NOW The Truth Breaks!

The only way Carter got the hostages released was by leaving office. The Iranians were never going to release hostages while Carter lived in the White House. Never!

Very true, the Iranians timed the release to humiliate Carter.

Because they were working with Reagan

I suspect that myself. One would of thought that would of been one of the biggest topics in the OCT debate, but it was barely mentioned.
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You're not outraged that Iran committed an act of war and violated The Geneva Convention?
What act of war did they commit?

They kidnapped American servicemen, at gun point and held them hosrtage.

1. An act of war.
2. A violation of The Geneva Convention.

Um, no they did not kidnap them, and yes when armed invaders come into your space , you do normally question unarm them , and question them. No violation, we are not in war with Iran.

1. They took the sailors into custody by force.

2. Held them against their will.

3. Abused the sailors while they We're captured.

4. Iran issued conditions for their release.

Here in the real world, that's called kidnapping.

The ship was in Iran's waters.

They were lucky they were released so quickly. Had we been listening to you NCWJ's they'd probably still be there.

No one says the sailors were abused at least no one normal

What conditions would that be?

You people have never been right about anything in the Middle East. No reason to expect you to learn anything now. But do please stop spouting nonsense.

Ship's and aircraft renter American territory all the time. We never take hostages at gunpoint.

Why? Because doing so is an act of war.
it's so funny how you call a war hero a traitor.

that rant was cute, though.

John Kerry admitted to war crime and inventory a delusional, fictional trip to Cambodia on Christmas. Your heroes suck

What else would you expect from people who made Mike "Dirt Nap" Brown a hero?

you're funny.

deluded, but funny

Oh I'm sorry,did I mention the wrong hero?
It must be Traygone .......

You know. You probably shouldn't get annoyed when people call you racist scum when you celebrate the murders of unarmed black men

Just because you worship at the alter of the rightwingnut blogosphere, don't blame me because you know nothing.

Ha! You folks still think Joe McCarthy was chairman of the HUAC.
I suspect that myself. One would of thought that would of been one of the biggest topics in the OCT debate, but it was barely mentioned.

The democrats spent 60 million dollars of taxpayer money pushing this bullshit and came up with nothing.

It's a moronic conspiracy theory that the idiot leftists follow.

Iran didn't give a fuck about Reagan, they simply hated Carter. His incompetent rescue attempt pissed them off.
I suspect that myself. One would of thought that would of been one of the biggest topics in the OCT debate, but it was barely mentioned.

The democrats spent 60 million dollars of taxpayer money pushing this bullshit and came up with nothing.

It's a moronic conspiracy theory that the idiot leftists follow.

Iran didn't give a fuck about Reagan, they simply hated Carter. His incompetent rescue attempt pissed them off.

I agree they did hate Carter, but why no more talk at the debate? All Reagan said is "I'll pray for them".
No were just not easily misled.
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it's so funny how you call a war hero a traitor.

that rant was cute, though.

John Kerry admitted to war crime and inventory a delusional, fictional trip to Cambodia on Christmas. Your heroes suck

What else would you expect from people who made Mike "Dirt Nap" Brown a hero?

you're funny.

deluded, but funny

Oh I'm sorry,did I mention the wrong hero?
It must be Traygone .......

You know. You probably shouldn't get annoyed when people call you racist scum when you celebrate the murders of unarmed black men

Just because you worship at the alter of the rightwingnut blogosphere, don't blame me because you know nothing.

Worthless thugs getting perforated is fair game....
The ship was in Iran's waters.

They were lucky they were released so quickly. Had we been listening to you NCWJ's they'd probably still be there.

No one says the sailors were abused at least no one normal

What conditions would that be?

You people have never been right about anything in the Middle East. No reason to expect you to learn anything now. But do please stop spouting nonsense.

The sailors were made part of a propaganda piece, which really is abuse. Anyone here believe Iran is our friend? Realistically, does this rise to the level of starting a war with Iran? There is a risk/reward aspect to operating in the Persian Gulf. Sounds like we under estimated the risk.
After lunch here. No news stories about possible Kerry blunder yet, so I am thinking this is not what the OP suggested.
From a different viewpoint......

Headlines call it a 'standoff', story says they were arrested & 'released from custody'.........doesn't exactly sound like Iran or the ME as a whole viewed it as trivial. IF anyone cares to read thru the whole story, it does mention about mounting tensions between US & Iran and that Iran 'played nice' only because it wants sanctions to be lifted. IF that wasn't on the brink of happening, I have NO doubt Iran would have played this situation in a different direction very unfortunate to our service personnel.

