Now, Trump "praises" Mueller???

Good cop/bad cop. No one believes that Mueller is fair or unbiased.
That’s a hoot. He’s THE most respected person in the country. Dopes like you don’t want to know if your president is a crook so you have to follow the the Fox/ State TV message of fear and loathing.

When you have two very respected and prominent liberal lawyers both saying that Mueller now has mega issues with even appearing the least unbiased, the rest of the legal world knows damn well that Mueller's investigation will be permanently tainted as a witch hunt.
Totally false. Only the Sean Hannity crowd and his sewer rats like you will say this investigation is tainted.
Everyone knows what the right wing is doing. They’re setting up a climate when Mueller comes up with serious charges of treason and obstruction of justice, You bed setters will cry ITS TAINTED... not giving a shit if Trump is guilty or not.

The bias is blatant. No one will believe anything that piece of crap will come up with now.
I know that’s your plan as I explained.
I understand you’re against the rule of law just as much as your fuhrer is.
There is zero bias. Mueller is a republican and a war hero.
He’s been a man of impeccable moral values.
No wonder you’re suspicious of him since you support a president that has none..
Good cop/bad cop. No one believes that Mueller is fair or unbiased.
That’s a hoot. He’s THE most respected person in the countryman. he's not!
Mueller wouldnt have gotten into this role unless he was respected by republicans, because he was assigned while there was both a republican controlled legislative branch and executive branch by same party.
Mueller started with FBI around the time of 9/11 and had his term unanimously extended in 2011, by republicans.

On the other hand you have Trump who just mentioned collusion 16 times in a 30 minute interview.
No, a treacherous backstabbing Jew named Rod Rosenstein appointed him without republican input.
Adjust your hood. And then recall, Mueller is a Republican.
Is Trump "concluding" that by being nice to Mueller the results of the investigation will go easier on him?

No. Snowflakes just don't have the ability to recognize 'sarcasm' when they see it and can't tell when they are being made fun of. :p
Good cop/bad cop. No one believes that Mueller is fair or unbiased.
That’s a hoot. He’s THE most respected person in the countryman. he's not!
Mueller wouldnt have gotten into this role unless he was respected by republicans, because he was assigned while there was both a republican controlled legislative branch and executive branch by same party.
Mueller started with FBI around the time of 9/11 and had his term unanimously extended in 2011, by republicans.

On the other hand you have Trump who just mentioned collusion 16 times in a 30 minute interview.
No, a treacherous backstabbing Jew named Rod Rosenstein appointed him without republican input.
Bingo. It doesn’t take Steve McRacist long to inject his bigotry into a post.
I was referring to his bullshit proclamations such as "I know more than any President." "I know more about taxes than the best CPA."
It's his narcissism talking. Best to not get your panties in a bunch over stuff like that.
CNN was taking a deep dive on it this morning and it amounts to a hill of beans. Now a REAL conversation about why we are letting China off the hook for smuggling oil into North Korea is a story worth looking at. Trump says he finds WAR (I assume a lack of it) more important. He's turning to a more diplomatic side now? That would actually be hopeful. And worth spending an hour discussing.

Ok fair nuff. But the stupid stuff that flies out of his round pie hole needs to be covered too. Stupid is dangerous.

Problem with China? Every time Trump thinks about getting tough, he remembers that tremendous red carpet welcome they gave him .. better than any other president ... EVER! :)
Good cop/bad cop. No one believes that Mueller is fair or unbiased.
That’s a hoot. He’s THE most respected person in the countryman. he's not!
Mueller wouldnt have gotten into this role unless he was respected by republicans, because he was assigned while there was both a republican controlled legislative branch and executive branch by same party.
Mueller started with FBI around the time of 9/11 and had his term unanimously extended in 2011, by republicans.

On the other hand you have Trump who just mentioned collusion 16 times in a 30 minute interview.
No, a treacherous backstabbing Jew named Rod Rosenstein appointed him without republican input.
Adjust your hood. And then recall, Mueller is a Republican.
Irrelevant! People can change views for political or personal reasons. Mueller has done just that. He now lacks integrity and honor.
Is Trump "concluding" that by being nice to Mueller the results of the investigation will go easier on him?

No. Snowflakes just don't have the ability to recognize 'sarcasm' when they see it and can't tell when they are being made fun of. :p
Yeah dopes like you consider every one of Trump’s fuckup’s as “ he’s only kidding.”
Good cop/bad cop. No one believes that Mueller is fair or unbiased.
That’s a hoot. He’s THE most respected person in the countryman. he's not!
Mueller wouldnt have gotten into this role unless he was respected by republicans, because he was assigned while there was both a republican controlled legislative branch and executive branch by same party.
Mueller started with FBI around the time of 9/11 and had his term unanimously extended in 2011, by republicans.

