Now Romney is mocking Trump's foreign born wives. Unreal. Uncool.

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As if you like McCain.
Where that attitude comes from is insider knowledge of what McCain is doing to sell out America.
Trump knows where all of the skeletons are buried.

Yes, I like McCain.

Yoar messiah, Trump, says you must rationalize all his offensive actions.

Remember that when Hillary is President and you are blaming everyone else but yourself for nominating the most unelectable candidate in yoar lifetime.

Hillary is the most unelectable candidate in your lifetime.
You sound scared...Otherwise you wouldn't lie like that!

Puhleeze. Hillary is the first outright criminal ever to run for office.
I bet you ask every twat in bed, if they loved their country...

Did Barack ask his twat? You know, Thunder Thighs Michelle? Was she ever vetted as the confidante of the President? Quote me anything Trump's wives ever said anything as disrespectable as what Michelle said.

A wise and patriotic person would prefer a grateful foreigner to a miserable and ungrateful native born bubble brain bitch.
Michelle is a fine upstanding citizen who honestly voiced her opinion. Those people who were already hostile to an Obama presidency did and will vilify anything he and his wife does. Michelle didn't pose nude for Ebony or some popular magazine. Her reputation is impeccable and he morality by far exceeds most of the Conservatives on this board and anywhere else.

How is her reputation "impeccable" when before Obama became President she had a $300,000 job at a hospital that required her to do virtually nothing. We know that because her employer saw no need to replace her when she left to go to Washington. What was she being paid for?
And just what has Trump done to "earn" his billions? Not very much. That is how the rich get and stay rich. They find ways to make money without doing a damn thing for it. Now, some one else, probably White, is doing that $300,000 a year job and apparently doing nothing. That is what managers do....nothing but provide oversight and supervision.

Wrong. He has built dozens of multi-million dollar properties. Only a leftwing douche nozzle like you is dumb enough to believe that the people who run multi billion dollar corporations don't do anything.
Got any pictures of Trump in a ditch with a shovel in his hands while wearing a hard hat and sweat drenched shirt? I didn't think so... go back to sleep and dream up more bullshit.
As if you like McCain.
Where that attitude comes from is insider knowledge of what McCain is doing to sell out America.
Trump knows where all of the skeletons are buried.

Yes, I like McCain.

Yoar messiah, Trump, says you must rationalize all his offensive actions.

Remember that when Hillary is President and you are blaming everyone else but yourself for nominating the most unelectable candidate in yoar lifetime.

Hillary is the most unelectable candidate in your lifetime.

you're delusional.
As if you like McCain.
Where that attitude comes from is insider knowledge of what McCain is doing to sell out America.
Trump knows where all of the skeletons are buried.

Yes, I like McCain.

Yoar messiah, Trump, says you must rationalize all his offensive actions.

Remember that when Hillary is President and you are blaming everyone else but yourself for nominating the most unelectable candidate in yoar lifetime.

Hillary is the most unelectable candidate in your lifetime.
You sound scared...Otherwise you wouldn't lie like that!

Puhleeze. Hillary is the first outright criminal ever to run for office.
Who are you trying to convince? Hillary hasn't been convicted of anything. You are a criminal for defaming her like that!
Yeah genius, that's why people got pissed about it.
the only people getting pissed about it are hateful biased Right WIngers who were pissed before Michelle said anything. They just didn't like the idea of a Black First Lady in the White House.

Doesn't this race thing ever get old with you people? Been using it for decades and it never works. Do you liberals believe you are mind readers or something; that you can tell what somebody is thinking if they happen to dislike somebody of color?

Yes, this "race thing"has gotten old. Black, Hispanics and some White liberals have been fighting against it for decades. There are a number of social indicators that show racism thrives in this country and that it is driven by a core group of RW White males, like you.
No, your intolerance and bigotry doesn't just alienate Blacks, it is the cohesive fabric that pits your ilk against Gays, Lesbians , White women, communists socialists and anyone who wants equality that isn't a a RW White male. Your gang then attaches the "liberal" moniker to the whole shebang and makes all therein the common enemy.

