Now they're going after Columbus!

Maybe we should (peacefully) remove all statues of Columbus.

If he had not "discovered" this continent, then maybe Europeans would have stayed in Europe.
Maybe people from Africa would never have been forced to come here.
Maybe the Native Americans would still have all their land.
And maybe we would not be living in such an unhappy nation.
This taking down statues business is very exciting and can only make the world a better place. The US, like the UK, needs to look at its past and be honest about it. Bad people can sometimes do good things but they should not really be held up for veneration.
If it takes down the country it does not matter now. The United States is slowly becoming tribal. It is more then just statues. It is Christian symbols and holidays and a hate towards one race. And the male sex of that race. And it is still that one race and one sex that is the locomotive of the world. Until the Asians take over that is.
Democrat taliban.
Like the Impeachment timed with Wuhan Flu, it's democrat Party working with Xi. Xi ordered the democrats to cause Civil disturbance in the USA as a "parallel" to Hong Kong.

Xi is fighting to bring Communism to Hong Kong both the USA and people of Hong Kong are fighting against it.

One way or another, these are the last days of the democrat Party
Maybe we should (peacefully) remove all statues of Columbus.

If he had not "discovered" this continent, then maybe Europeans would have stayed in Europe.
Maybe people from Africa would never have been forced to come here.
Maybe the Native Americans would still have all their land.
And maybe we would not be living in such an unhappy nation.
Technological advancements in ship building would have led to others getting to the land between Europe and Asia (and we all know that Europeans long before Chris had done so), though maybe it would not have been called America nor the inhabitants "Indians".
The inhabitants would have remained vulnerable to the same diseases and would have suffered the same fate.
Maybe slavery would not have become so extended, but as it was omnipresent in the time period, we can only assume it would have played some part.
Humans being what they are, and unhappy in so many other countries, unhappiness is mostly unavoidable to some degree. If there were better application of our intelligence, most of America's problems would evaporate.
Maybe we should (peacefully) remove all statues of Columbus.

If he had not "discovered" this continent, then maybe Europeans would have stayed in Europe.
Maybe people from Africa would never have been forced to come here.
Maybe the Native Americans would still have all their land.
And maybe we would not be living in such an unhappy nation.

Yeah, because we can only imagine all of those incredible inventions, like electricity, the telephone, cars, planes, etc etc etc,, that would have came out of Africa.
I love America 500x more than your commie ass, bitch. My ancestors built this country, motherfucker. Don't you forget that, because I damn sure haven't. Come try and take it from us Americans and see how fucked up you end up, bitch!
Lol! Mr. Morrison thinks we plan to “come and take” the flag he loves and flies over his “summer residence” in the Okefenokee swamp. He thinks the hut he built there is the State Capitol! He believes Columbus himself gave that very flag to his ancestors!

Now I would never insult anybody’s ancestors. Some of my own may have been bloody Mongolian rapists and murderers for all I know. But I don’t go around raising the banner of Ghengis Khan and acting out as some — excuse the old, very politically incorrect term here — Mongoloid idiot.

Civilized people don’t rave on like Marion Morrison. He truly is a throwback to a sad and terrible time in our nation’s history,
DeBlasio was going to remove the Columbus Statue from Columbus Circle.

I think some paisans dissuaded him

DeBlasio is not an Italian, he's a German; he just changed his name to an Italian one make himself more 'electable' in NYC.

His real name is Warren Wilhelm, Jr.
I meant my Paisans, i know DeBlasio is German.

That statue in New York City Columbus Circle was paid for by contributions made by Italian immigrants.
Of course Marion Morrison is not alone. Here on this thread we see many other retarded old lizards with lizard brains. “Drain the Swamp!” ?
I love America 500x more than your commie ass, bitch. My ancestors built this country, motherfucker. Don't you forget that, because I damn sure haven't. Come try and take it from us Americans and see how fucked up you end up, bitch!
Lol! Mr. Morrison thinks we plan to “come and take” the flag he loves and flies over his “summer residence” in the Okefenokee swamp. He thinks the hut he built there is the State Capitol! He believes Columbus himself gave that very flag to his ancestors!