Iran releases American sailors after standoff
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

Please show where Kerry said this. Yes Kerry called Iran but probably after he was informed the Iranians had them. Carter got the prisoners released , not Reagan. Reagan was the one who called the Marines back home and there is no proof Iranians blew the building up.

He sure can spin the truth. SA is the terrorist of the Arab world.

The only way Carter got the hostages released was by leaving office. The Iranians were never going to release hostages while Carter lived in the White House. Never!

The hostages were released literally the day Reagan was sworn in.
He had given the Ayatollahs 24 hours to release the hostages before the Ayatollahs would be vaporized by MOABs.
He meant it. The first thing Reagan signed was the order to attack known places were the Ayatollahs were living.
The Moabs were loaded aboard B52s and ready to take off when the hostages were released.

Yep....*wink *wink

And it had nothing to do with threats and everything to do with bribes.

Wonder how much we paid them this time?

150 billion dollars.
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

Please show where Kerry said this. Yes Kerry called Iran but probably after he was informed the Iranians had them. Carter got the prisoners released , not Reagan. Reagan was the one who called the Marines back home and there is no proof Iranians blew the building up.

He sure can spin the truth. SA is the terrorist of the Arab world.

The only way Carter got the hostages released was by leaving office. The Iranians were never going to release hostages while Carter lived in the White House. Never!

The hostages were released literally the day Reagan was sworn in.
He had given the Ayatollahs 24 hours to release the hostages before the Ayatollahs would be vaporized by MOABs.
He meant it. The first thing Reagan signed was the order to attack known places were the Ayatollahs were living.
The Moabs were loaded aboard B52s and ready to take off when the hostages were released.

Exactly right, but Reagan had not a thing to do with it. Watch the debate of Oct between Carter and Reagan, Reagan said he'd 'pray for them".

"Iran contacted the Carter administration in September 1980 with a proposal to end the hostage crisis," said Gary Sick, a Columbia University professor who has written two books about the Iran hostage crisis. "The U.S. made a proposal. Iran responded with an unacceptable offer just a day or two before the election. Afterwards, they nominated the Algerians to act as intermediaries. Those valuable discussions went on until literally the day or two before the inauguration, and they were settled by the Iranians caving in on a number of issues that were extremely costly to them. By my calculations, the Iranians ended up paying about $300,000 per hostage per day of incarceration."

The agreement that led to the release, as described by the New York Times 11 days after it occured, revolved around $11 billion to $12 billion in Iranian assets that Carter had frozen 10 days after the seizure of the U.S. embassy. It had been negotiated over the course of several months before Reagan's inauguration.

Our ruling

We can’t read the Iranians’ minds, but seven scholars of the period told us that Reagan’s foreign policy approach was either a minor factor in the release of the hostages or not a factor at all. The fact that the deal was negotiated entirely by the Carter administration, without involvement by Reagan or his transition team, seems to support the expert consensus. Romney made a claim that flies in the face of history and offered no evidence to support it. We rate the statement Pants On Fire.

The US chief negotiator was Deputy Secretary of StateWarren Christopher,[1] while the chief Algerian mediator was the Algerian Foreign Affairs Minister Mohammed Benyahia

This is nothing but rewriting history many years later to make carter look good, save DNC face and put distance on the timeline. In other words it is bullshit revisionism. Reagan got the hostages released otherwise why didn't t they release them while carter was president?
What act of war did they commit?

They kidnapped American servicemen, at gun point and held them hosrtage.

1. An act of war.
2. A violation of The Geneva Convention.

Um, no they did not kidnap them, and yes when armed invaders come into your space , you do normally question unarm them , and question them. No violation, we are not in war with Iran.

1. They took the sailors into custody by force.

2. Held them against their will.

3. Abused the sailors while they We're captured.

4. Iran issued conditions for their release.

Here in the real world, that's called kidnapping.

The ship was in Iran's waters.

They were lucky they were released so quickly. Had we been listening to you NCWJ's they'd probably still be there.

No one says the sailors were abused at least no one normal

What conditions would that be?

You people have never been right about anything in the Middle East. No reason to expect you to learn anything now. But do please stop spouting nonsense.

Ship's and aircraft renter American territory all the time. We never take hostages at gunpoint.

