reference regarding Hillary.

Why would it mean little to me? There is no question about Trump's citizenship, there was about Obama, and I bet anything that you voted for him.

Now can you show me in our Constitution (or founders writings) where they had a problem about a nominees wife or where she was from? She's been with him over ten years for crying out loud.

She is a hundred times less of a threat to this country than the front runner on the Democrat side. And to be honest, I don't believe for a minute Trump's wife is a concern of yours, it's just something more to bash the guy with.

Like I said, you're watching too many old James Bond movies. This is real life where if there was any inkling of nefarious activity by Melania, the Democrats would have found it long ago if not our government.

There was never a question about Obama's citizenship except for people like Trump: the man married to a foreign born woman.
Have you noticed that Trump suddenly backed off that birther nonsense, even with Cruz? His wife must have reminded him that she is foreign born and he doesn't want to raise that issue in the public eye.

But I have expounded upon the idiom within the Constitution that mandates the president be a natural born citizen. Man and wife are one, thus his foreign born wife burdens Trump's candidacy. A fact that has yet to be fully exploited to an opponent;s advantage.

Great, then after Trump is nominated, try using his wife as a means to disqualify him because "they are one." Even the liberals on the Supreme Court would laugh that one out of the court room.

Their laughs might not be nearly as loud as those heard around the world when nude photos of the First Lady begin to proliferate.
Of course, they may not proliferate if she can pass information to certain agents in her home country!

So what's the problem, that we finally have an attractive first lady? And there is a difference between semi-nude and nude.

Sorry, but the world will laugh at us more if we elect a woman who passed around classified information on an unsecured server and e-mail, and who's husband was also getting half-million dollar speaking fees from suspicious clients than they would a guy who married a woman with an accent that never had an outstanding parking ticket.
She isn't all THAT attractive.I've seen better looking American women who are a damn sight more curvy and voluptuous. You have insulted every attractive First Lady that has occupied the White House including Michelle Obama and Jaqueline Kennedy. American bred and born, every one of them except Mrs. Adams whose father was born an American.

If you don't think Trump's wife is hot, then I don't know what you're into.........actually I probably don't want to know; especially if you think Michelle is attractive. Yuk!
It was bad enough that his people at the super pac tried to slut shame Melania. But now this. Way out of line. Going after his wives is over the top.

This is going to get ugly really fast unless Cruz starts to condemn the shit his camp is doing.


Romney roasts Trump for foreign wives
At least his wife came here legally and did it the right way . Unlike the endless illegals here Obama and the democraps let in
You elected congressional officials are letting them in too. Rich republicans and Rich Democrats love illegals, it is the poor and middle class republican Trump crowd AND regular democrats that feel threatened by them.

What's not to feel threatened about? They are taking our jobs, lowering our pay scales, and turning this country into a bilingual nation. Of course they are a threat, and I'm glad at least one politician realizes it. As for the rest of you, make preparations. Learn how to speak Spanish in case we lose this election.
It was bad enough that his people at the super pac tried to slut shame Melania. But now this. Way out of line. Going after his wives is over the top.

This is going to get ugly really fast unless Cruz starts to condemn the shit his camp is doing.


Romney roasts Trump for foreign wives
At least his wife came here legally and did it the right way . Unlike the endless illegals here Obama and the democraps let in
You elected congressional officials are letting them in too. Rich republicans and Rich Democrats love illegals, it is the poor and middle class republican Trump crowd AND regular democrats that feel threatened by them.

What's not to feel threatened about? They are taking our jobs, lowering our pay scales, and turning this country into a bilingual nation. Of course they are a threat, and I'm glad at least one politician realizes it. As for the rest of you, make preparations. Learn how to speak Spanish in case we lose this election.

You get the feeling that libs were all the kind of kid that would stick their fingers in a light socket if someone triple dared them to. Accusing you of being afraid is a tactic designed to excuse them from justifying their idiotic policies and putting you on the defense by forcing you to defend some emotion you supposedly have. Every reasonable objection is converted into "fear" to make it appear you have some kind of emotional problem. They Soviet Union used to do a similar thing by putting dissidents in mental hospitals. It's just one of the many tactics that prove left-wingers are all the lowest class of ignominious douche bag. Nothing they do is honest. Nothing.
Are you trying to infer that they are just stupid bimbos? Seriously you want to go there? You want to explain how these women can't think for themselves?


