NOW The Truth Breaks!

The faces say it all.

Calling for help does not mean calling Iran. It means calling our own Navy. Right?
Procedure IS we call our own and in this case that would be the Truman battle group NOT Iran.

"(h/t Susan K) Instead of asking the Truman carrier group in the area to rescue the soldiers and inform Iran of the ongoing rescue, the U.S. asked Iran to rescue U.S. sailors whereby Iran arrested and held the sailors….giving them more than enough time to inspect the boats and perhaps gather secret information."
The smaller boats had to be attached to a bigger ship. So why was Iran called to begin with? To inform them that two boats were out there? WHY?
And this administration is STILL going to give Iran all that money? Really?
I think the democrats just handed the POTUS to the GOP. This is just crazy.

I wish we had a JFK in the race even though he was a dem. He had gonads. He loved this country. He wouldn't be making such a stupid deal with an enemy.
No. They were sold out because Obama hates the usa. He hated it while in Rev Wrights church and he hates it now. I really believe he wants to see us fall big time.
If this is true this is outrageous and I would expect Kerry to resign.
No. They were sold out because Obama hates the usa. He hated it while in Rev Wrights church and he hates it now. I really believe he wants to see us fall big time.
Democrats are LAUGHING at these sell outs calling us "Rubes"..
America IS remembering the laughing every time they do it and the SELL OUTS have long played out as far as republicans just writing them off as stupid. They ARE criminal and WILL be dealt with as such.
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It was NOT one ship with a SUPPOSED break it was BOTH! Get me Vegas I need odds. So guess WHO called Iran to go pick them up? None other the traitor John Kerry. YUP, he told Iran where to find them and PLEASE go pick then up.

That is NOT military procedure folks NOT even close! Hear it for yourself....

THAT amounts to our service personal being SOLD OUT by John Kerry AND Obama. Obama AND Kerry SOLD OUT our servicemen and woman on an international stage to the ENTIRE islamic world.

And the Irainians PARADED them on TV for the ENTIRE islamic world to see. By the way THAT does break international law as seen here...
US captain apologizes for making mistake by entering Iran’s waters

But it backfired on YOU democrats because America is NOW PISSED OFF. And they WANT HEADS on platters. Democrat heads, and they WANT THEM NOW!
Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

Please show where Kerry said this. Yes Kerry called Iran but probably after he was informed the Iranians had them. Carter got the prisoners released , not Reagan. Reagan was the one who called the Marines back home and there is no proof Iranians blew the building up.

He sure can spin the truth. SA is the terrorist of the Arab world.

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