now the NRA is under the RUSSIA umbrella investigation

The dems just said "due process is killing us" and wanted it gone completely.
But the Republicans said, "
The dems just said "due process is killing us" and wanted it gone completely.

Manchin: Due process is 'killing us right now' in gun debate

Wanna keep playing?
And the Republicans say women should just relax and enjoy rape.

I'm not sure you want to get into a "stupid-off", bro...
You are confused. Dems for Bill say women should just relax and enjoy rape.

Please come up with one woman who said Clinton raped her other than Anita Broaddrick. Her accusation was coerced by the threat of a perjury charge.

It was JUANITA Broaddrick, genius. Add to that the names of

Kathleen Willey – Sexual Assault
Connie Hamzy – Sexual Harassment
Eileen Wellstone– Sexual Assault
Sandra Allen James– Sexual Assault
Christy Zercher– Sexual Assault
22 Year-Old Yale Student – Sexual Assault
University of Arkansas Student – Sexual Assault
Paula Jones – Sexual Harrassment,. Character Assassination. Clinton settled that case for $850,000.
Monica Lewinsky – Character Assassination
Gennifer Flowers – Character Assassination
Elizabeth (Ward) Gracen – Extramarital One night stand
Dolly Kyle Browning – Extramarital Affair in 1992
Sally Perdue – Extramarital Affair
Lencola Sullivan – Extramarital Affair
Elizabeth Ward – Extramarital Affair
Susie Whitacre – Extramarital Office Affair
Bobbie Ann William – Extramarital Affair

And to think this is the "icon" of the democratic party, whose wife was party to it all, road it all the way to the White House, and they claim a few tawdry associations ALLEGED against Trump is an embarrassment to the world? You people make me laugh. :finger3: :laughing0301: :mm: :thankusmile:

Harvey Weinstein has his life ruined for doing less than what Bill Clinton did and is still carried on the shoulders of you liberals living in a mansion.

Yes, I’ve seen that list posted on an alt-right blog.

Perhaps you haven't seen it anywhere else is because the Alt-Left won't publish it out of a desire to protect the Clintons? Have you tried all of the hyperlinks provided above? Are you saying ALL of them are lying? Are you that fucking intellectually dishonest?

What I haven’t seen is any allegations made by the WOMEN. Where’s your proof? Affidavits? Witness statements?

So you've been in a coma for the past 25-30 freeking years. What would you like? Do you need to see actual bruises? Cum stains? I guess years spent in courtrooms and TV, countless appearances by these women giving interviews and details, lives destroyed by the Clintons in trying to defame these women and discredit them means nothing to you?

It's all part of the vast Right Wing Conspiracy out to get the poor, innocent Clinton's right? What a dumbass. You deserve to get gang raped soon by some bunch of guys who then deny it and leave you humiliated, broke, up against people with millions to spend in their defense to hire people to defame you then to go on to become famous and important people while your life is ruined so that when asked, I can say to others there isn't a bit of evidence to support any of it and call you a lying tramp.
But only one of them was a private meeting and only one of them did the POTUS change his mind after 1 hour.
what's the difference? did he meet with them or not? Yes they did. after one he was ready to take rights away and then after the other he decided maybe that isn't a good idea. And?

So, you do not see any difference between an open public discussion and a closed door meeting in the Oval Office.

No wonder you are a Repub
How do you classify a secret tarmac meeting on a runway for a man meeting with the woman investigating his wife?


I never took you for a whataboutist

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When you say something like "what do you expect from republicans"? You needed acrembder about stereotypes.

So, diverting to Bill was a reminder about stereotypes? Ok then...
what's the difference? did he meet with them or not? Yes they did. after one he was ready to take rights away and then after the other he decided maybe that isn't a good idea. And?

So, you do not see any difference between an open public discussion and a closed door meeting in the Oval Office.

No wonder you are a Repub
How do you classify a secret tarmac meeting on a runway for a man meeting with the woman investigating his wife?


I never took you for a whataboutist

Sent from my iPhone using
When you say something like "what do you expect from republicans"? You needed acrembder about stereotypes.

So, diverting to Bill was a reminder about stereotypes? Ok then...
no. this was.

"So, you do not see any difference between an open public discussion and a closed door meeting in the Oval Office.

No wonder you are a Repub"

you bag on people and call them REPUB for a closed door meeting when obviously it's NOT a REPUB problem but an asshole problem. you're back to your need to stereotype and pigeonhole people on things that both sides are heavily guilty of. you keep doing it i'll keep showing instances where you are wrong.
You Trump cultists may be idiots, but you ARE funny
which idiotic side is trying to link the NRA to RUSSIA!!! now?

oh yea. your idiotic side.
It is called follow the money.

maybe. except right now it's called "fling shit on any wall you can find and let's see what sticks" cause after well over a year, not a single shred of evidence has been found to support the initial allegations from the democrats who are mad about russian meddling but for some reason never talk about their own election meddling, foreign and domestic.
Hell, we know the shit will stick to at least one NRA board member. He proved that to the draft board. LOL It would be funny to find that the NRA did accept and launder Russian money for Trump in the election. Were that found to be the case, then shutting that organization down, and seizing all their assets would be in order. As well as a stretch of jail time for the leaders of the organization.
So, you do not see any difference between an open public discussion and a closed door meeting in the Oval Office.

