NRA REPRIMANDS STUPID TEXANS --- Love stuff like this!

It makes sense. The NRA has always been conscious of the image of legitimate gun owners and responsive to concerns of businesses.
NRA backed down after open carry nutters cut up their membership cards.
Jon Stewart Blasts NRA, Open Carry Texas 'Gun Nuts' (VIDEO)


Texas Open-Carry Kooks Tear Up NRA Cards In Revolt

Not surprising since the entire purpose of NRA is to sell guns.

Welcome to the United States of Somalia.

I saw the link and who was posting and my first thought was "so what about this story isn't true?"

I'm not sure if there is anything yet. But it doesn't say much about the op.

Says a lot more about your closed mind and inability to tell the difference between Fox lies and facts.

Actually, that has become true for far too many of us.
I saw the link and who was posting and my first thought was "so what about this story isn't true?"

I'm not sure if there is anything yet. But it doesn't say much about the op.

:cuckoo: Congrats you just said nothing and oppose the OP for no reason you can think of.

Good job :eusa_shifty:
I was just checking them out. They seem sincere enough in their belief that people should feel comfortable around other individuals legally carrying weapons.

When I lived in Tennessee I thought nothing of it when I saw someone with a rifle. Every day living in Hickman county. Hell's bells I would carry and not think twice scooting down the road to a glade by the tracks to target practice.

No one batted an eye.
I saw the link and who was posting and my first thought was "so what about this story isn't true?"

I'm not sure if there is anything yet. But it doesn't say much about the op.

Says a lot more about your closed mind and inability to tell the difference between Fox lies and facts.

Actually, that has become true for far too many of us.

Except fox has nothing to do with it. I don't watch it. It's just your paranoia pushing you to blame fox for everything.

My observation is my own. I don't know how my observations could be influenced by fox when I highly doubt they know the op exists.
In case you think I'm kidding or just being my usual sardonic self.....

I'm not. I'm serious.

The Lying Cocksucker is a Cult Leader

THE AGE OF OBAMA: Jamie Foxx - "Obama is Our God, Our Lord and Savior"! - YouTube

Is Barack Obama the Messiah?


dimocraps are some sick fucks.

The rest, the ones who got duped into voting for the Lying Cocksucker?

They're dupes, fooled by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

I love you Edge. Don't ever change. Your anger cracks me up.

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