Now that the murderous flag has been banned can we ban ILLEGAL immigrants?

I stopped teaching 25 years ago. Now I'm talking to brainwashed fools/ bigots who never learn a thing but Pubcrappe. No, greedy idiot billionaires just brainwash you. lol

Obviously you were never much of a teacher. I'm basing this observation on your crude use of the English language. You've also failed at convincing me of your position.
Never saw a Pub dupe do that in 8 years. They don't care about facts. Who's your brainwasher? Fox, Rush? or someone else. There IS a RW conspiracy. It's about MONEY, not people or the country.

I don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. Are you supposed to be on medications or something?
I guess not. You haven't heard of Fox or Rush? Never heard of the RW conspiracy? Can't figure what a Pub dupe might be? Brilliant!

Truthfully? You haven't made a single coherent or concise statement since I read your posts. You keep talking in three-letter syllables, none of which make any sense at all. I have serious reservation about your statement that you were a "teacher".
I don't CARE, dupe.
Read the book- A Pub is a megarich a-hole who runs your party or pays for your propaganda. Adelson, Kochs, Murdoch, Moon, etc...
Now you're just being obtuse. Answer any of those questions.

So if a tragedy shouldn't be mentioned for political purposes, let's see you condemn Obama and Hillary over that flag flap....

Cat got your little lying tongue???
All this flap is for is producing hate against illegals. Irrational. Pass the GD Immigation Bill.
Which most of you hanen't heard of, amazingly.
All this flap is for is producing hate against illegals. Irrational. Pass the GD Immigation Bill.
Which most of you hanen't heard of, amazingly.

That's where you're wrong...

You see, the Democrats' rage over the Confederate flag is pretty ridiculous, since the flag doesn't actually cause any crimes. However, if you have been keeping up with the news, there are illegals that are committing serious crimes (including murder), and Obama's open-door policies and the fact that he allows sanctuary cities only compounds the problem.

How can you rail against a damn flag, but dismiss the murders of innocent Americans when it just happens to further Obama's foolishness??? Are you really that retarded????

What do you teach????

View attachment 44202
Retired from teaching1990. History, French, Spanish. It appears that to be a GOPer, you have to be totally history ignorant and monolingual ugly American chump lol...

You taught History, French, and Spanish yet the most intelligent words you can come up with are "ignorant", "monolingual", "ugly", and "chump"?

It's a sad day for this country when a person with the intellect of a fifth grader, is teaching high school. Given that I was the Principal of your school, I'd personally fire your ass and revoke your pension.
Sorry, I'm a democrat, idiot Pub dupe lol. ..

You're an illiterate punk.
All this flap is for is producing hate against illegals. Irrational. Pass the GD Immigation Bill.
Which most of you hanen't heard of, amazingly.

That's where you're wrong...

You see, the Democrats' rage over the Confederate flag is pretty ridiculous, since the flag doesn't actually cause any crimes. However, if you have been keeping up with the news, there are illegals that are committing serious crimes (including murder), and Obama's open-door policies and the fact that he allows sanctuary cities only compounds the problem.

How can you rail against a damn flag, but dismiss the murders of innocent Americans when it just happens to further Obama's foolishness??? Are you really that retarded????
It was past time for that flag to come down from gov't buildings. End of story. take a pill.

What do you teach????

View attachment 44202
Retired from teaching1990. History, French, Spanish. It appears that to be a GOPer, you have to be totally history ignorant and monolingual ugly American chump lol...

You taught History, French, and Spanish yet the most intelligent words you can come up with are "ignorant", "monolingual", "ugly", and "chump"?

It's a sad day for this country when a person with the intellect of a fifth grader, is teaching high school. Given that I was the Principal of your school, I'd personally fire your ass and revoke your pension.
Sorry, I'm a democrat, idiot Pub dupe lol. ..

You're an illiterate punk.
Pure troll.
All this flap is for is producing hate against illegals. Irrational. Pass the GD Immigation Bill.
Which most of you hanen't heard of, amazingly.

That's where you're wrong...

You see, the Democrats' rage over the Confederate flag is pretty ridiculous, since the flag doesn't actually cause any crimes. However, if you have been keeping up with the news, there are illegals that are committing serious crimes (including murder), and Obama's open-door policies and the fact that he allows sanctuary cities only compounds the problem.

How can you rail against a damn flag, but dismiss the murders of innocent Americans when it just happens to further Obama's foolishness??? Are you really that retarded????
Pass the GD Bill, hater dupe.
All this flap is for is producing hate against illegals. Irrational. Pass the GD Immigation Bill.
Which most of you hanen't heard of, amazingly.

That's where you're wrong...