Why? Because doing so is an act of war.
If they enter without permission, if they are caught, they are boarded. If they are thought to carry contraband of any kind, the Coasties will make them "assume the position" with at least one machine gun on the Coastie ship pointed at them. And "Hostages"? What hostages?
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

Please show where Kerry said this. Yes Kerry called Iran but probably after he was informed the Iranians had them. Carter got the prisoners released , not Reagan. Reagan was the one who called the Marines back home and there is no proof Iranians blew the building up.

He sure can spin the truth. SA is the terrorist of the Arab world.

The only way Carter got the hostages released was by leaving office. The Iranians were never going to release hostages while Carter lived in the White House. Never!

The hostages were released literally the day Reagan was sworn in.
He had given the Ayatollahs 24 hours to release the hostages before the Ayatollahs would be vaporized by MOABs.
He meant it. The first thing Reagan signed was the order to attack known places were the Ayatollahs were living.
The Moabs were loaded aboard B52s and ready to take off when the hostages were released.

Exactly right, but Reagan had not a thing to do with it. Watch the debate of Oct between Carter and Reagan, Reagan said he'd 'pray for them".

"Iran contacted the Carter administration in September 1980 with a proposal to end the hostage crisis," said Gary Sick, a Columbia University professor who has written two books about the Iran hostage crisis. "The U.S. made a proposal. Iran responded with an unacceptable offer just a day or two before the election. Afterwards, they nominated the Algerians to act as intermediaries. Those valuable discussions went on until literally the day or two before the inauguration, and they were settled by the Iranians caving in on a number of issues that were extremely costly to them. By my calculations, the Iranians ended up paying about $300,000 per hostage per day of incarceration."

The agreement that led to the release, as described by the New York Times 11 days after it occured, revolved around $11 billion to $12 billion in Iranian assets that Carter had frozen 10 days after the seizure of the U.S. embassy. It had been negotiated over the course of several months before Reagan's inauguration.

Our ruling

We can’t read the Iranians’ minds, but seven scholars of the period told us that Reagan’s foreign policy approach was either a minor factor in the release of the hostages or not a factor at all. The fact that the deal was negotiated entirely by the Carter administration, without involvement by Reagan or his transition team, seems to support the expert consensus. Romney made a claim that flies in the face of history and offered no evidence to support it. We rate the statement Pants On Fire.

The US chief negotiator was Deputy Secretary of StateWarren Christopher,[1] while the chief Algerian mediator was the Algerian Foreign Affairs Minister Mohammed Benyahia

This is nothing but rewriting history many years later to make carter look good, save DNC face and put distance on the timeline. In other words it is bullshit revisionism. Reagan got the hostages released otherwise why didn't t they release them while carter was president?

Nope, it was known and published at the time it happened.
Please show where Kerry said this. Yes Kerry called Iran but probably after he was informed the Iranians had them. Carter got the prisoners released , not Reagan. Reagan was the one who called the Marines back home and there is no proof Iranians blew the building up.

He sure can spin the truth. SA is the terrorist of the Arab world.
The only way Carter got the hostages released was by leaving office. The Iranians were never going to release hostages while Carter lived in the White House. Never!
The hostages were released literally the day Reagan was sworn in.
He had given the Ayatollahs 24 hours to release the hostages before the Ayatollahs would be vaporized by MOABs.
He meant it. The first thing Reagan signed was the order to attack known places were the Ayatollahs were living.
The Moabs were loaded aboard B52s and ready to take off when the hostages were released.

Exactly right, but Reagan had not a thing to do with it. Watch the debate of Oct between Carter and Reagan, Reagan said he'd 'pray for them".

"Iran contacted the Carter administration in September 1980 with a proposal to end the hostage crisis," said Gary Sick, a Columbia University professor who has written two books about the Iran hostage crisis. "The U.S. made a proposal. Iran responded with an unacceptable offer just a day or two before the election. Afterwards, they nominated the Algerians to act as intermediaries. Those valuable discussions went on until literally the day or two before the inauguration, and they were settled by the Iranians caving in on a number of issues that were extremely costly to them. By my calculations, the Iranians ended up paying about $300,000 per hostage per day of incarceration."

The agreement that led to the release, as described by the New York Times 11 days after it occured, revolved around $11 billion to $12 billion in Iranian assets that Carter had frozen 10 days after the seizure of the U.S. embassy. It had been negotiated over the course of several months before Reagan's inauguration.