What are these "social indicators" that show racism thrives in this country?
Go back and review every post you have made on USMB for starters.

In other words, you can't name any.

Thanks for playing!
As if you like McCain.
Where that attitude comes from is insider knowledge of what McCain is doing to sell out America.
Trump knows where all of the skeletons are buried.

Yes, I like McCain.

Yoar messiah, Trump, says you must rationalize all his offensive actions.

Remember that when Hillary is President and you are blaming everyone else but yourself for nominating the most unelectable candidate in yoar lifetime.

Hillary is the most unelectable candidate in your lifetime.

you're delusional.

Hardly. Even leftwing commentators have said as much.
As if you like McCain.
Where that attitude comes from is insider knowledge of what McCain is doing to sell out America.
Trump knows where all of the skeletons are buried.

Yes, I like McCain.

Yoar messiah, Trump, says you must rationalize all his offensive actions.

Remember that when Hillary is President and you are blaming everyone else but yourself for nominating the most unelectable candidate in yoar lifetime.

Hillary is the most unelectable candidate in your lifetime.
You sound scared...Otherwise you wouldn't lie like that!

Puhleeze. Hillary is the first outright criminal ever to run for office.
Who are you trying to convince? Hillary hasn't been convicted of anything. You are a criminal for defaming her like that!

That's right, she hasn't been convicted of anything YET. That doesn't alter the fact that the entire country knows she violated the Espionage Act, along with multiple other laws.
Great, then after Trump is nominated, try using his wife as a means to disqualify him because "they are one." Even the liberals on the Supreme Court would laugh that one out of the court room.

Their laughs might not be nearly as loud as those heard around the world when nude photos of the First Lady begin to proliferate.
Of course, they may not proliferate if she can pass information to certain agents in her home country!

So what's the problem, that we finally have an attractive first lady? And there is a difference between semi-nude and nude.

Sorry, but the world will laugh at us more if we elect a woman who passed around classified information on an unsecured server and e-mail, and who's husband was also getting half-million dollar speaking fees from suspicious clients than they would a guy who married a woman with an accent that never had an outstanding parking ticket.
She isn't all THAT attractive.I've seen better looking American women who are a damn sight more curvy and voluptuous. You have insulted every attractive First Lady that has occupied the White House including Michelle Obama and Jaqueline Kennedy. American bred and born, every one of them except Mrs. Adams whose father was born an American.
Moochelle is one of the ugliest women ever to infest the White House. Jaqueline Kennedy wasn't that attractive either. Have you ever seen a photo of her in a swim suit?

Michelle is attractive whether you think so or not. Skinny, boyish looking women aren't everyone's ideal of beauty. What makes Michelle attractive is an inner beauty, her zest for life and her intelligence. All of those assets add luster to her physical attractiveness. A woman with an ass and hips like that, coupled with a brain, is rare. Obama is lucky.
Yeah, that's attractive!

No I don't remember that. But he is a natural born citizen and that meant something of value to the founders of this nation. Obviously it means very little to you!

Why would it mean little to me? There is no question about Trump's citizenship, there was about Obama, and I bet anything that you voted for him.

Now can you show me in our Constitution (or founders writings) where they had a problem about a nominees wife or where she was from? She's been with him over ten years for crying out loud.

She is a hundred times less of a threat to this country than the front runner on the Democrat side. And to be honest, I don't believe for a minute Trump's wife is a concern of yours, it's just something more to bash the guy with.

Like I said, you're watching too many old James Bond movies. This is real life where if there was any inkling of nefarious activity by Melania, the Democrats would have found it long ago if not our government.

There was never a question about Obama's citizenship except for people like Trump: the man married to a foreign born woman.
Have you noticed that Trump suddenly backed off that birther nonsense, even with Cruz? His wife must have reminded him that she is foreign born and he doesn't want to raise that issue in the public eye.

But I have expounded upon the idiom within the Constitution that mandates the president be a natural born citizen. Man and wife are one, thus his foreign born wife burdens Trump's candidacy. A fact that has yet to be fully exploited to an opponent;s advantage.

