Now will you step aside Hillary and allow Joe to step up and win for us?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Clinton Cancels Campaign Trip To California After Pneumonia Diagnosis......Dear Hillary, dear, dear, dear Hill....girlfriend, I know you are gonna be okay, but please for the sake of the party, please resign your bid and allow Joe to take over.
Between the stress of campaigning, the lingering email and foundation sh*t, the low ratings on trust....please for the sake of our it day, put a period behind your desire to be president and go home and stay there.....permanently.

Else this country is gonna end up with a nightmare that only Armageddon will be able to Trump the clown and Putin his buddy!!
Kerry and Obama and Hitlery are Putin's buddies:
Got Uranium?
Got Syria?
Got Crimea?
Got leeway?
Get it?
I would LOVE to see that dumbfuck run
Can you imagine? "Mr. President, Iraq just nuked Israel". "Fuck Antarctica, nuke them back!"
If democrats are pushed into running loser Joe Biden, that's an indication of how bad off they really are.

There's a reason why Biden has lost ever time he ran.
Donald and Vlad will put an end to the iron curtain. For those being shocked: This are good news.
Clinton Cancels Campaign Trip To California After Pneumonia Diagnosis......Dear Hillary, dear, dear, dear Hill....girlfriend, I know you are gonna be okay, but please for the sake of the party, please resign your bid and allow Joe to take over.
Between the stress of campaigning, the lingering email and foundation sh*t, the low ratings on trust....please for the sake of our it day, put a period behind your desire to be president and go home and stay there.....permanently.

Else this country is gonna end up with a nightmare that only Armageddon will be able to Trump the clown and Putin his buddy!!

If they try to take it from her she will go Roman on the democrat party...and salt the earth where the democrat headquarters used to stand.....
Clinton Cancels Campaign Trip To California After Pneumonia Diagnosis......Dear Hillary, dear, dear, dear Hill....girlfriend, I know you are gonna be okay, but please for the sake of the party, please resign your bid and allow Joe to take over.
Between the stress of campaigning, the lingering email and foundation sh*t, the low ratings on trust....please for the sake of our it day, put a period behind your desire to be president and go home and stay there.....permanently.

Else this country is gonna end up with a nightmare that only Armageddon will be able to Trump the clown and Putin his buddy!!

Hillary would slit the throat of the Grim Reaper and climb out of her grave to claim the Oval Office.

You should know that much.

Her addiction to power makes heroin junkies look like child's play.
could this be the reason to replace her?

house to grill 5 hillary tech workers tomorrow morning. brian pagiano and a staffer were given immunity or a promise. if they take the fifth, rep chaffetz of the oversight committee can ask a judge to review and rule on the documents that prompted the immunity. if the judge reports they were given immunity, those two can no longer plead the fifth.

whats next for hillary? lung fungus from her old plane?
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It's probably too late to recover from the Hillary blunder. From the ACA to wikileaks to the deplorables blunder Hillary has set off an avalanche that will roll over her replacement too. Too much time would be spent mending fences and too little campaigning.
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US And Russia Orchestrate Another Ceasefire In Syria

Guy Benson - Hillary: No, Seriously, Our Russian 'Reset' Worked

Clinton Cancels Campaign Trip To California After Pneumonia Diagnosis......Dear Hillary, dear, dear, dear Hill....girlfriend, I know you are gonna be okay, but please for the sake of the party, please resign your bid and allow Joe to take over.
Between the stress of campaigning, the lingering email and foundation sh*t, the low ratings on trust....please for the sake of our it day, put a period behind your desire to be president and go home and stay there.....permanently.

Else this country is gonna end up with a nightmare that only Armageddon will be able to Trump the clown and Putin his buddy!!
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or will she be replaced for this

fox judge napolitano today

"federal judges are only supposed to give immunity in order to induce testimoony before a grand jury or trial jury. there was no grand jury in this case, the fbi didnt present a single piece of evidence to a grand jury. they didnt get a sopoena from a grand jury. they didnt get a search warrant from a judge . so what was the purpose of the so called immunity?

hillary is destroying the democratic party with all these scandals. they should dump her.

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