Now We Wait And See How Many Days The MSM Can Go Without Bringing Up "KKK" & White People !!!

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:cow: Is this going to go on every day for the next four years as we watch our favorite news channels? Ever since Trump won, all we are hearing about are the ties to the KKK, he's still a racist, and only picks white people to his cabinet like Jeff Sessions and Ben Carson. Bad enough for the last eight years we have had to listen to Obama interrupt our evening or day cable viewing times to do a speech/press conference on issues none us ever cared about!
And here we go again! lets see if we can go 24 hours without anyone on any news outlet speak/comment without using the words "White" and "KKK". :eusa_shhh:
Every day the alt right and the kkk and the others make noise supporting Trump, yes, this is going to come up.
but the fact that hes in the KKK is why you people voted for him, so dont you want to make sure he fulfills all the racist polices he promised? what if he doesn't bring back segregation or doesn't build concentration caps to put the jews in? wont you be upset?
Every day the alt right and the kkk and the others make noise supporting Trump, yes, this is going to come up.

Phony-baloney. Who cares who supports who/whom. The election is over, get a life, and get a job besides trying to astro turf, lol.
Every day the alt right and the kkk and the others make noise supporting Trump, yes, this is going to come up.

Phony-baloney. Who cares who supports who/whom. The election is over, get a life, and get a job besides trying to astro turf, lol.
That's what the obamites told the losers for eight years, who boo hooed and carried on.

Go to your safe space, snowflake.
Every day the alt right and the kkk and the others make noise supporting Trump, yes, this is going to come up.

Phony-baloney. Who cares who supports who/whom. The election is over, get a life, and get a job besides trying to astro turf, lol.
You get what you deserve, snowflake.

Trump did say he abhored the Alt Right.

He can say that more and more. It will help.
Every day the alt right and the kkk and the others make noise supporting Trump, yes, this is going to come up.

Phony-baloney. Who cares who supports who/whom. The election is over, get a life, and get a job besides trying to astro turf, lol.
That's what the obamites told the losers for eight years, who boo hooed and carried on.

Go to your safe space, snowflake.

Yes, but here is the deal-) We will NOT pass EOs that can be overturned by just the stroke of a pen. We WILL pass laws the will carry force, and then onstall Supreme Court justices that will vote against the next clown who tries to rule by EOS.

You do not realize it yet, but you libs were soooooooooo close, just a few electoral votes, from having your way for probably, forever. And, within a blink of an eye, control NOTHING. And all the things you thought were cemented were done by EOs, and are going to be wiped away with a stroke of a pen. The only difficult thing to actually get rid of will be Obamacare, but it can be defunded, so that takes care of that, even if the Republicans wimp out, lol.

I have no doubt; or maybe little doubt, that in 2020, 2024, or certainly 2028 a Democrat will reacquire the Whitehouse. It is already baked in. With over 34 States in control of Republicans, it is time for an article 5 where 2/3rds of the power is removed from Washington, no matter which party is in power. Then you and your friends can make lefty shang-ri-la in New York and Chicago, and we can just do our thing in fly over country, leaving each other alone. Now that is fair! We do not impose our will, and you don't impose yours. You keep your money from Wall Street, and we keep our food from the heartland-)
The lefty media swine will continue with their business as usual. They're clueless as to how their bias actually swayed some folks Trump's way and helped defeat their candidate. Can't see the forest for the trees so they invent blame instead, a la racist Republicans, Nazis, etc., etc. Nothing will change now. It's part of their DNA so just sit back and enjoy their stupidity.
Trump will try EOs just like Obama did, and those will have varying staying power or not.

The SCOTUS nominations will be middle of the road. There will be no Scalia or Alito type appointments.

Seven GOP senators will join the Dems to block such appointments.

Art V convention: the GOP and DNC will block that.

Not worried about the far right having any real say in matters at all.

Trump is turning his back on you guys.

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