Melania speaks five languages and has a degree in I believe architecture. Ivana was a huge asset in building his empire.

"Ivana took a major role in the Trump Organization. She became the Vice President of Interior Design for the company, spearheading the signature design of Trump Tower. Afterwards, her then husband appointed her to head up the Trump Castle Hotel and Casino as president."

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The problem is National Security. who knows what external connections these foreign born women have to their home countries. If Trump is president he is likely to share our deepest secrets with his wife. She isn't going to be vetted like he is. She would be the weak link in a Trump presidency that we cannot afford. Ol' Romney isn't a fool, he is on to something of grave import.

Both Trump's wives, past and present, so-called "foreigners" are preferable to the "American" bitch who was never proud of her country until her husband became President.
Preferable to who? Michelle had no real responsibility to be "proud" of a country that excluded Blacks and relegated them to a status of 2nd class citizens no matter what their personal attainments were. Are you proud of any part of Black America? I think not. So why would Blacks have been proud of an America that rejected most of their aspirations to be equals.

Exactly. What's to be proud of if your husband isn't President? After all, before the mailman even knew her name, Michelle went to Princeton and then went to Harvard Law School and became a lawyer. Then she married another black man from Harvard Law school who had an education at Columbia.

Why would either of these two have been proud of America before they invaded the White House?

Hundreds of thousands of foreigners have attended Harvard and Princeton so I don't see "pride in America" attached to attending a prestigious American University or Law school. Obama and his wife should be proud of themselves for being high achievers and being smart enough to graduate and make something of their lives despite people like you. The pride in America for minorities involves things America accomplishes that includes them and their input as a people. White people decided to separate "American" history from Black history; all the while showing extreme contempt and suspicion for anything Blacks claim to have ever done as a group. Individual Blacks have accomplished astounding things in this country but the identities of those Blacks are often obscured or hidden behind their English names and/or purposefully kept out of history books used to teach American children. Should the Obamas be proud of that?

The point (which flew over your head) is that she is living proof that race doesn't have anything to do with making accomplishments in life. It's not Whiteys fault. Failure is the fault of the individual--not the group.

Your leaders are such hypocrites and you just buy it hook, line and sinker. WTF would Moochelle have to complain about? She's been handed the royal crown on several occasions in this country. And yet she has the gall to criticize?

This all reminds me when Democrats like Hillary take the stage and say they are going to get even with those evil rich people, and they are the evil rich people!
The problem is National Security. who knows what external connections these foreign born women have to their home countries. If Trump is president he is likely to share our deepest secrets with his wife. She isn't going to be vetted like he is. She would be the weak link in a Trump presidency that we cannot afford. Ol' Romney isn't a fool, he is on to something of grave import.

Both Trump's wives, past and present, so-called "foreigners" are preferable to the "American" bitch who was never proud of her country until her husband became President.
Preferable to who? Michelle had no real responsibility to be "proud" of a country that excluded Blacks and relegated them to a status of 2nd class citizens no matter what their personal attainments were. Are you proud of any part of Black America? I think not. So why would Blacks have been proud of an America that rejected most of their aspirations to be equals.

Exactly. What's to be proud of if your husband isn't President? After all, before the mailman even knew her name, Michelle went to Princeton and then went to Harvard Law School and became a lawyer. Then she married another black man from Harvard Law school who had an education at Columbia.

Why would either of these two have been proud of America before they invaded the White House?

Hundreds of thousands of foreigners have attended Harvard and Princeton so I don't see "pride in America" attached to attending a prestigious American University or Law school. Obama and his wife should be proud of themselves for being high achievers and being smart enough to graduate and make something of their lives despite people like you. The pride in America for minorities involves things America accomplishes that includes them and their input as a people. White people decided to separate "American" history from Black history; all the while showing extreme contempt and suspicion for anything Blacks claim to have ever done as a group. Individual Blacks have accomplished astounding things in this country but the identities of those Blacks are often obscured or hidden behind their English names and/or purposefully kept out of history books used to teach American children. Should the Obamas be proud of that?

The point (which flew over your head) is that she is living proof that race doesn't have anything to do with making accomplishments in life. It's not Whiteys fault. Failure is the fault of the individual--not the group.

