NRA Membership Surging


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2022
This is not surprising.

Firearms are engrained in our culture despite the efforts of many liberals to get rid of them.
This is not surprising.

You can never underestimate the intelligence of the American public.
This is not surprising.

That's not what LaPierre told attendees at the group’s board meeting.

This is not surprising.

It surprises the heck out of me. I'm a normal gun owner and carrier, they sure haven't done anything to please me in years. I will not be supporting their lobbying efforts and thought more of them, back when they were about hunting and safety, not a mouthpiece for the gun manufacturers, I can find better deals with on my own.
Firearms are engrained in our culture despite the efforts of many liberals to get rid of them.

Its very simple really.
About 10 thousand years ago, we invented agriculture, which created surplus wealth, currency, mercenaries, and dictatorships.
About 300 years ago, firearms made mercenaries equalized, so that we were able to rebel and create republics.
This is not surprising.

If you want to sell more guns, elect more democrats

That is how it works.
It surprises the heck out of me. I'm a normal gun owner and carrier, they sure haven't done anything to please me in years. I will not be supporting their lobbying efforts and thought more of them, back when they were about hunting and safety, not a mouthpiece for the gun manufacturers, I can find better deals with on my own.

The only way to keep the republic is with legal gun ownership, and ONLY the collective bargaining of the NRA can do that.

Anyone who knows anything at all about guns should know that any gun ban at all is a threat to the entire republic.
I am 100% 2A supportive.

But I think some folks who are the same should also consider other gun-rights groups, like JPFO.
JPFO = Jews for the Protection of Firearms Ownership
One does NOT need to be Jewish at all to join (I'm not Jewish myself), and Jewish religion and principles are NOT a major part of the platform or agenda. The Second Amendment is. I have belonged to JPFO for two years and am due for renewal soon. One reason I consider JPFO very worth the dues is that they don't spend your money on memorabilia, gym bags and bumper stickers so much as legal expenses and operating costs associated with arguing for your rights. The organization is comprised of highly educated lawyers and scholars who are also freedom-loving gun enthusiasts, rather than Hollywood celebrities and rock stars.

Another important aspect of JPFO is that most of Americas Jews are anti-gun and vote Democrat. JPFO seeks to enlighten such folks that being disarmed is EXACTLY what was a prelude to their persecution and eventual extermination in Germany. The Jews at JPFO are determined not to let that happen to them again, nor anyone else.
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The only way to keep the republic is with legal gun ownership, and ONLY the collective bargaining of the NRA can do that.

Anyone who knows anything at all about guns should know that any gun ban at all is a threat to the entire republic.
Bull. I am for universal background checks on all weapons purchase and sale outside of family pass down. They are not. I am for all long guns prohibited from city streets, everywhere, every city and state. I support concealed carry permit, after background check (local agency, state and Federal (Dept of Homeland defense), with an approved 1 day required training (including safety, applicable laws, rules of engagement, shoot/no shoot and testing, including range qualification live fire, and a state issued permit. They do not, as they support carry without permit, both pistols or long guns for any that want to, like the old west. Those are big reasons for me NOT to support the NRA.
That is just me. Give them your money if you want, but I'll pass.
Bull. I am for universal background checks on all weapons purchase and sale outside of family pass down. They are not. I am for all long guns prohibited from city streets, everywhere, every city and state. I support concealed carry permit, after background check (local agency, state and Federal (Dept of Homeland defense), with an approved 1 day required training (including safety, applicable laws, rules of engagement, shoot/no shoot and testing, including range qualification live fire, and a state issued permit. They do not, as they support carry without permit, both pistols or long guns for any that want to, like the old west. Those are big reasons for me NOT to support the NRA.
That is just me. Give them your money if you want, but I'll pass.
"I'm in favor of the 2nd Amendment, BUT....."

Yet another useful idjit supplicant to The State.
"I'm in favor of the 2nd Amendment, BUT....."

Yet another useful idjit supplicant to The State.
I have no problem with the "well regulated" part of the 2nd amendment being taken seriously. i w am definitely not part of the "All the guns", for "all the people", "all the time" in all places crowd. I have been around weapons privately and professionally all my life, and don't see any margin of safety in that concept. Some people really shouldn't have and especially not carry a weapon. That is just the way it is. Anybody that never met anybody that can't be trust with a weapon, has little experience with a cross-section of shooters.
I have no problem with the "well regulated" part of the 2nd amendment being taken seriously. i w am definitely not part of the "All the guns", for "all the people", "all the time" in all places crowd. I have been around weapons privately and professionally all my life, and don't see any margin of safety in that concept. Some people really shouldn't have and especially not carry a weapon. That is just the way it is. Anybody that never met anybody that can't be trust with a weapon, has little experience with a cross-section of shooters.
You're for performative supplication, not regulation.

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