Now I would never insult anybody’s ancestors. Some of my own may have been bloody Mongolian rapists and murderers for all I know. But I don’t go around raising the banner of Ghengis Khan and acting out as some — excuse the old, very politically incorrect term here — Mongoloid idiot.

Civilized people don’t rave on like Marion Morrison. He truly is a throwback to a sad and terrible time in our nation’s history,
This is their final, primal scream. We'll get past it.
We have to be careful about tearing down these monuments to these explorers. In the 15th or 16th centuries you would be hard pressed to find saints on any continent or country. Wars, human sacrifice, oppression, disease, etc. were the norm in one form or another for most nations or people and not the exception. The early European explorers were definitely not saints nor some even good people, but they were the driving force that drove civilization. Nothing will change that.

The unfortunate truth is that human history is about the migration, displacement and assimilation of peoples.

I like going to these monuments as they offer reflection and sense of history. That is why they should remain.
I love America 500x more than your commie ass, bitch. My ancestors built this country, motherfucker. Don't you forget that, because I damn sure haven't. Come try and take it from us Americans and see how fucked up you end up, bitch!
Lol! Mr. Morrison thinks we plan to “come and take” the flag he loves and flies over his “summer residence” in the Okefenokee swamp. He thinks the hut he built there is the State Capitol! He believes Columbus himself gave that very flag to his ancestors!

Now I would never insult anybody’s ancestors. Some of my own may have been bloody Mongolian rapists and murderers for all I know. But I don’t go around raising the banner of Ghengis Khan and acting out as some — excuse the old, very politically incorrect term here — Mongoloid idiot.

Civilized people don’t rave on like Marion Morrison. He truly is a throwback to a sad and terrible time in our nation’s history,
This is their final, primal scream. We'll get past it.

No you won't.

Americans enemies have been engaged in a Coup since 2016, soft at first but now turning violent. If you were smart you'd be very concerned about the lack of a response and stop poking the bear.
Wait until they start attacking the MLK monument for "not being progressive enough".

I don't think they will touch MLK, but I'm sure they will find some "unworthy" lefties to go after sooner or later. Woodrow Wilson is my best guess.

When the revolutionaries run out of royalists, first the Jacobin go the the Girondists, and then the Montagnards go for their fellow Jacobins. In the end even they face the guillotine.
Maybe we should (peacefully) remove all statues of Columbus.

If he had not "discovered" this continent, then maybe Europeans would have stayed in Europe.
Maybe people from Africa would never have been forced to come here.
Maybe the Native Americans would still have all their land.
And maybe we would not be living in such an unhappy nation.

Probably not, someone would have made it over, and they still would have outarmed the locals much like theoretical aliens would outarm us if they every showed up.
We have to be careful about tearing down these monuments to these explorers. In the 15th or 16th centuries you would be hard pressed to find saints on any continent or country. Wars, human sacrifice, oppression, disease, etc. were the norm in one form or another for most nations or people and not the exception. The early European explorers were definitely not saints nor some even good people, but they were the driving force that drove civilization. Nothing will change that.

The unfortunate truth is that human history is about the migration, displacement and assimilation of peoples.

I like going to these monuments as they offer reflection and sense of history. That is why they should remain.

Sorry, but the same can be said for confederate monuments, especially the ones that are just to the war dead.

Slavery was at the tail end of it's acceptance, but the US wasn't the last place to ban it.
Commie cocksuckers have vandalized 2 statues of Christopher Columbus. They want Civil War, they're going to get it

Christopher Columbus statues toppled in Richmond, beheaded in Boston
All you gun owners are too afraid to protect the country from the gangs of killer, looting, arsonist, thugs. They have already taken valuable territory, yet you still sit & post on message boards. More proof the 2nd Amendment is a Joke.

So far, none of us have lifted a fucking finger, but our patience is wearing thin
Sure Boomer. Any day now, right?

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