No wonder you are a Repub
How do you classify a secret tarmac meeting on a runway for a man meeting with the woman investigating his wife?


I never took you for a whataboutist

Sent from my iPhone using
When you say something like "what do you expect from republicans"? You needed acrembder about stereotypes.

So, diverting to Bill was a reminder about stereotypes? Ok then...
no. this was.

"So, you do not see any difference between an open public discussion and a closed door meeting in the Oval Office.

No wonder you are a Repub"

you bag on people and call them REPUB for a closed door meeting when obviously it's NOT a REPUB problem but an asshole problem. you're back to your need to stereotype and pigeonhole people on things that both sides are heavily guilty of. you keep doing it i'll keep showing instances where you are wrong.

And you have reverted to your reading issues. The problem was not the closed door meeting it was the inability to comprehend why one is different than the other.

Sent from my iPhone using
How do you classify a secret tarmac meeting on a runway for a man meeting with the woman investigating his wife?


I never took you for a whataboutist

Sent from my iPhone using
When you say something like "what do you expect from republicans"? You needed acrembder about stereotypes.

So, diverting to Bill was a reminder about stereotypes? Ok then...
no. this was.

"So, you do not see any difference between an open public discussion and a closed door meeting in the Oval Office.

No wonder you are a Repub"

you bag on people and call them REPUB for a closed door meeting when obviously it's NOT a REPUB problem but an asshole problem. you're back to your need to stereotype and pigeonhole people on things that both sides are heavily guilty of. you keep doing it i'll keep showing instances where you are wrong.

And you have reverted to your reading issues. The problem was not the closed door meeting it was the inability to comprehend why one is different than the other.

Sent from my iPhone using
and you again direct away from what i was actually referring to. i am referring to "No Wonder you are a Repub" when you talk about how the meetings are different. your insane desire to stereotype people with actions that, as you admit in the initial reply to me - this meeting was collusion. so if i'm to speak your language, what stereotype do i call you because all you do is stereotype and even then, incorrectly?

both sides pull their secret meeting shit. both sides have people on their side who defend w/o question. or are you going to now say democrats, liberals and those on the left don't do the same stupid shit of confusion?
You Trump cultists may be idiots, but you ARE funny
which idiotic side is trying to link the NRA to RUSSIA!!! now?

oh yea. your idiotic side.
It is called follow the money.

maybe. except right now it's called "fling shit on any wall you can find and let's see what sticks" cause after well over a year, not a single shred of evidence has been found to support the initial allegations from the democrats who are mad about russian meddling but for some reason never talk about their own election meddling, foreign and domestic.
Ah, yes, the Ken Starr shell game.
You Trump cultists may be idiots, but you ARE funny
which idiotic side is trying to link the NRA to RUSSIA!!! now?

oh yea. your idiotic side.
It is called follow the money.

maybe. except right now it's called "fling shit on any wall you can find and let's see what sticks" cause after well over a year, not a single shred of evidence has been found to support the initial allegations from the democrats who are mad about russian meddling but for some reason never talk about their own election meddling, foreign and domestic.
Ah, yes, the Ken Starr shell game.
not gonna play the "make fun of them for noticing my problem" game with you, son.

if you wanna go attack behaviors you're going to hear about the same behaviors on your side you have no problem with. hypocrisy was around long before "whataboutism".
he also talked with the kids. so it's not good to listen to both sides of an issue?

But only one of them was a private meeting and only one of them did the POTUS change his mind after 1 hour.
what's the difference? did he meet with them or not? Yes they did. after one he was ready to take rights away and then after the other he decided maybe that isn't a good idea. And?

So, you do not see any difference between an open public discussion and a closed door meeting in the Oval Office.

No wonder you are a Repub
How do you classify a secret tarmac meeting on a runway for a man meeting with the woman investigating his wife?

MUST WE TELL YOU OVER AND OVER? Attorney General Loretta Stench only went there to trade barbecue recipes with Bill! :confused::eek::rolleyes:o_O
and look at grand children photos.
The dems just said "due process is killing us" and wanted it gone completely.
But the Republicans said, "
Seriously. Let's just go to war already. I'm sick of this shit.

Don't worry. It is coming. Sometimes sleeping dogs are best just left laying. Nothing will more quickly ignite a seething bonfire in this country and unite its people than if the Left makes a serious grab for our guns. There are literally MILLIONS of Americans out there, straight civilian, ex-vets, police, etc., all armed to the teeth, minding their time and business, smoking their cigarette but with one eye open, but ready to fight to the death at a moment's notice before they will give even one of them up if forcibly taken. This country DOUBLED its readiness during the 8 years Obummer was in office. And guess what, since the anti-gunners, pink pussies, Marching For Their Pathetic Lives and anti-NRA folks don't have guns, guess which side will prevail. The Civil War had nothing on the gun owners of America. North, South, Republican or Democrat, it does not matter when it comes to defending the 2nd Amendment. And if the Left thinks they can sneek it in under the door one tiny bit at a time, death of a thousand cuts, they have another thing coming.
Who do you need to worry about?
The dems just said "due process is killing us" and wanted it gone completely.

