NOW The Truth Breaks!

It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

it's so funny how you call a war hero a traitor.

that rant was cute, though.

didn't Kerry's a group of veterans call him that? You know that whole swift boat thingy? You remember that? Is it ok if a decorated war hero calls another a traitor? I believe one was an Admiral, another a colonel. Maybe you could look that up.
Um, no they did not kidnap them, and yes when armed invaders come into your space , you do normally question unarm them , and question them. No violation, we are not in war with Iran.

1. They took the sailors into custody by force.

2. Held them against their will.

3. Abused the sailors while they We're captured.

4. Iran issued conditions for their release.

Here in the real world, that's called kidnapping.

The ship was in Iran's waters.

They were lucky they were released so quickly. Had we been listening to you NCWJ's they'd probably still be there.

No one says the sailors were abused at least no one normal

What conditions would that be?

You people have never been right about anything in the Middle East. No reason to expect you to learn anything now. But do please stop spouting nonsense.

Ship's and aircraft renter American territory all the time. We never take hostages at gunpoint.

Why? Because doing so is an act of war.
If they enter without permission, if they are caught, they are boarded. If they are thought to carry contraband of any kind, the Coasties will make them "assume the position" with at least one machine gun on the Coastie ship pointed at them. And "Hostages"? What hostages?
Why DID Kerry break Naval procedure and ask Iran for help INSTEAD of alerting the Truman carrier group to rescue?
How is that breaking Naval procedure?

In fact what DO you know about what is Naval procedure?
1. They took the sailors into custody by force.

2. Held them against their will.

3. Abused the sailors while they We're captured.

4. Iran issued conditions for their release.

Here in the real world, that's called kidnapping.

The ship was in Iran's waters.

They were lucky they were released so quickly. Had we been listening to you NCWJ's they'd probably still be there.

No one says the sailors were abused at least no one normal

What conditions would that be?

You people have never been right about anything in the Middle East. No reason to expect you to learn anything now. But do please stop spouting nonsense.

Ship's and aircraft renter American territory all the time. We never take hostages at gunpoint.

Why? Because doing so is an act of war.
If they enter without permission, if they are caught, they are boarded. If they are thought to carry contraband of any kind, the Coasties will make them "assume the position" with at least one machine gun on the Coastie ship pointed at them. And "Hostages"? What hostages?
Why DID Kerry break Naval procedure and ask Iran for help INSTEAD of alerting the Truman carrier group to rescue?
How is that breaking Naval procedure?

In fact what DO you know about what is Naval procedure?
Yeah I do. I grew up the son of a ships captain.

1, You notify the country you are about to enter its a rescue mission.
2, You secure the ship/boat.
3, You REMOVE the ship/boat.

The smaller boats had to be attached to a bigger ship. So why was Iran called to begin with? To inform them that two boats were out there? WHY?
And this administration is STILL going to give Iran all that money? Really?

Because our Navy was likely on a short leash about responding to incursions of Iranian waters. Pretty sure they were ordered to stand down and let the diplomats handle it.. We're now the Barney Fife of the world and very submissive and cooperative with the aggressors.

If it WAS 2 boats malfunctioning -- we either need better naval engineers on board the Task Forces or it does sound orchestrated. Right before the UN announces how the Iranians have completely complied with the "nuclear agreement"..
The smaller boats had to be attached to a bigger ship. So why was Iran called to begin with? To inform them that two boats were out there? WHY?
And this administration is STILL going to give Iran all that money? Really?

Because our Navy was likely on a short leash about responding to incursions of Iranian waters. Pretty sure they were ordered to stand down and let the diplomats handle it.. We're now the Barney Fife of the world and very submissive and cooperative with the aggressors.

If it WAS 2 boats malfunctioning -- we either need better naval engineers on board the Task Forces or it does sound orchestrated. Right before the UN announces how the Iranians have completely complied with the "nuclear agreement"..

And if the latter case is true -- the way Congress investigates things -- it'll be 2018 before the public knows any of details of what actually happened. By then -- the dear Leader will be back to community organizing in Chicago and claiming his future Nobel Peace prizes..
Every thing I've heard is that it was a Navigation error. Neither boat broke down, they just got lost or confused.

Iran made a showing of it. They love showing the world they are bad assed. LOL I don't like seeing our guys kneeling to these ass hats, but realistically they screwed up.

It ended better for us than the British in 2007. Why? Because Obama's deal and 55 BILLION about to be released. A deal from hell.