Great, then after Trump is nominated, try using his wife as a means to disqualify him because "they are one." Even the liberals on the Supreme Court would laugh that one out of the court room.

Their laughs might not be nearly as loud as those heard around the world when nude photos of the First Lady begin to proliferate.
Of course, they may not proliferate if she can pass information to certain agents in her home country!

didn't an italian pm have to resign for pics like that?

if i thought he was going to be president, i might opine that she might not be able to pass the screening.

She isn't eligible to be President, so don't worry about that.
"Now Romney is mocking Trump's foreign born wives. Unreal. Uncool."

But typical of most conservatives and republicans.
Just imagine the thunderous applause these same rightards would offer Romney had he attacked Obama's wife instead of Trump's.

But no, he attacked Trump's; therefore, attacking wives is now "uncool."

You mean, sort of like the way the left attacked Palin's children? Attacking family members is something the left does. Just admit it and move on.
When you admit the right does it....

When did the right do it?
Yeah genius, that's why people got pissed about it.
the only people getting pissed about it are hateful biased Right WIngers who were pissed before Michelle said anything. They just didn't like the idea of a Black First Lady in the White House.

Doesn't this race thing ever get old with you people? Been using it for decades and it never works. Do you liberals believe you are mind readers or something; that you can tell what somebody is thinking if they happen to dislike somebody of color?

Yes, this "race thing"has gotten old. Black, Hispanics and some White liberals have been fighting against it for decades. There are a number of social indicators that show racism thrives in this country and that it is driven by a core group of RW White males, like you.
No, your intolerance and bigotry doesn't just alienate Blacks, it is the cohesive fabric that pits your ilk against Gays, Lesbians , White women, communists socialists and anyone who wants equality that isn't a a RW White male. Your gang then attaches the "liberal" moniker to the whole shebang and makes all therein the common enemy.

The "race thing" has gotten old because the vast majority of Americans, who don't have a racist bone in their bodies, are sick and tired of being called racists by douche bags like you.

Good, then stop being racist bigots and we will stop being douche bags calling you racists.

Only the later is actually happening. That's what makes you a douche bag.
Yes, I like McCain.

Yoar messiah, Trump, says you must rationalize all his offensive actions.

Remember that when Hillary is President and you are blaming everyone else but yourself for nominating the most unelectable candidate in yoar lifetime.

Hillary is the most unelectable candidate in your lifetime.
You sound scared...Otherwise you wouldn't lie like that!

Puhleeze. Hillary is the first outright criminal ever to run for office.
Who are you trying to convince? Hillary hasn't been convicted of anything. You are a criminal for defaming her like that!

That's right, she hasn't been convicted of anything YET. That doesn't alter the fact that the entire country knows she violated the Espionage Act, along with multiple other laws.

We've been hearing that for some 20 years now.


How many more decades you reckon it's gonna take to charge her of something?
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It was bad enough that his people at the super pac tried to slut shame Melania. But now this. Way out of line. Going after his wives is over the top.

This is going to get ugly really fast unless Cruz starts to condemn the shit his camp is doing.


Romney roasts Trump for foreign wives
The GOP is imploding. Quite a spectacle.

Anytime one Republican criticizes another, leftwing douche bags like you claim the party is exploding. Of course, self criticism is virtually unknown in Stalinist parties like the Democrats.
Hillary is the most unelectable candidate in your lifetime.
You sound scared...Otherwise you wouldn't lie like that!

Puhleeze. Hillary is the first outright criminal ever to run for office.
Who are you trying to convince? Hillary hasn't been convicted of anything. You are a criminal for defaming her like that!

That's right, she hasn't been convicted of anything YET. That doesn't alter the fact that the entire country knows she violated the Espionage Act, along with multiple other laws.

We've been hearing that for some 20 years now.


How many more decades you reckon it's gonna take to convict her of something?

I dunno. It will take electing someone with integrity to the White House.
Yes, I like McCain.

