NRA wants stalkers to keep their guns and kill women.

The NRA, as a good PR move should have a fund to give guns and gun training to any woman who has had an incident of domestic violence.

Really, what about men? A man can be a victim of domestic abuse also.
Come on clowns. Is that the best you can come up with? When does a "dating partner" become a domestic partner? When they get married? Nope, when a freaking left wing blog site editorializes an obscure bill in a state legislature. A conviction for stalking would surely prevent the purchase of a firearm in Louisiana but the radical left would rather get tangled up in rhetoric. If the truth be known it was the liberals in Virginia that authorized a maniac to obtain weapons and commit the worst school shooting in history. Caring liberals didn't want a conviction on the record of a Va. Tech student for stalking coeds so they pulled some strings and the maniac was ordered to psychiatric counseling. The Va. instant check would still have prevented the maniac from purchasing a weapon but caring liberals decided that the privacy issue trumped public safety so the court ordered psychiatric counseling didn't come up in the instant name check. The glitch has been fixed.
The NRA wants Louisiana stalkers to be able to keep their guns — and women are going to keep dying

Sick, just sick.

As part of its never-ending quest to make sure that handguns are cheap, plentiful, and easy for anyone to acquire and keep, the NRA inserted itself into the writing of a Louisiana bill that would have expanded protections for victims of domestic violence.

Putting bullets before people, the NRA saw to it that people in Louisiana with a history of violence — to say nothing of a conviction for stalking — can hang onto their guns just in case they are needed to prevent government tyranny or, should the need arise, to water the Tree of Liberty with the blood of women who are tired of being beaten.

Louisiana’s HB 488, which would have provided additional protective measures for victims of domestic abuse, was gutted because the NRA thought it went too far when it included “dating partners” along with “household members.”

According to a member of the state domestic violence prevention commission, the NRA “didn’t want to increase the pool of people who will dispossessed of their firearms.”

So what got yanked out of the bill so it could pass through committee?

Well, they removed “dating partner” from the list of victims of domestic abuse and battery, which means domestic violence victims who don’t live with their abusive partner don’t receive the same protections. This is in a state where 50 percent of domestic violence victims qualify as “dating partners” who live apart from their abuser.

Simple solution to the stalking conviction issue, just make all stalking crimes a felony. Also make domestic violence a felony and you eliminate the need for any expanding of definitions, as convicted felons can't posses firearms legally.

Convicted domestic abusers are already disqualified from having firearms, by federal law, regardless if it's felony or not.

Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The NRA wants women to have guns to deal with the stalkers.

Do some homework, what you don't know about domestic violence is voluminous.

The NRA is a special interest lobby, and as such is not to be trusted on social policy.

So says the lefty........

Yeah, this "lefty" wrote two VAWA Grants, managed both along with DV staff from the Sheriffs's Dept. three Police agencies, the Probation Dept., the Women's shelter, Women's Counseling Services, Anger Management Providers, jail personnel and the office of the District Attorney.

And yet you are still a clueless lefty....go figure....
This thread has devolved into a circle jerk by the ignorant. FYI, misogyny is not a virtue, and the reality is DV up front and personal is a horror, not something to be taken lightly.

Then why did you lefty morons vote for bill clinton, a serial sexual predator, and his wife who paid her female staff less than the male staff....?
Come on clowns. Is that the best you can come up with? When does a "dating partner" become a domestic partner? When they get married? Nope, when a freaking left wing blog site editorializes an obscure bill in a state legislature. A conviction for stalking would surely prevent the purchase of a firearm in Louisiana but the radical left would rather get tangled up in rhetoric. If the truth be known it was the liberals in Virginia that authorized a maniac to obtain weapons and commit the worst school shooting in history. Caring liberals didn't want a conviction on the record of a Va. Tech student for stalking coeds so they pulled some strings and the maniac was ordered to psychiatric counseling. The Va. instant check would still have prevented the maniac from purchasing a weapon but caring liberals decided that the privacy issue trumped public safety so the court ordered psychiatric counseling didn't come up in the instant name check. The glitch has been fixed.

And this is a stalkers friend, not enemy.....get a lawyer to file paperwork on your intended victim and claim she abused you.....then have the cops grab her guns...then kill her with a knife, gasoline, or a hatchet.........
The NRA wants Louisiana stalkers to be able to keep their guns — and women are going to keep dying

Sick, just sick.

As part of its never-ending quest to make sure that handguns are cheap, plentiful, and easy for anyone to acquire and keep, the NRA inserted itself into the writing of a Louisiana bill that would have expanded protections for victims of domestic violence.

Putting bullets before people, the NRA saw to it that people in Louisiana with a history of violence — to say nothing of a conviction for stalking — can hang onto their guns just in case they are needed to prevent government tyranny or, should the need arise, to water the Tree of Liberty with the blood of women who are tired of being beaten.