You see, the Democrats' rage over the Confederate flag is pretty ridiculous, since the flag doesn't actually cause any crimes. However, if you have been keeping up with the news, there are illegals that are committing serious crimes (including murder), and Obama's open-door policies and the fact that he allows sanctuary cities only compounds the problem.

How can you rail against a damn flag, but dismiss the murders of innocent Americans when it just happens to further Obama's foolishness??? Are you really that retarded????
Pass the GD Bill, hater dupe.
So, what reform is your illegal hate fest supposed to produce?

No addressing the fact that the sanctuary cities shelter criminal illegals, and Obozo allows it to go on???

Apparently you have no problem being Obama's tool, and it looks like he trained you well.... Or you're just too stupid to think for yourself.

What do you teach????

View attachment 44202
Retired from teaching1990. History, French, Spanish. It appears that to be a GOPer, you have to be totally history ignorant and monolingual ugly American chump lol...

You taught History, French, and Spanish yet the most intelligent words you can come up with are "ignorant", "monolingual", "ugly", and "chump"?

It's a sad day for this country when a person with the intellect of a fifth grader, is teaching high school. Given that I was the Principal of your school, I'd personally fire your ass and revoke your pension.
Sorry, I'm a democrat, idiot Pub dupe lol. ..

You're an illiterate punk.
Pure troll.

Yes, you are. Or to put it in terms you might understand: doh, dupe, pub, dum, dee, dee, dee, dupe, dur, duh, boogey, boogey.

No addressing the fact that the sanctuary cities shelter criminal illegals, and Obozo allows it to go on???

Apparently you have no problem being Obama's tool, ....

Don't say "obama's tool" or Johnny Illiterate will start touching himself.

No addressing the fact that the sanctuary cities shelter criminal illegals, and Obozo allows it to go on???

Apparently you have no problem being Obama's tool, and it looks like he trained you well.... Or you're just too stupid to think for yourself.
There were 100+ murders that day. What's so special. You people have been getting brainwashed again...
He was illegal. He was also nuts. LOL. How bout an actual mental health system? Too expensive for your billionaire masters?

No addressing the fact that the sanctuary cities shelter criminal illegals, and Obozo allows it to go on???

Apparently you have no problem being Obama's tool, and it looks like he trained you well.... Or you're just too stupid to think for yourself.
What happened to freedom and liberty? Now you WANT Obama to act like a dictator? Feq GOP functional morons...

Tell Boehner to allow a vote, fools.
He was illegal. He was also nuts. LOL. How bout an actual mental health system? Too expensive for your billionaire masters?
Glad you admitted he was an illegal.... That means he should have been turned over to ICE and deported as soon as he got out of prison, but Obama allows sanctuary cities to keep criminals here, where they can commit more crimes (including murder).

The fact that you are OK with that speaks volumes about your utter lack of character in supporting the Idiot in the White House.

You want to whine about freedom and liberty? How about Obozo looking out for the people that elected him, rather than letting in criminals, people that want to take our jobs, or people that want to take our money through welfare? Obama was elected to represent US!!!! If he would rather represent the Mexicans, he should move his ass to Mexico and run for office there!!!

I'll leave you with a few words of wisdom...
Or better yet, pull the DHS and ICE agents off the border and let the MInutemen guard the border. They'd appreciate the target practice.
50% of illegals just overstay their visas. Only one solution, and Boehner (Pub chump) is blocking it. A good SS/ID card.

Wait just a fucking minute here, if you're going to be an effective propagandist like your hero Josef Goebbels, you need to at least make it sound believable. You're accusing John Boehner of being the only person between you and your dreams of open borders? What about the American people who overwhelmingly do not want to see their country over-run with these foreign invaders? What about the governors of those states who are refusing to abide by Obama's illegal declarations? What about those existing immigrants who came here legally and went through the naturalization process, only to have their citizenship cheapened by the flow of criminals across our borders?

Are you seriously naive enough to believe that simply giving law-breakers a SS card and a driver's license is going to stop the flow of illegals?
I am sick to death of illegals coming in because of GOP bullshytte, Pub dupe. Brainwashed functional moron hater dupe. lol

WTF did you you just say? Illegals are coming into this country because of the Republican Party? Something about a duplicate something or other in a pub? Someone having low intelligence but being functional, and hating duplicates?

Are you on drugs or something? And you're an "educator"?

Folks, if this person is truly a representative of the educational system in this country, we're in a world of shit.
The GOP billionaires LOVE cheap labor and refuse a good SS ID card. You are an ignorant brainwashed dupe.

So do the Democrat billionaires, and they're the ones that want to give criminals legal status.

Whats' your point?

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