Our ruling

We can’t read the Iranians’ minds, but seven scholars of the period told us that Reagan’s foreign policy approach was either a minor factor in the release of the hostages or not a factor at all. The fact that the deal was negotiated entirely by the Carter administration, without involvement by Reagan or his transition team, seems to support the expert consensus. Romney made a claim that flies in the face of history and offered no evidence to support it. We rate the statement Pants On Fire.

The US chief negotiator was Deputy Secretary of StateWarren Christopher,[1] while the chief Algerian mediator was the Algerian Foreign Affairs Minister Mohammed Benyahia
This is nothing but rewriting history many years later to make carter look good, save DNC face and put distance on the timeline. In other words it is bullshit revisionism. Reagan got the hostages released otherwise why didn't t they release them while carter was president?
Nope, it was known and published at the time it happened.
Known all along yet we only hear about it today. Revisionism.
They kidnapped American servicemen, at gun point and held them hosrtage.

1. An act of war.
2. A violation of The Geneva Convention.

Um, no they did not kidnap them, and yes when armed invaders come into your space , you do normally question unarm them , and question them. No violation, we are not in war with Iran.

1. They took the sailors into custody by force.

2. Held them against their will.

3. Abused the sailors while they We're captured.

4. Iran issued conditions for their release.

Here in the real world, that's called kidnapping.

The ship was in Iran's waters.

They were lucky they were released so quickly. Had we been listening to you NCWJ's they'd probably still be there.

No one says the sailors were abused at least no one normal

What conditions would that be?

You people have never been right about anything in the Middle East. No reason to expect you to learn anything now. But do please stop spouting nonsense.

Ship's and aircraft renter American territory all the time. We never take hostages at gunpoint.

Why? Because doing so is an act of war.
If they enter without permission, if they are caught, they are boarded. If they are thought to carry contraband of any kind, the Coasties will make them "assume the position" with at least one machine gun on the Coastie ship pointed at them. And "Hostages"? What hostages?
Why DID Kerry break Naval procedure and ask Iran for help INSTEAD of alerting the Truman carrier group to rescue?
The only way Carter got the hostages released was by leaving office. The Iranians were never going to release hostages while Carter lived in the White House. Never!
The hostages were released literally the day Reagan was sworn in.
He had given the Ayatollahs 24 hours to release the hostages before the Ayatollahs would be vaporized by MOABs.
He meant it. The first thing Reagan signed was the order to attack known places were the Ayatollahs were living.
The Moabs were loaded aboard B52s and ready to take off when the hostages were released.

Exactly right, but Reagan had not a thing to do with it. Watch the debate of Oct between Carter and Reagan, Reagan said he'd 'pray for them".

"Iran contacted the Carter administration in September 1980 with a proposal to end the hostage crisis," said Gary Sick, a Columbia University professor who has written two books about the Iran hostage crisis. "The U.S. made a proposal. Iran responded with an unacceptable offer just a day or two before the election. Afterwards, they nominated the Algerians to act as intermediaries. Those valuable discussions went on until literally the day or two before the inauguration, and they were settled by the Iranians caving in on a number of issues that were extremely costly to them. By my calculations, the Iranians ended up paying about $300,000 per hostage per day of incarceration."

The agreement that led to the release, as described by the New York Times 11 days after it occured, revolved around $11 billion to $12 billion in Iranian assets that Carter had frozen 10 days after the seizure of the U.S. embassy. It had been negotiated over the course of several months before Reagan's inauguration.

Our ruling

We can’t read the Iranians’ minds, but seven scholars of the period told us that Reagan’s foreign policy approach was either a minor factor in the release of the hostages or not a factor at all. The fact that the deal was negotiated entirely by the Carter administration, without involvement by Reagan or his transition team, seems to support the expert consensus. Romney made a claim that flies in the face of history and offered no evidence to support it. We rate the statement Pants On Fire.

The US chief negotiator was Deputy Secretary of StateWarren Christopher,[1] while the chief Algerian mediator was the Algerian Foreign Affairs Minister Mohammed Benyahia
This is nothing but rewriting history many years later to make carter look good, save DNC face and put distance on the timeline. In other words it is bullshit revisionism. Reagan got the hostages released otherwise why didn't t they release them while carter was president?
Nope, it was known and published at the time it happened.
Known all along yet we only hear about it today. Revisionism.

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