NOW tell me the race riots are not Political

They weren't "black". Obama was 1/2 white (biologically)
just like HOE Kamala Harris she is Jamaican but the media and JOE BIDEN says she is Black to get the Black vote which is 9 % of the legal electric, do not understand that
Jamaican is black.
black = African American

Most blacks here were neither born in Africa nor do they have dual citizenship. They are no more African American than I am Scandinavian American. The phrase has no meaning and honesty is stupid. Would you assume the heritage of the very people who SOLD YOU INTO SLAVERY ?

They are just blacks or if you prefer AMERICANS.
They weren't "black". Obama was 1/2 white (biologically)
just like HOE Kamala Harris she is Jamaican but the media and JOE BIDEN says she is Black to get the Black vote which is 9 % of the legal electric, do not understand that
Jamaican is black.
black = African American

Most blacks here were neither born in Africa nor do they have dual citizenship. They are no more African American than I am Scandinavian American. The phrase has no meaning and honesty is stupid. Would you assume the heritage of the very people who SOLD YOU INTO SLAVERY ?

They are just blacks or if you prefer AMERICANS.
.....wrong--my meaning is when you say black in America it means African American--THAT'S what they want to be known as----they are proud to be from a shithole continent
They weren't "black". Obama was 1/2 white (biologically)
just like HOE Kamala Harris she is Jamaican but the media and JOE BIDEN says she is Black to get the Black vote which is 9 % of the legal electric, do not understand that
Jamaican is black.
black = African American

Most blacks here were neither born in Africa nor do they have dual citizenship. They are no more African American than I am Scandinavian American. The phrase has no meaning and honesty is stupid. Would you assume the heritage of the very people who SOLD YOU INTO SLAVERY ?

They are just blacks or if you prefer AMERICANS.
.....wrong--my meaning is when you say black in America it means African American--THAT'S what they want to be known as----they are proud to be from a shithole continent
Except they are not from Africa. They are from America. If the history we were taught is to be believed we all hail from Africa originally. So are you African American? Am I?
They weren't "black". Obama was 1/2 white (biologically)
just like HOE Kamala Harris she is Jamaican but the media and JOE BIDEN says she is Black to get the Black vote which is 9 % of the legal electric, do not understand that
Jamaican is black.
black = African American

Most blacks here were neither born in Africa nor do they have dual citizenship. They are no more African American than I am Scandinavian American. The phrase has no meaning and honesty is stupid. Would you assume the heritage of the very people who SOLD YOU INTO SLAVERY ?

They are just blacks or if you prefer AMERICANS.
.....wrong--my meaning is when you say black in America it means African American--THAT'S what they want to be known as----they are proud to be from a shithole continent
Except they are not from Africa. They are from America. If the history we were taught is to be believed we all hail from Africa originally. So are you African American? Am I?
KNOWN as AA---AND ''black'' is not a proper/correct term.....they are not African Americans--they are racists one is white either---or yellow
View attachment 382040

How stupid do Democrat's, Hoe Kamlla Harris, and Joe Biden are think Americans are

Why would you illustrate a thread that supposedly is about "race riots" with a photo of a peaceful protest? And one that includes mostly white people?

BTW: calling Sen. Harris a "hoe" is grossly disrespectful and insulting. Your comment says that you are a low-class person. Did you have parents?
He calls Harris a hoe, but she has a law degree and served as an AG and U.S. Senator. Meanwhile he's shown the utmost reverence to Melania Trump, an uneducated nude model, a woman who was going broke and ready to go back to Slovenia when she took the phone number from a married man named trump.

When the right-wingers oppose a woman, and particularly a woman of color, they always skip right over the person's background, education, and experience and go straight to sex-based insults. They can't stand intelligent and accomplished women. They are cowards who are incapable of mounting any sort of intelligent, substantive opposition.

P.S. trump's a mess. He gets started on the next wife while still married to the last one.

Damn, you do realize Kamala slept her way to the top...dumbass.

Willie Brown admits it: Kamala Harris slept her way to the top

There is nothing in this article from American Stinker that supports a conclusion that Harris "slept her way to the top." There is no way a DA can sleep his or her way to the top. You have to be a wiz in the courtroom, persuading jurors, and make critical decisions about bringing charges and whom to prosecute. Moreover, Brown stated, according to the article you posted, that he helped a lot of people, male and female.

Your smear campaign is another example of dirty politics, in this case misogynistic and racist. It should be beneath you.