On the other hand you have Trump who just mentioned collusion 16 times in a 30 minute interview.
No, a treacherous backstabbing Jew named Rod Rosenstein appointed him without republican input.
Bingo. It doesn’t take Steve McRacist long to inject his bigotry into a post.
False, I injected the truth into a post.
That’s a hoot. He’s THE most respected person in the countryman. he's not!
Mueller wouldnt have gotten into this role unless he was respected by republicans, because he was assigned while there was both a republican controlled legislative branch and executive branch by same party.
Mueller started with FBI around the time of 9/11 and had his term unanimously extended in 2011, by republicans.

On the other hand you have Trump who just mentioned collusion 16 times in a 30 minute interview.
No, a treacherous backstabbing Jew named Rod Rosenstein appointed him without republican input.
Adjust your hood. And then recall, Mueller is a Republican.
Irrelevant! People can change views for political or personal reasons. Mueller has done just that. He now lacks integrity and honor.
There is NOTHING Mueller has done that anyone can point to because he’s kept his mouth shut during the entire investigation. You’re just not used to anyone being a professional since you suck the balls of the most unprofessional president in history.
That’s a hoot. He’s THE most respected person in the countryman. he's not!
Mueller wouldnt have gotten into this role unless he was respected by republicans, because he was assigned while there was both a republican controlled legislative branch and executive branch by same party.
Mueller started with FBI around the time of 9/11 and had his term unanimously extended in 2011, by republicans.

On the other hand you have Trump who just mentioned collusion 16 times in a 30 minute interview.
No, a treacherous backstabbing Jew named Rod Rosenstein appointed him without republican input.
Bingo. It doesn’t take Steve McRacist long to inject his bigotry into a post.
False, I injected the truth into a post.
You’re a blowhard chronic liar just like your Liar in Chief.
That’s a hoot. He’s THE most respected person in the countryman. he's not!
Mueller wouldnt have gotten into this role unless he was respected by republicans, because he was assigned while there was both a republican controlled legislative branch and executive branch by same party.
Mueller started with FBI around the time of 9/11 and had his term unanimously extended in 2011, by republicans.

On the other hand you have Trump who just mentioned collusion 16 times in a 30 minute interview.
No, a treacherous backstabbing Jew named Rod Rosenstein appointed him without republican input.
Adjust your hood. And then recall, Mueller is a Republican.
Irrelevant! People can change views for political or personal reasons. Mueller has done just that. He now lacks integrity and honor.
Well, perhaps the politics of the investigators should likewise be seen as irrelevant. What's good for one is good for the other, or it's not real to begin with.
In the impromptu interview with the NYT a few days ago, Trump actually "praised" Mueller stating that he thinks that the investigation will be FAIR to his corpulent ass......AMAZING

Does Trump know that his ass-kissers in the House are maligning Mueller incessantly?

Is Trump "concluding" that by being nice to Mueller the results of the investigation will go easier on him?

Is another of Trump's conclusions then admitting that since Mueller is fair, that the indictment AND conviction of Flynn as a felon is justified?

Did Trump's aides jump out of windows when he made the statement legitimizing Mueller's fairness?
It illustrates just how clueless, out of touch, and incompetent Trump is
Good cop/bad cop. No one believes that Mueller is fair or unbiased.
That’s a hoot. He’s THE most respected person in the countryman. he's not!
Mueller wouldnt have gotten into this role unless he was respected by republicans, because he was assigned while there was both a republican controlled legislative branch and executive branch by same party.
Mueller started with FBI around the time of 9/11 and had his term unanimously extended in 2011, by republicans.

On the other hand you have Trump who just mentioned collusion 16 times in a 30 minute interview.
No, a treacherous backstabbing Jew named Rod Rosenstein appointed him without republican input.
Rosenstein a jew?
The bad news for anti semites is that Trump loves Israel.

When Mueller was appointed he got praise from hard core partisan republicans.
Such as Chaffetz. "Mueller is a great selection. Impeccable credentials. Should be widely accepted."
Paul Ryan said he was consistent with is goal of independent investigation.
Rep Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., called Mueller " a well respected and trusted veteran of the FBI"
McConnell wasnt opposing Mueller, but rather the interference with work already being done in congress.
Good cop/bad cop. No one believes that Mueller is fair or unbiased.
That’s a hoot. He’s THE most respected person in the countryman. he's not!
Mueller wouldnt have gotten into this role unless he was respected by republicans, because he was assigned while there was both a republican controlled legislative branch and executive branch by same party.
Mueller started with FBI around the time of 9/11 and had his term unanimously extended in 2011, by republicans.

On the other hand you have Trump who just mentioned collusion 16 times in a 30 minute interview.
No, a treacherous backstabbing Jew named Rod Rosenstein appointed him without republican input.
Rosenstein a jew?
The bad news for anti semites is that Trump loves Israel.

When Mueller was appointed he got praise from hard core partisan republicans.
Such as Chaffetz. "Mueller is a great selection. Impeccable credentials. Should be widely accepted."
Paul Ryan said he was consistent with is goal of independent investigation.
Rep Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., called Mueller " a well respected and trusted veteran of the FBI"
McConnell wasnt opposing Mueller, but rather the interference with work already being done in congress.
Chaffetz was on the Laura Ingraham show last night. He doesn't hold those views anymore. He said Mueller has gone too far and now is abusing his authority.

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