Now that the table has turned, how will GOPer's react?

I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.

ATTN: Dumbass berg80,

It is not Trump that proposes the US budget and inserts a bunch of unneeded crap into it. It takes bipartisan grifters in the House to do that.
Then it goes to the Senate where all those bipartisan crooks tack on the other drains on the taxpayers like they've been bribed to do by special interest groups. After that it lands up on Trump's desk and he can sign it and things will be bad, or refuse to sign it, in which case the cry will go out "Trump is holding the country hostage by not signing the budget". In the end, what they are doing is fucking all present and future Americans. They are grifting us all right into the poorhouse.

Term limits now!
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The obvious way out of this debt mess is further tax cuts for our billionaires.

Works every time.
The MFs need to raise the top tax rate, add a VAT (value added tax), add a tax on stock and financial transactions, add a tax on remittances sent out of the US, raise the gas tax, and possibly add a wealth tax. Social Security and Medicare will probably go bankrupt much sooner due to all the new Debt. So we all need to pay more tax to stay afloat. ANY party that objects to paying for the new borrowing is irresponsible and needs to be defeated.
I’m not here to persuade knee-jerk trump haters that you are what you are

I merely comment that you are
Meaning, you suffer from Trump Denial Syndrome.
He's not here to spew nasty intellectual honesty.

He's like my aunt. Anything that is not pro trump is FAKE NEWS.

These people are insane like nazis.
You aunt is a wise lady

much of what on the lib media is fake news
I want to call her and play the tape of trump seriously suggesting injecting bleach or shooting light into the body like with gamma rays to kill the virus. What an idiot. And when I play him saying it she'll yell FAKE NEWS.

She's an idiot.
Of course the doctors are not going to do that

I said trump misspoke as soon as I heard it

but that was just him thinking out loud

its no big deal
I said trump misspoke as soon as I heard it

but that was just him thinking out loud
Thinking out a press conference meant to convey information and reassure the nation that the government has a handle on things is not...rational
I said trump misspoke as soon as I heard it

but that was just him thinking out loud
Thinking out a press conference meant to convey information and reassure the nation that the government has a handle on things is not...rational
Its not the big deal that liberals think it is

I know you dont listen to Ben Shapiro but I do

no one is more critical of trump for his public speaking gaffs than Shapiro

he’s brutally honest

but still a trump supporter because all the alternatives are worse
The MFs need to raise the top tax rate, add a VAT (value added tax), add a tax on stock and financial transactions, add a tax on remittances sent out of the US, raise the gas tax, and possibly add a wealth tax. Social Security and Medicare will probably go bankrupt much sooner due to all the new Debt. So we all need to pay more tax to stay afloat. ANY party that objects to paying for the new borrowing is irresponsible and needs to be defeated.

Social Security and Medicare will probably go bankrupt much sooner due to all the new Debt.

They'll go bankrupt because the taxes are too low and the benefits too high.
Especially considering the low "returns" and the ever increasing life-span of recipients.
All of which has zero to do with new debt.
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.
Get a job fool.
The MFs need to raise the top tax rate, add a VAT (value added tax), add a tax on stock and financial transactions, add a tax on remittances sent out of the US, raise the gas tax, and possibly add a wealth tax. Social Security and Medicare will probably go bankrupt much sooner due to all the new Debt. So we all need to pay more tax to stay afloat. ANY party that objects to paying for the new borrowing is irresponsible and needs to be defeated.

Social Security and Medicare will probably go bankrupt much sooner due to all the new Debt.

They'll go bankrupt because the taxes are too low and the benefits too high.
Especially considering the low "returns" and the ever increasing life-span of recipients.
All of which has zero to do with new debt.
OK, so why isn't there a "bi-partisan" commission to "fix" SS & Medicare? Both parties are ignoring the problem.
The MFs need to raise the top tax rate, add a VAT (value added tax), add a tax on stock and financial transactions, add a tax on remittances sent out of the US, raise the gas tax, and possibly add a wealth tax. Social Security and Medicare will probably go bankrupt much sooner due to all the new Debt. So we all need to pay more tax to stay afloat. ANY party that objects to paying for the new borrowing is irresponsible and needs to be defeated.

Social Security and Medicare will probably go bankrupt much sooner due to all the new Debt.

They'll go bankrupt because the taxes are too low and the benefits too high.
Especially considering the low "returns" and the ever increasing life-span of recipients.
All of which has zero to do with new debt.
OK, so why isn't there a "bi-partisan" commission to "fix" SS & Medicare? Both parties are ignoring the problem.

OK, so why isn't there a "bi-partisan" commission to "fix" SS & Medicare?

Because the "fix" would be politically unpopular.
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.

ATTN: Dumbass berg80,

It is not Trump that proposes the US budget and inserts a bunch of unneeded crap into it. It takes bipartisan grifters in the House to do that.
Then it goes to the Senate where all those bipartisan crooks tack on the other drains on the taxpayers like they've been bribed to do by special interest groups. After that it lands up on Trump's desk and he can sign it and things will be bad, or refuse to sign it, in which case the cry will go out "Trump is holding the country hostage by not signing the budget". In the end, what they are doing is fucking all present and future Americans. They are grifting us all right into the poorhouse.