Yoar messiah, Trump, says you must rationalize all his offensive actions.

Remember that when Hillary is President and you are blaming everyone else but yourself for nominating the most unelectable candidate in yoar lifetime.

Hillary is the most unelectable candidate in your lifetime.
You sound scared...Otherwise you wouldn't lie like that!

Puhleeze. Hillary is the first outright criminal ever to run for office.
Who are you trying to convince? Hillary hasn't been convicted of anything. You are a criminal for defaming her like that!

That's right, she hasn't been convicted of anything YET. That doesn't alter the fact that the entire country knows she violated the Espionage Act, along with multiple other laws.

Horse Shit! I watched House Republicans connive and throw questions about Benghazi at her for eleven hours and they didn't prove a thing. Poor lil ol woman. For some strange reason Republicans had rather pick on girls and women.
As if you like McCain.
Where that attitude comes from is insider knowledge of what McCain is doing to sell out America.
Trump knows where all of the skeletons are buried.

Yes, I like McCain.

Yoar messiah, Trump, says you must rationalize all his offensive actions.

Remember that when Hillary is President and you are blaming everyone else but yourself for nominating the most unelectable candidate in yoar lifetime.
McCain screwed the Republican voter base.

He figured if he picked Sarah Palin, he would lose easily. Instead she turned out to be a better candidate than they counted on. Then he released all of the crapola about her going rouge and told everyone about some bs on her wardrobe. His fucking bumper stickers were shit. He must of spent as little as possible on them because mine started pealing off in less than a month. My Bush Cheney sticker lasted for years.....I had to use a razor blade to take it off when I went to sell my CRV.

McCain wouldn't kick Obama in the balls when he needed to. Didn't even bring up anything about Obama's past. Obama had a free ride into the White House. Romney made sure that Obama got a second term by shutting down his campaign in September.
"Now Romney is mocking Trump's foreign born wives. Unreal. Uncool."

But typical of most conservatives and republicans.
Just imagine the thunderous applause these same rightards would offer Romney had he attacked Obama's wife instead of Trump's.

But no, he attacked Trump's; therefore, attacking wives is now "uncool."

You mean, sort of like the way the left attacked Palin's children? Attacking family members is something the left does. Just admit it and move on.
When you admit the right does it....

When did the right do it?
That has got to be one of the dumbest posts on this forum. :eusa_doh:

... just one example ...

Flashback 1992: Rush Limbaugh Calls Chelsea Clinton, Age 12, the ‘White House Dog’
you're correct in all of that. and you haven't even gotten to how the loons mischaracterize what she said

How do you misunderstand "for the first time in my life, I'm proud of my country?"

Think she told Obama, that was the first time in my life. Sure baby, that's it, you were the first ...

She was "really" proud that her country could put aside its racist past

Weren't you?

Obama has been denying that since the day he got elected.
It was bad enough that his people at the super pac tried to slut shame Melania. But now this. Way out of line. Going after his wives is over the top.

This is going to get ugly really fast unless Cruz starts to condemn the shit his camp is doing.


Romney roasts Trump for foreign wives

How Xenophobic of Romney....are the MSM freaking out? Probably not, if it's anything anti-The Donald it seems its okay.
"Now Romney is mocking Trump's foreign born wives. Unreal. Uncool."

But typical of most conservatives and republicans.
Just imagine the thunderous applause these same rightards would offer Romney had he attacked Obama's wife instead of Trump's.

But no, he attacked Trump's; therefore, attacking wives is now "uncool."

You mean, sort of like the way the left attacked Palin's children? Attacking family members is something the left does. Just admit it and move on.
When you admit the right does it....

When did the right do it?
That has got to be one of the dumbest comments on this forum. :eusa_doh:

... just one example ...

Flashback 1992: Rush Limbaugh Calls Chelsea Clinton, Age 12, the ‘White House Dog’

Yeah, that's the lone example the douche bags like you always bring up. It's the only example, and Rush was resoundingly criticized by virtually all Republican office holders. When did any Democrat office holder attack the douche bag reporters who went after Palin's children?
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