Iran parades US sailors on state TV before releasing them unharmed

That being said................I still wouldn't piss on Iran if they were on fire.
There is NO WAY the two boats were not being tracked by radar and satellite by the Navy aboard the main ship.. Highly trained tracking and communications personnel KNEW were the two boats were within a yard. Navy personnel in fucking San Diego were tracking the two boats for Christ Sake!
There is NO WAY the most sophisticated navigation systems ON BOTH BOATS would fail.
I KNOW something about GPS/navigation systems. They are made for 'dummies' to use. Just type in where you want to go. Period.
The computer then shows you where you are and where you're going. If someone on one boat types information that isn't consistant with the information typed in on the other boat the computer basically says the input is inconsistent and to try again. Remember both boats were supposedly travelling together going from point A to B.
It's all a bunch of bullshit lies coming from the White house spokesman and the Navy. No one is going say "You know what? We were snooping and we caught caught doing it".
The systems are only as good as the guys paying attention to driving the boats. It's not that hard to go astray on the water. All you have to do is not pay attention. They were going from one location to another. Land to land. This error is possible.
Another thread where DorkFurry sides against America.
He's so unhappy that this incident ended without bloodshed and our sailors back.

It ended with no bloodshed and our sailors back, Thank God.

The problem is....IRAN had the power to decide that.

Do the Navy radios not work? Once these boats became endangered.....was it navigation or a mechanical problem (on both boats?)....why didn't our military immediately launch a rescue to rather than let a state sponsor of terror capture them and parade them on global media???
I think they were playing around and forgot where they were at. Maybe even had a few illegal bottles of something on board.

That there is funny!
Ten Seals and or Special OPs are going to get pissed up and play around on a couple of million dollar boats in one of the most dangerous stretches of water on earth while back at the ship the communications and navigation personnel track their every move.
Who the hell said they were seals? And it's not beyond happening with the Navy. You watch too many dang movies.
1. They took the sailors into custody by force.

2. Held them against their will.

3. Abused the sailors while they We're captured.

4. Iran issued conditions for their release.

Here in the real world, that's called kidnapping.

The ship was in Iran's waters.

They were lucky they were released so quickly. Had we been listening to you NCWJ's they'd probably still be there.

No one says the sailors were abused at least no one normal

What conditions would that be?

You people have never been right about anything in the Middle East. No reason to expect you to learn anything now. But do please stop spouting nonsense.

Ship's and aircraft renter American territory all the time. We never take hostages at gunpoint.

Why? Because doing so is an act of war.
If they enter without permission, if they are caught, they are boarded. If they are thought to carry contraband of any kind, the Coasties will make them "assume the position" with at least one machine gun on the Coastie ship pointed at them. And "Hostages"? What hostages?
Why DID Kerry break Naval procedure and ask Iran for help INSTEAD of alerting the Truman carrier group to rescue?
How is that breaking Naval procedure?

In fact what DO you know about what is Naval procedure?

You d9by ask a hostile foreign power to recover your personal. This scenario should make the reason why not very obvious.
Well, we still have no real answers for this fiasco. Only a couple of weeks after they killed bin laden SEAL TEAM VI shot out of the sky......

Families suspect SEAL Team 6 crash was inside job on worst day in Afghanistan

Questions haunt the families of Extortion 17, the 2011 helicopter mission in Afghanistan that suffered the most U.S. military deaths in a single day in the war on terrorism.
The investigative file made available to The Washington Times shows that the helicopter’s landing zone was not properly vetted for threats nor protected by gunships, while commanders criticized the mission as too rushed and the conventional Chinook chopper as ill-suited for a dangerous troop infiltration.
Every day, Charlie Strange, the father of one of the 30 Americans who died Aug. 6, 2011, in the flash of a rocket-propelled grenade, asks himself whether his son, Michael, was set up by someone inside the Afghan government wanting revenge on Osama bin Laden’s killers — SEAL Team 6.
“Somebody was leaking to the Taliban,” said Mr. Strange, whose son intercepted communications as a Navy cryptologist. “They knew. Somebody tipped them off. There were guys in a tower. Guys on the bush line. They were sitting there, waiting. And they sent our guys right into the middle.”

Doug Hamburger’s son, Patrick, an Army staff sergeant, also perished when the CH-47D Chinook descended to a spot less than 150 yards from where armed Taliban fighters watched from a turret.
He asks why the command sent his son into Tangi Valley toward a “hot landing zone” in a cargo airship instead of a special operations helicopter. The souped-up choppers — the MH-47 and the MH-60 Black Hawk, which SEAL Team 6 rode the stealth version of to kill bin Laden — are flown by Night Stalker pilots skilled in fast, ground-hugging maneuvers to avoid detection.

Yeah, we still have no answers about that. No REAL ANSWERS.

Aren't we still waiting for an answer by the DOJ in regards to the fast and furious debacle? Did we get any? I do not think so. Ahhhhhh, what difference does it make......right?

How about the answers we were promised after the FBI raided Solyndra?

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