Now they're going after Columbus!

Commie cocksuckers have vandalized 2 statues of Christopher Columbus. They want Civil War, they're going to get it

Christopher Columbus statues toppled in Richmond, beheaded in Boston
All you gun owners are too afraid to protect the country from the gangs of killer, looting, arsonist, thugs. They have already taken valuable territory, yet you still sit & post on message boards. More proof the 2nd Amendment is a Joke.

Come try to loot our home.... you'd never go home, blabber mouth.

That's a goddamn promise
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Maine has already renamed Columbus Day "Indigenous Peoples Day"
I absolutely hate this new name. It's pretentious and too much of a mouthful.
Yes, Columbus was a prick who murdered and enslaved the native population he found in "India," the dumb asshole. But he was first, so leave it the fuck alone. If he hadn't done it, some other prick looking for loot to plunder would have stumbled over it eventually. It would be great to have a national holiday celebrating Native Americans, but the name SUCKS and why choose the day that was the beginning of their end? March hasn't got a national holiday. Let's put a Native American holiday there and leave old Columbus where he is. That's the weekend everyone closes up their summer cottages. It's an important three day weekend. And the Italians love it, even though some think Columbus was actually Spanish--from Castille.
Maine has already renamed Columbus Day "Indigenous Peoples Day"
I absolutely hate this new name. It's pretentious and too much of a mouthful.
Yes, Columbus was a prick who murdered and enslaved the native population he found in "India," the dumb asshole. But he was first, so leave it the fuck alone. If he hadn't done it, some other prick looking for loot to plunder would have stumbled over it eventually. It would be great to have a national holiday celebrating Native Americans, but the name SUCKS and why choose the day that was the beginning of their end? March hasn't got a national holiday. Let's put a Native American holiday there and leave old Columbus where he is. That's the weekend everyone closes up their summer cottages. It's an important three day weekend. And the Italians love it, even though some think Columbus was actually Spanish--from Castille.
Stfu. You have no blacks there, no hispanics. You have no clue, white bread!
I apologize, but that's reality.
Maine has already renamed Columbus Day "Indigenous Peoples Day"
I absolutely hate this new name. It's pretentious and too much of a mouthful.
Yes, Columbus was a prick who murdered and enslaved the native population he found in "India," the dumb asshole. But he was first, so leave it the fuck alone. If he hadn't done it, some other prick looking for loot to plunder would have stumbled over it eventually. It would be great to have a national holiday celebrating Native Americans, but the name SUCKS and why choose the day that was the beginning of their end? March hasn't got a national holiday. Let's put a Native American holiday there and leave old Columbus where he is. That's the weekend everyone closes up their summer cottages. It's an important three day weekend. And the Italians love it, even though some think Columbus was actually Spanish--from Castille.

Absolutely nobody cares...Maine? Lol
Commie cocksuckers have vandalized 2 statues of Christopher Columbus. They want Civil War, they're going to get it

Christopher Columbus statues toppled in Richmond, beheaded in Boston

When they went after Confederate Statues I told you it was only the beginning. BTW this is not a "now they are going after Columbus". They have been defacing Columbus, Washington and Plymouth Pilgrim statues for three years. The Democrats hate you, your family and your country with an intensity that you, a decent person, cant comprehend (to your credit).
Is it true that Columbus cut off the hands of American Indians it they did return with gold?
Maine has already renamed Columbus Day "Indigenous Peoples Day"
I absolutely hate this new name. It's pretentious and too much of a mouthful.
Yes, Columbus was a prick who murdered and enslaved the native population he found in "India," the dumb asshole. But he was first, so leave it the fuck alone. If he hadn't done it, some other prick looking for loot to plunder would have stumbled over it eventually. It would be great to have a national holiday celebrating Native Americans, but the name SUCKS and why choose the day that was the beginning of their end? March hasn't got a national holiday. Let's put a Native American holiday there and leave old Columbus where he is. That's the weekend everyone closes up their summer cottages. It's an important three day weekend. And the Italians love it, even though some think Columbus was actually Spanish--from Castille.
Technically Columbus never murdered or enslaved anyone. His discovery just made murder and enslavement possible.. Columbus was entirely Italian who just got the throne of Spain to finance the expedition.

