Now will you step aside Hillary and allow Joe to step up and win for us?

How many Democrats besides Cankles received votes in the Democrat Convention? I didn't see Biden's name in the standings. Everyone else dropped out except The Bern. He's he only qualified candidate to be nominated and no one else. Sorry, Kool Aid Kids.
Anyone know what the line of succession is in such an instance?

Some talk about crazy uncle Joe but he didn't earn a single primary vote, nor did her VP pick, but the loopy socialist Sanders bagged around 13 million votes, forty-something percent of the total. How could the DNC push him aside for Biden or Kaine? And if they did, how pissed off would Bernie's army of socialist wackos be? More importantly, would they retaliate for it come election day?

DNC better pray that fat cow doesn't get any worse or croak on them.
I would LOVE to see that dumbfuck run
Can you imagine? "Mr. President, Iraq just nuked Israel". "Fuck Antarctica, nuke them back!"
I was saying biden is a moron. You remember the idiot Congressman that said guam was going to tip over? Like that.
I checked out the Guam thing to make sure he wasn't from Maine; big relief. Biden's not an idiot. I'd feel a lot better voting for him than for old Hill.
I believe Hossfly is right--the DNC has to choose someone who was elected, not chosen as both Biden and Kaine were. Bernie was #2 in the voting, so he would move up. At such a late stage, the party might request a postponement of the election to hold another primary. That would mean however many more months of Obama. Wouldn't THAT please the Trumpsters!
If democrats are pushed into running loser Joe Biden, that's an indication of how bad off they really are.

There's a reason why Biden has lost ever time he ran.
He lost because we never had a Trump on yaw ticket before.....this time, he's a shoe in.
This is so great watching the progressives in full panic mode. And we haven't even gotten to the first debate yet!

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