Your leaders are such hypocrites and you just buy it hook, line and sinker. WTF would Moochelle have to complain about? She's been handed the royal crown on several occasions in this country. And yet she has the gall to criticize?

This all reminds me when Democrats like Hillary take the stage and say they are going to get even with those evil rich people, and they are the evil rich people!

Moochelle's success is purely the result of Affirmative Action and not merit. She knows that, which is why she is ashamed of America. We always hate those we owe our good fortune to. She knows she doesn't deserve any credit.
It was bad enough that his people at the super pac tried to slut shame Melania. But now this. Way out of line. Going after his wives is over the top.

This is going to get ugly really fast unless Cruz starts to condemn the shit his camp is doing.


Romney roasts Trump for foreign wives
At least his wife came here legally and did it the right way . Unlike the endless illegals here Obama and the democraps let in
You elected congressional officials are letting them in too. Rich republicans and Rich Democrats love illegals, it is the poor and middle class republican Trump crowd AND regular democrats that feel threatened by them.

What's not to feel threatened about? They are taking our jobs, lowering our pay scales, and turning this country into a bilingual nation. Of course they are a threat, and I'm glad at least one politician realizes it. As for the rest of you, make preparations. Learn how to speak Spanish in case we lose this election.

You get the feeling that libs were all the kind of kid that would stick their fingers in a light socket if someone triple dared them to. Accusing you of being afraid is a tactic designed to excuse them from justifying their idiotic policies and putting you on the defense by forcing you to defend some emotion you supposedly have. Every reasonable objection is converted into "fear" to make it appear you have some kind of emotional problem. They Soviet Union used to do a similar thing by putting dissidents in mental hospitals. It's just one of the many tactics that prove left-wingers are all the lowest class of ignominious douche bag. Nothing they do is honest. Nothing.

These surrender-first liberals will be the end of this country yet. That's why it's important to fight them on every front. They still fail to understand the term "taking our country back."

What I don't understand about them is everything they complain we don't have, other countries do! So why not move there?

Why not move to a country that has no gun rights? Why not move to a country where government takes care of everything? Why not move to a country that has very few if any wealthy people? Why not move to a country that has free healthcare?

Of course, there is a place where you can go that has free healthcare, no armed citizens, government taking care of everything, and there are no wealthy people. It's called prison, and nearly everybody in there is a Democrat. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
By "many" you must mean other liberals.

Republican: I hate Obama Care!
Liberal: That's because Obama is black and you're a racist.

Republican: I'm not racist. I admire Thomas Sowell, Clearance Thomas, Condi Rice.....
Liberal: That's different, they are house N***ers and Uncle Toms!

Republican: But you call ME the racist????
Liberal: That's correct.

I mean, really? These people actually think this way. Liberals have used these terms on black conservatives for years. When have you ever heard a Republican refer to a black politician using those racial terms?
Considering the populist bigotry inherent in today's GOP,as evidenced by the polling success of Trump, to include endorsements by every extreme RW cult out there, any Black person who aligns themselves with such riffraff is either mad, stupid or an insensitive opportunist willing to do anything to get a pat on the head from his RW masters.

So how long have you believed blacks are too slow, stupid and lazy that they need to be taken care of by government even more than mighty whitey does, racist? They tell you that in your last Klan meeting?
I have NEVER believed any of those nasty things you say about Blacks. I know that 75% of the Black population survives though hard work and by ownership in the Democratic Plantation where the politicians work FOR them, not the other way around. Impoverished Whites and Blacks are in the same boat and many of those are working poor. The White poor, cajoled by racial identification with the brighter richer republicans, vote against their on interests.

Listen you stupid racist mother fucker, you just said blacks can't live without government as well as whites can, they need more help. Explain how that's not racist. Why do blacks need more assistance than whites that isn't saying they aren't as capable as whites?
Back at you; you racist stupid mother fucker don't tell I said something I didn't say. Your over active imagination is out of control again.
If you stop generalizing like a racist rabid DAWG and stop putting Blacks into a monolithic group we might make some headway.
MOST BLACKS are not Impoverished in this country...GOT THAT, Mother Fucker with a capital MF?

You said blacks need handouts more than whites do, so it's racist to not give it to them. That is racism, Holmes, blacks aren't inferior, they don't need more handouts than anyone else. Get over your bigotry
the only people getting pissed about it are hateful biased Right WIngers who were pissed before Michelle said anything. They just didn't like the idea of a Black First Lady in the White House.

