NOW The Truth Breaks!


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees
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It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

Everything is just about politics to these people, they seem to have no morals at all.
Calling for help does not mean calling Iran. It means calling our own Navy. Right?
This is some really REALLY scarey stuff. No wonder those military guys at the SOTU were sitting there glowering.
  • DON'T GIVE UP THE SHIP ^ | 01/14/16 | Bob Lonsberry
    It’s unfathomable. The account of two U. S. Navy vessels being seized by the Iranian navy earlier this week seems completely implausible. No part of it makes any sense. The story is that two river patrol boats – bristling modern-day incarnations of the Vietnam swift boats – were navigating south from Kuwait to Bahrain. At some point, via some means, the two boats, with their contingent of five sailors each, surrendered to the Iranians. Two accounts have been offered as to how that happened. The first was that one of the vessels lost its engine and that they both then...
  • The Administration’s Deceptions Fall Apart -- Iran Systematically Humiliated American Sailors

    National Review ^ | 01/14/2016 | David French
    First, watch this:CLICK ABOVE LINK FOR THE VIDEO Vice President Biden actually claims that Iran behaved the way "ordinary nations" would: One of the boats had engine failure and drifted into Iranian waters. The Iranians picked up both boats, as we have picked up Iranian boats that needed to be rescued and took them to -- I'm not sure exactly where. I don't want to misspeak here. And realized they were there and distressed, and said they would release them, and they released them like ordinary nations would do. That is the way nations should do it, and that...
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

it's so funny how you call a war hero a traitor.

that rant was cute, though.
I think Iran knows we have more than ten guys in our navy. And if the ten that were missing weren't returned quickly the rest would come find them.

Its like you are throwing rocks at a Grizzly bear cub, then mama bear shows up and you are praying as you run the 100 in 4.0!
All I see is a series of phone calls AFTER the capture. Confusion in early reporting?
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

it's so funny how you call a war hero a traitor.

that rant was cute, though.

Kerry is NOT a war hero.
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

it's so funny how you call a war hero a traitor.

that rant was cute, though.

not really------if Kerry decided to be palsy walsy with our FRIENDS---the
Iranians and happened to say "OH BTW PALS-----some of our ships
happen to be in your waters " he could LOGICALLY claim he was just
giving our PALS a "heads up" and had no idea anything bad could come
of it--what does past history of "war hero " have to do with -----"my pals, the
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

it's so funny how you call a war hero a traitor.

that rant was cute, though.

YOU are one of the dumbest CUN*S on the face of the earth....Typical liberal scum! War Hero, my ass! He's was and still is a fucking lying cockroach! His men should have dispatched him 50 years ago!


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