Term limits now!
The last thing I need is a civics lesson from a brain dead zombie.

Question; why do you give undeserved credit to Capt. Clorox but hold him responsible for nothing negative?
Because the "fix" would be politically unpopular.
Nope. But the Repub "solutions" are.

I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.
Thing is Donnie spends like O did. You love O and hate Don, yet they are similar.

You shouldn't accuse others of hypocrisy, when you are guilty of it.
I wasn't a great Obama fan, but imo your post is not accurate. Obama responded to the meltdown by covering states deficits with federal deficit dollars, but the deficits WERE declining as jobs returned. The problem was the jobs were not what they once were, and Obama did nothing to help the people who lost homes and couldn't pay student loans. (Not the Moscow Mitch was in the mix on that)

Trump's deficits were climbing before Corvid. Whatever stimulus we spend will NOT be new entitlements, so by this time next year we may well sitting with 2-3% growth, but we'll still have the gop taxcuts that cut revenue from Obama levels.

But to answer Berg's question, Lindsey Graham will literally swoon and fall to his Scarlett covered fainting coach, and cry "we must cut taxes for the employers to stimultate growth"
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.
Thing is Donnie spends like O did. You love O and hate Don, yet they are similar.

You shouldn't accuse others of hypocrisy, when you are guilty of it.
I wasn't a great Obama fan, but imo your post is not accurate. Obama responded to the meltdown by covering states deficits with federal deficit dollars, but the deficits WERE declining as jobs returned. The problem was the jobs were not what they once were, and Obama did nothing to help the people who lost homes and couldn't pay student loans. (Not the Moscow Mitch was in the mix on that)

Trump's deficits were climbing before Corvid. Whatever stimulus we spend will NOT be new entitlements, so by this time next year we may well sitting with 2-3% growth, but we'll still have the gop taxcuts that cut revenue from Obama levels.
I can’t agree. O bailed out the rich while doing almost nothing for the people. Trump has done the same thing.

O made W’s tax cuts for the rich permanent. Then dumb Don give them more tax cuts.

The Fed showered Wall Street with trillions while O was king, and they are doing the same under Don.
Because the "fix" would be politically unpopular.
Nope. But the Repub "solutions" are.

Nope. But the Repub "solutions" are.

Lifting the cap would increase the benefits the rich are owed.
Wouldn't fix the shortfall.
Raising minimum benefits and hiking COLA adjustments makes the shortfall worse.


Thanks....for proving my point.
The 4 changes that would do the most good are the least popular.
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.
Thing is Donnie spends like O did. You love O and hate Don, yet they are similar.

You shouldn't accuse others of hypocrisy, when you are guilty of it.
I wasn't a great Obama fan, but imo your post is not accurate. Obama responded to the meltdown by covering states deficits with federal deficit dollars, but the deficits WERE declining as jobs returned. The problem was the jobs were not what they once were, and Obama did nothing to help the people who lost homes and couldn't pay student loans. (Not the Moscow Mitch was in the mix on that)

Trump's deficits were climbing before Corvid. Whatever stimulus we spend will NOT be new entitlements, so by this time next year we may well sitting with 2-3% growth, but we'll still have the gop taxcuts that cut revenue from Obama levels.
I can’t agree. O bailed out the rich while doing almost nothing for the people. Trump has done the same thing.

O made W’s tax cuts for the rich permanent. Then dumb Don give them more tax cuts.

The Fed showered Wall Street with trillions while O was king, and they are doing the same under Don.

The Fed showered Wall Street with trillions while O was king,

Yeah, exchanging cash, which paid 0% interest for bonds which paid in the 2%-4% range....awful!
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.
Thing is Donnie spends like O did. You love O and hate Don, yet they are similar.

You shouldn't accuse others of hypocrisy, when you are guilty of it.
I wasn't a great Obama fan, but imo your post is not accurate. Obama responded to the meltdown by covering states deficits with federal deficit dollars, but the deficits WERE declining as jobs returned. The problem was the jobs were not what they once were, and Obama did nothing to help the people who lost homes and couldn't pay student loans. (Not the Moscow Mitch was in the mix on that)

Trump's deficits were climbing before Corvid. Whatever stimulus we spend will NOT be new entitlements, so by this time next year we may well sitting with 2-3% growth, but we'll still have the gop taxcuts that cut revenue from Obama levels.
I can’t agree. O bailed out the rich while doing almost nothing for the people. Trump has done the same thing.

O made W’s tax cuts for the rich permanent. Then dumb Don give them more tax cuts.

The Fed showered Wall Street with trillions while O was king, and they are doing the same under Don.

The Fed showered Wall Street with trillions while O was king,

Yeah, exchanging cash, which paid 0% interest for bonds which paid in the 2%-4% range....awful!
Yes it is awful when you understand the people got shafted. You won’t ever comprehend.

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