When will the California missions be torn down? They were all built with slave labor.
Commie cocksuckers have vandalized 2 statues of Christopher Columbus. They want Civil War, they're going to get it

Christopher Columbus statues toppled in Richmond, beheaded in Boston

When they went after Confederate Statues I told you it was only the beginning. BTW this is not a "now they are going after Columbus". They have been defacing Columbus, Washington and Plymouth Pilgrim statues for three years. The Democrats hate you, your family and your country with an intensity that you, a decent person, cant comprehend (to your credit).
Is it true that Columbus cut off the hands of American Indians it they did return with gold?

No, Columbus never stepped foot on the continental US

This is how stupid leftists are
Maine has already renamed Columbus Day "Indigenous Peoples Day"
I absolutely hate this new name. It's pretentious and too much of a mouthful.
Yes, Columbus was a prick who murdered and enslaved the native population he found in "India," the dumb asshole. But he was first, so leave it the fuck alone. If he hadn't done it, some other prick looking for loot to plunder would have stumbled over it eventually. It would be great to have a national holiday celebrating Native Americans, but the name SUCKS and why choose the day that was the beginning of their end? March hasn't got a national holiday. Let's put a Native American holiday there and leave old Columbus where he is. That's the weekend everyone closes up their summer cottages. It's an important three day weekend. And the Italians love it, even though some think Columbus was actually Spanish--from Castille.
Stfu. You have no blacks there, no hispanics. You have no clue, white bread!
I apologize, but that's reality.
Pray tell, what do blacks have to do with a single word I said?
They want want George Washington gone and the name "America" changed.
Oh no!
They can want in 1 hand and poop in the other and see which one fills up 1st.
Maine has already renamed Columbus Day "Indigenous Peoples Day"
I absolutely hate this new name. It's pretentious and too much of a mouthful.
Yes, Columbus was a prick who murdered and enslaved the native population he found in "India," the dumb asshole. But he was first, so leave it the fuck alone. If he hadn't done it, some other prick looking for loot to plunder would have stumbled over it eventually. It would be great to have a national holiday celebrating Native Americans, but the name SUCKS and why choose the day that was the beginning of their end? March hasn't got a national holiday. Let's put a Native American holiday there and leave old Columbus where he is. That's the weekend everyone closes up their summer cottages. It's an important three day weekend. And the Italians love it, even though some think Columbus was actually Spanish--from Castille.
Stfu. You have no blacks there, no hispanics. You have no clue, white bread!
I apologize, but that's reality.
Pray tell, what do blacks have to do with a single word I said?
Idk, I just call it like it is. Are you saying you have something against blacks? I know for a fact, some are going to have to be my allies against these commies or we're all fucked.
They will realize that, and I know this.
We're gonna kick these commie's asses and restore America. Is that OK by you, OldLady ?
Maine has already renamed Columbus Day "Indigenous Peoples Day"
I absolutely hate this new name. It's pretentious and too much of a mouthful.
Yes, Columbus was a prick who murdered and enslaved the native population he found in "India," the dumb asshole. But he was first, so leave it the fuck alone. If he hadn't done it, some other prick looking for loot to plunder would have stumbled over it eventually. It would be great to have a national holiday celebrating Native Americans, but the name SUCKS and why choose the day that was the beginning of their end? March hasn't got a national holiday. Let's put a Native American holiday there and leave old Columbus where he is. That's the weekend everyone closes up their summer cottages. It's an important three day weekend. And the Italians love it, even though some think Columbus was actually Spanish--from Castille.
Technically Columbus never murdered or enslaved anyone. His discovery just made murder and enslavement possible.. Columbus was entirely Italian who just got the throne of Spain to finance the expedition.

When will the California missions be torn down? They were all built with slave labor.

'We could subjugate them all'

In his journal, Columbus didn’t mince words about his intentions after meeting the Arawak natives in the Bahamas in 1492. He described the encounter thusly: “They ... brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things ... They willingly traded everything they owned ... They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features .... They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane. ... They would make fine servants. ... With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.” Columbus would add: “As soon as I arrived in the Indies, on the first Island which I found, I took some of the natives by force in order that they might learn and might give me information of whatever there is in these parts.”
Associated Press file

Slavery and gold

Columbus had two goals in the Caribbean: to find gold and slaves. Columbus returned home to Spain and came back to the Caribbean with 17 ships and 1,200 men. His men traveled from island to island, taking Indians as captives. In 1495, in a large slave raid, Columbus and his men rounded up 1,500 Arawak men, women, and children, and put them in pens. They selected what they considered the best natives and loaded them onto ships back to Spain. Two hundred died en route. After the survivors were sold as slaves in Spain, Columbus later wrote: "Let us in the name of the Holy Trinity go on sending all the slaves that can be sold."


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