Dang, and did he sleep with those people also?
He calls Harris a hoe, but she has a law degree and served as an AG and U.S. Senator. Meanwhile he's shown the utmost reverence to Melania Trump, an uneducated nude model, a woman who was going broke and ready to go back to Slovenia when she took the phone number from a married man named trump.
Melania speaks 5 languages, plays 3 musical instruments, and is a former business owner. And did it all without Affirmative Action.

Porn can pay well.
View attachment 382040

How stupid do Democrat's, Hoe Kamlla Harris, and Joe Biden are think Americans are

Why would you illustrate a thread that supposedly is about "race riots" with a photo of a peaceful protest? And one that includes mostly white people?

BTW: calling Sen. Harris a "hoe" is grossly disrespectful and insulting. Your comment says that you are a low-class person. Did you have parents?
He calls Harris a hoe, but she has a law degree and served as an AG and U.S. Senator. Meanwhile he's shown the utmost reverence to Melania Trump, an uneducated nude model, a woman who was going broke and ready to go back to Slovenia when she took the phone number from a married man named trump.

When the right-wingers oppose a woman, and particularly a woman of color, they always skip right over the person's background, education, and experience and go straight to sex-based insults. They can't stand intelligent and accomplished women. They are cowards who are incapable of mounting any sort of intelligent, substantive opposition.

P.S. trump's a mess. He gets started on the next wife while still married to the last one.
hmm now wait successful woman that sleeps her way to a US senate seat, or are you talking about FLOTUS Melania who is so intelligent she speaks 5 langues ans an IQ of 130?and slepping with someones wife JILL Biden did that with Joe Biden when w=his wife was killed in a car accident?

There is no evidence that Sen. Harris slept her way to being a DA, and AG, and a seat in the U.S. Senate. You can't sleep your way to a seat in the Senate, as this is an elected position that requires winning a majority of the votes cast. If she had a romance while developing her career, this is her private business. Moreover, we are talking about a VP candidate, not someone merely married to a president or to a potential president.

Why are you discussing only women instead of discussing the behavior of all politicians? Remember that you voted for an unrepentant whore who has bragged about it and you didn't care. Maintaining a double standard is incredible hypocrisy.
Preach sister! If anyone is a hoe, it's trump.
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How stupid do Democrat's, Hoe Kamlla Harris, and Joe Biden are think Americans are
There are ZERO race riots in the USA.

They are 100% POLITICAL riots.
tell that to the white mans family who was shot and klled by a Black in Portland last night
Try talking to the 2 white families in Kenosha who we know were actually killed by another white. tell that to the 2 white cops families who were shot and killed by a white in Vegas. Seems that your tongue is caught in a mousetrap pertaining to these documented killings.
View attachment 382040

How stupid do Democrat's, Hoe Kamlla Harris, and Joe Biden are think Americans are

Why would you illustrate a thread that supposedly is about "race riots" with a photo of a peaceful protest? And one that includes mostly white people?

BTW: calling Sen. Harris a "hoe" is grossly disrespectful and insulting. Your comment says that you are a low-class person. Did you have parents?
He calls Harris a hoe, but she has a law degree and served as an AG and U.S. Senator. Meanwhile he's shown the utmost reverence to Melania Trump, an uneducated nude model, a woman who was going broke and ready to go back to Slovenia when she took the phone number from a married man named trump.

When the right-wingers oppose a woman, and particularly a woman of color, they always skip right over the person's background, education, and experience and go straight to sex-based insults. They can't stand intelligent and accomplished women. They are cowards who are incapable of mounting any sort of intelligent, substantive opposition.

P.S. trump's a mess. He gets started on the next wife while still married to the last one.

Damn, you do realize Kamala slept her way to the top...dumbass.

Willie Brown admits it: Kamala Harris slept her way to the top

There is nothing in this article from American Stinker that supports a conclusion that Harris "slept her way to the top." There is no way a DA can sleep his or her way to the top. You have to be a wiz in the courtroom, persuading jurors, and make critical decisions about bringing charges and whom to prosecute. Moreover, Brown stated, according to the article you posted, that he helped a lot of people, male and female.

Your smear campaign is another example of dirty politics, in this case misogynistic and racist. It should be beneath you.

Dang, and did he sleep with those people also?

So what if he did or didn't? Like I've said, you cannot survive as a DA or an AG unless you can think on your feet and do the job. Apparently Harris has these talents. Why would trump call her "incompetent"? In a face-to-face match, I think that she would bring him down rather quickly.

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