Doesn't this race thing ever get old with you people? Been using it for decades and it never works. Do you liberals believe you are mind readers or something; that you can tell what somebody is thinking if they happen to dislike somebody of color?

Yes, this "race thing"has gotten old. Black, Hispanics and some White liberals have been fighting against it for decades. There are a number of social indicators that show racism thrives in this country and that it is driven by a core group of RW White males, like you.
No, your intolerance and bigotry doesn't just alienate Blacks, it is the cohesive fabric that pits your ilk against Gays, Lesbians , White women, communists socialists and anyone who wants equality that isn't a a RW White male. Your gang then attaches the "liberal" moniker to the whole shebang and makes all therein the common enemy.

The "race thing" has gotten old because the vast majority of Americans, who don't have a racist bone in their bodies, are sick and tired of being called racists by douche bags like you.

Good, then stop being racist bigots and we will stop being douche bags calling you racists.

Only the later is actually happening. That's what makes you a douche bag.

A douche bag is a tool that facilitates good hygiene...You aren't one of those for sure. You are a Dirt Bag where all the urine and feces from stomas accumulate.
Their laughs might not be nearly as loud as those heard around the world when nude photos of the First Lady begin to proliferate.
Of course, they may not proliferate if she can pass information to certain agents in her home country!

So what's the problem, that we finally have an attractive first lady? And there is a difference between semi-nude and nude.

Sorry, but the world will laugh at us more if we elect a woman who passed around classified information on an unsecured server and e-mail, and who's husband was also getting half-million dollar speaking fees from suspicious clients than they would a guy who married a woman with an accent that never had an outstanding parking ticket.
She isn't all THAT attractive.I've seen better looking American women who are a damn sight more curvy and voluptuous. You have insulted every attractive First Lady that has occupied the White House including Michelle Obama and Jaqueline Kennedy. American bred and born, every one of them except Mrs. Adams whose father was born an American.
Moochelle is one of the ugliest women ever to infest the White House. Jaqueline Kennedy wasn't that attractive either. Have you ever seen a photo of her in a swim suit?

Michelle is attractive whether you think so or not. Skinny, boyish looking women aren't everyone's ideal of beauty. What makes Michelle attractive is an inner beauty, her zest for life and her intelligence. All of those assets add luster to her physical attractiveness. A woman with an ass and hips like that, coupled with a brain, is rare. Obama is lucky.
Yeah, that's attractive!


When RW photographers take pictures of Blacks they hate this is the result.

But Melania isn't all that great looking even with plastic surgery and other cosmetic fix ups.

She is NO beauty queen


GOSH, I think Michelle looks even BETTER THAN Melania in this PHOTO>
Why would it mean little to me? There is no question about Trump's citizenship, there was about Obama, and I bet anything that you voted for him.

Now can you show me in our Constitution (or founders writings) where they had a problem about a nominees wife or where she was from? She's been with him over ten years for crying out loud.

She is a hundred times less of a threat to this country than the front runner on the Democrat side. And to be honest, I don't believe for a minute Trump's wife is a concern of yours, it's just something more to bash the guy with.

Like I said, you're watching too many old James Bond movies. This is real life where if there was any inkling of nefarious activity by Melania, the Democrats would have found it long ago if not our government.

There was never a question about Obama's citizenship except for people like Trump: the man married to a foreign born woman.
Have you noticed that Trump suddenly backed off that birther nonsense, even with Cruz? His wife must have reminded him that she is foreign born and he doesn't want to raise that issue in the public eye.

But I have expounded upon the idiom within the Constitution that mandates the president be a natural born citizen. Man and wife are one, thus his foreign born wife burdens Trump's candidacy. A fact that has yet to be fully exploited to an opponent;s advantage.

Great, then after Trump is nominated, try using his wife as a means to disqualify him because "they are one." Even the liberals on the Supreme Court would laugh that one out of the court room.

Their laughs might not be nearly as loud as those heard around the world when nude photos of the First Lady begin to proliferate.
Of course, they may not proliferate if she can pass information to certain agents in her home country!

didn't an italian pm have to resign for pics like that?

if i thought he was going to be president, i might opine that she might not be able to pass the screening.

She isn't eligible to be President, so don't worry about that.
And by proxy that should make her lame ass husband ineligible too!
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