NOW The Truth Breaks!

One aspect of the gulf. The sea snakes.......................Throw something shiny into the water and they would come up to look at the shiny object. It's boring out there............On my last ship the Wasp over there, they would have to fire hose out the well deck to wash them thar things out.
My understanding is that the sea snake is the most venomous snake in the world? Especially the Belcher sea snake.

Are you using the term "sea snake" generically or speaking of that deadly species?

Either way, who cannot be afraid of snakes when you do not know how poisonous they may be? God did not choose it by random selection to be the devil serpent on the apple tree .

Why are you guys talking about snakes? Are you guys trying to say something I suspect? lol
Gohmert is an idiot.


Gohmert Piles Distortion Upon Distortion

The Five Most Idiotic Things Louie Gohmert, Who Sees Radical Muslims Anywhere He Looks, Believes
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

This is not good. Hopefully it won't get swept under that almighty rug

Democrats need to get some act right BEFORE the "almighty" decides that rug needs a good beating.

more christer revenge fantasies dorkyfuzzlenutzIQ214?
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

This is not good. Hopefully it won't get swept under that almighty rug

Democrats need to get some act right BEFORE the "almighty" decides that rug needs a good beating.

more christer revenge fantasies dorkyfuzzlenutzIQ214?

Not nearly as much as your own
One aspect of the gulf. The sea snakes.......................Throw something shiny into the water and they would come up to look at the shiny object. It's boring out there............On my last ship the Wasp over there, they would have to fire hose out the well deck to wash them thar things out.
My understanding is that the sea snake is the most venomous snake in the world? Especially the Belcher sea snake.

Are you using the term "sea snake" generically or speaking of that deadly species?

Either way, who cannot be afraid of snakes when you do not know how poisonous they may be? God did not choose it by random selection to be the devil serpent on the apple tree .

Don't know what kind they were. i'm sure they were probably very very poisonous. Just know they come up and look at anything shiny thrown in the water and that they'd be in the well deck after launching the LCAC'S........
If this is true this is outrageous and I would expect Kerry to resign.

Hell, he'll want a medal.
He'll award himself the Silver Star Medal like he did in VN.
Everyone stop and THINK!
The US Navy KNEW where the two boats where every second. Ever heard of satellites and radar and the most sophisticated communication system on earth?
Someone tasked the ten Seals and or Special OPs to go snooping around the island. The Iranian Navy knew where two boats where EVERY SECOND. Ever heard of radar??????
Two million dollar US Navy boats don't have a total of four diesel engines just quit. THINK!
IF the two boats were supposedly going directly from point A to point B. How did they end up 50 fucking miles off course? THINK!!
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

it's so funny how you call a war hero a traitor.

that rant was cute, though.

John Kerry admitted to war crime and invented a delusional, fictional trip to Cambodia on Christmas. Your heroes suck
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

it's so funny how you call a war hero a traitor.

that rant was cute, though.

John Kerry admitted to war crime and inventory a delusional, fictional trip to Cambodia on Christmas. Your heroes suck

What else would you expect from people who made Mike "Dirt Nap" Brown a hero?
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

it's so funny how you call a war hero a traitor.

that rant was cute, though.

John Kerry admitted to war crime and invented a delusional, fictional trip to Cambodia on Christmas. Your heroes suck

ohhh... are we talking about the winter soldiers again?


come on hon. you can do better.
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

it's so funny how you call a war hero a traitor.

that rant was cute, though.

John Kerry admitted to war crime and inventory a delusional, fictional trip to Cambodia on Christmas. Your heroes suck

What else would you expect from people who made Mike "Dirt Nap" Brown a hero?

you're funny.

deluded, but funny
Every thing I've heard is that it was a Navigation error. Neither boat broke down, they just got lost or confused.

Iran made a showing of it. They love showing the world they are bad assed. LOL I don't like seeing our guys kneeling to these ass hats, but realistically they screwed up.

It ended better for us than the British in 2007. Why? Because Obama's deal and 55 BILLION about to be released. A deal from hell.

Iran parades US sailors on state TV before releasing them unharmed

That being said................I still wouldn't piss on Iran if they were on fire.
There is NO WAY the two boats were not being tracked by radar and satellite by the Navy aboard the main ship.. Highly trained tracking and communications personnel KNEW were the two boats were within a yard. Navy personnel in fucking San Diego were tracking the two boats for Christ Sake!
There is NO WAY the most sophisticated navigation systems ON BOTH BOATS would fail.
I KNOW something about GPS/navigation systems. They are made for 'dummies' to use. Just type in where you want to go. Period.
The computer then shows you where you are and where you're going. If someone on one boat types information that isn't consistant with the information typed in on the other boat the computer basically says the input is inconsistent and to try again. Remember both boats were supposedly travelling together going from point A to B.
It's all a bunch of bullshit lies coming from the White house spokesman and the Navy. No one is going say "You know what? We were snooping and we caught caught doing it".
If this is true this is outrageous and I would expect Kerry to resign.

Hell, he'll want a medal.
He'll award himself the Silver Star Medal like he did in VN.
Everyone stop and THINK!
The US Navy KNEW where the two boats where every second. Ever heard of satellites and radar and the most sophisticated communication system on earth?
Someone tasked the ten Seals and or Special OPs to go snooping around the island. The Iranian Navy knew where two boats where EVERY SECOND. Ever heard of radar??????
Two million dollar US Navy boats don't have a total of four diesel engines just quit. THINK!
IF the two boats were supposedly going directly from point A to point B. How did they end up 50 fucking miles off course? THINK!!

The CB90 does have a very low radar sig but I couldnt say to what degree.
The thing I have a problem with is the whole getting lost bullshit. How is it that two Navy boats could get lost when I can go offshore with my store bought chart plotter and know exactly where I am at all times?
The shit aint rocket science...
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

it's so funny how you call a war hero a traitor.

that rant was cute, though.

John Kerry admitted to war crime and inventory a delusional, fictional trip to Cambodia on Christmas. Your heroes suck

What else would you expect from people who made Mike "Dirt Nap" Brown a hero?

you're funny.

deluded, but funny

Oh I'm sorry,did I mention the wrong hero?
It must be Traygone .......
It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

You should change the thread title to Crazy Louie Says Stupid Stuff Again

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