Manchin: Due process is 'killing us right now' in gun debate

Wanna keep playing?
And the Republicans say women should just relax and enjoy rape.

I'm not sure you want to get into a "stupid-off", bro...
hahahahaahaha again a leftist posts republicans for one guy. One guy! I bet you don't even remember who said that. LOL
The dems just said "due process is killing us" and wanted it gone completely.
But the Republicans said, "
Don't worry. It is coming. Sometimes sleeping dogs are best just left laying. Nothing will more quickly ignite a seething bonfire in this country and unite its people than if the Left makes a serious grab for our guns. There are literally MILLIONS of Americans out there, straight civilian, ex-vets, police, etc., all armed to the teeth, minding their time and business, smoking their cigarette but with one eye open, but ready to fight to the death at a moment's notice before they will give even one of them up if forcibly taken. This country DOUBLED its readiness during the 8 years Obummer was in office. And guess what, since the anti-gunners, pink pussies, Marching For Their Pathetic Lives and anti-NRA folks don't have guns, guess which side will prevail. The Civil War had nothing on the gun owners of America. North, South, Republican or Democrat, it does not matter when it comes to defending the 2nd Amendment. And if the Left thinks they can sneek it in under the door one tiny bit at a time, death of a thousand cuts, they have another thing coming.
Who do you need to worry about?
The dems just said "due process is killing us" and wanted it gone completely.

Manchin: Due process is 'killing us right now' in gun debate

Wanna keep playing?
And the Republicans say women should just relax and enjoy rape.

I'm not sure you want to get into a "stupid-off", bro...
You are confused. Dems for Bill say women should just relax and enjoy rape.
Wrong. Republicans say that. It's a fact.

Why do you condone rape? Why do you think women should enjoy rape? guy said that. name him. you don't get to lie in here.
You Trump cultists may be idiots, but you ARE funny
which idiotic side is trying to link the NRA to RUSSIA!!! now?

oh yea. your idiotic side.
It is called follow the money.

maybe. except right now it's called "fling shit on any wall you can find and let's see what sticks" cause after well over a year, not a single shred of evidence has been found to support the initial allegations from the democrats who are mad about russian meddling but for some reason never talk about their own election meddling, foreign and domestic.
Ah, yes, the Ken Starr shell game.
not gonna play the "make fun of them for noticing my problem" game with you, son.

if you wanna go attack behaviors you're going to hear about the same behaviors on your side you have no problem with. hypocrisy was around long before "whataboutism".

I’m playing your game.
just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.

Ok, I will admit I am a bit confused why this is such a big deal to you? Is the NRA somehow above reproach? The power they wield cannot be disputed. They talked with the POUTS for one hour and he came out singing a very different song than he went in with.
he also talked with the kids. so it's not good to listen to both sides of an issue?

But only one of them was a private meeting and only one of them did the POTUS change his mind after 1 hour.
what's the difference? did he meet with them or not? Yes they did. after one he was ready to take rights away and then after the other he decided maybe that isn't a good idea. And?

So, you do not see any difference between an open public discussion and a closed door meeting in the Oval Office.

No wonder you are a Repub
what's the difference? explain your point.
THAT RIGHT THERE tells you that all this focus on Trump, Russia and now the NRA is nothing more than another smoke-screen media scam trying to be pulled over the eyes of the American people.

Bullshit. The number of Russian trolls posting in this thread in an effort to deflect the discussion away from the relationship between the Kremlin and the NRA speaks volumes about how worried the troll farm is about the FBI investigation.


WHAT connection between the "Kremlin" and the NRA? Show it.

The only "bullshit" in this thread is that running out from between your ears in your willingness and desire to promote ANYTHING you can that is anti-Trump or anti-NRA no matter how BASELESS it is. Go take a flying leap off a short pier. Maybe it'll help massage some common sense into your brain.
there is no way that will ever happen. Russia russia, they are so conscious of russia they must be russian. I mean it fking spews it's way in here every day 85% of the posts. and still they have no evidence of ANYTHING!!!! The dems call their enemy what they really are.

Until Trump won, it was Obama and the Democrats who were laughing at Russia even being a point of concern for ANYTHING.

yep, but even Obama found out real quick with his 'reset' that Russia and Putin could not be trusted!! :eek:

when did obummer find out? when Trump was inaugurated?
just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.
I belong to a facebook 2a group. In the past few days, their members have gone from 1000 to about 70,000 and they are FLOODED with leftist pigs posting about NRA/Russian collusion...and tripe about the NRA being anti-2a.

Seriously. Let's just go to war already. I'm sick of this shit.
Russian Bots, to cause discourse among us.... they used the same tactics during the election.

you don't go from a thousand to 70,000 people joining in two days....THIS is their M/O, they did it with Bots....
russian bots working through the leftist demolosers. who's investigating who for a point on russia? LOL, you can't even see the water in front of you.

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