Love how nearly ever post blows the OP out of the water.

One wonders why the OP didn't quote NPR itself... Actually one needn't wonder....the OP is complete rubbish.

So how much did you donate to NPR? Did you deduct that from your taxes too?

Those of you who did deduct their NPR donation, literally forced everyone else make up the difference in taxes paid to the federal government.

In other words, you didn't pay your fair share.
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Just FYI for those calling for defunding NPR or "Desantis for Pres so we can shut the waste off forever", removing all federal funding would do little.

"NPR and its member stations rely predominantly on contributions from listeners to maintain operations, followed by corporate sponsorships. Only 4 percent of funding in fiscal year 2017 came from federal, state and local governments, according to NPR, and on average, less than 1 percent of its annual operating budget comes from federal agencies and departments or grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB)."
The freaks at NPR talk big about funding but its just a bluff

They crave every penny they can squeeze out of the taxpayers
The majority of NPR's funding comes from donations from individuals, businesses, universities, and foundations.

But because donations from individuals, businesses and foundations are tax-deductible, they are subsidized by the government.

See how that works? Now I distinctly remember you guys and girls bitching about all the "tax breaks" and subsidies those mean old rich people and corporations get. That they're not paying "their fair share."

So what's the difference? In reality, NPR is being subsidized by the government.
Are corporations donors also? Yes.
The biggest cost for a public station is paying NPR itself for that programming. The rest is funded by listeners and viewers. Most employees work for free. Some stations the only person on the payroll is the station manager. See? And it works.

I listened to the show that the OP tries to crucify. It was informative and educational.

Are corporations donors also? Yes.
The biggest cost for a public station is paying NPR itself for that programming. The rest is funded by listeners and viewers. Most employees work for free. Some stations the only person on the payroll is the station manager. See? And it works.

I listened to the show that the OP tries to crucify. It was informative and educational.


If I'm doing the math right, at least 77% of NPR's funding is tax deductible. I didn't count the 11% donated by colleges and schools because I don't know if they can deduct their donations.

Those tax deductions are money that those foundations, corporations, and individuals did not pay into the federal government. The federal government said "It's ok. You don't have to pay us because you gave some money to NPR. We'll just make up the difference somewhere else."

So please tell me again how NPR is not being subsidized. The pie chart is from NPR.

Public Radio Finances

If doing the math right, at least 77% of NPR's funding is tax deductible. I didn't count the 11% donated by colleges and schools because I don't know if they can deduct their donations.

Those tax deductions are money that those foundations, corporations, and individuals did not pay into the federal government.

So please tell me again how NPR is not being subsidized. The pie chart is from NPR.

Public Radio Finances

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You forgot about benefactors, endowments...
Didnt help during Aids did it

The Bach? No it did not prevent HIV/AIDS, but then again, nether did Reagan Inc., declaring it "gay cancer" and ignoring it for the first few years help either. Wasn't until poor little Ryan White, a white kid with no sex history, got it that Reagan, Inc., was forced to acknowledge it wasn't just a bathhouse thing.

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