Louisiana’s HB 488, which would have provided additional protective measures for victims of domestic abuse, was gutted because the NRA thought it went too far when it included “dating partners” along with “household members.”

According to a member of the state domestic violence prevention commission, the NRA “didn’t want to increase the pool of people who will dispossessed of their firearms.”

So what got yanked out of the bill so it could pass through committee?

Well, they removed “dating partner” from the list of victims of domestic abuse and battery, which means domestic violence victims who don’t live with their abusive partner don’t receive the same protections. This is in a state where 50 percent of domestic violence victims qualify as “dating partners” who live apart from their abuser.

Simple solution to the stalking conviction issue, just make all stalking crimes a felony. Also make domestic violence a felony and you eliminate the need for any expanding of definitions, as convicted felons can't posses firearms legally.

Convicted domestic abusers are already disqualified from having firearms, by federal law, regardless if it's felony or not.

Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I would actually prefer the crimes be made felonies than allow misdemeanors to remove gun rights. I don't trust the gun grabbers to just stop at domestic violence misdemeanor convictions.
The NRA wants Louisiana stalkers to be able to keep their guns — and women are going to keep dying

Sick, just sick.

As part of its never-ending quest to make sure that handguns are cheap, plentiful, and easy for anyone to acquire and keep, the NRA inserted itself into the writing of a Louisiana bill that would have expanded protections for victims of domestic violence.

Putting bullets before people, the NRA saw to it that people in Louisiana with a history of violence — to say nothing of a conviction for stalking — can hang onto their guns just in case they are needed to prevent government tyranny or, should the need arise, to water the Tree of Liberty with the blood of women who are tired of being beaten.

Louisiana’s HB 488, which would have provided additional protective measures for victims of domestic abuse, was gutted because the NRA thought it went too far when it included “dating partners” along with “household members.”

According to a member of the state domestic violence prevention commission, the NRA “didn’t want to increase the pool of people who will dispossessed of their firearms.”

So what got yanked out of the bill so it could pass through committee?

Well, they removed “dating partner” from the list of victims of domestic abuse and battery, which means domestic violence victims who don’t live with their abusive partner don’t receive the same protections. This is in a state where 50 percent of domestic violence victims qualify as “dating partners” who live apart from their abuser.

Simple solution to the stalking conviction issue, just make all stalking crimes a felony. Also make domestic violence a felony and you eliminate the need for any expanding of definitions, as convicted felons can't posses firearms legally.

Convicted domestic abusers are already disqualified from having firearms, by federal law, regardless if it's felony or not.

Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
and that's the problem and 'lautenberg' was retroactive so the net was thrown large . Fight with your brother before that Act and it was just a fight . Course if it was reported to the cops and there was a record then like I say , bye bye to your gun Rights !!
The NRA wants Louisiana stalkers to be able to keep their guns — and women are going to keep dying

Sick, just sick.

As part of its never-ending quest to make sure that handguns are cheap, plentiful, and easy for anyone to acquire and keep, the NRA inserted itself into the writing of a Louisiana bill that would have expanded protections for victims of domestic violence.

Putting bullets before people, the NRA saw to it that people in Louisiana with a history of violence — to say nothing of a conviction for stalking — can hang onto their guns just in case they are needed to prevent government tyranny or, should the need arise, to water the Tree of Liberty with the blood of women who are tired of being beaten.

Louisiana’s HB 488, which would have provided additional protective measures for victims of domestic abuse, was gutted because the NRA thought it went too far when it included “dating partners” along with “household members.”

According to a member of the state domestic violence prevention commission, the NRA “didn’t want to increase the pool of people who will dispossessed of their firearms.”

So what got yanked out of the bill so it could pass through committee?

Well, they removed “dating partner” from the list of victims of domestic abuse and battery, which means domestic violence victims who don’t live with their abusive partner don’t receive the same protections. This is in a state where 50 percent of domestic violence victims qualify as “dating partners” who live apart from their abuser.

Simple solution to the stalking conviction issue, just make all stalking crimes a felony. Also make domestic violence a felony and you eliminate the need for any expanding of definitions, as convicted felons can't posses firearms legally.

Convicted domestic abusers are already disqualified from having firearms, by federal law, regardless if it's felony or not.

Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I would actually prefer the crimes be made felonies than allow misdemeanors to remove gun rights. I don't trust the gun grabbers to just stop at domestic violence misdemeanor convictions.

I have to disagree, there's no reason someone should be looking at jail time just because someone got a scratch during a argument.
The NRA wants Louisiana stalkers to be able to keep their guns — and women are going to keep dying

Sick, just sick.

As part of its never-ending quest to make sure that handguns are cheap, plentiful, and easy for anyone to acquire and keep, the NRA inserted itself into the writing of a Louisiana bill that would have expanded protections for victims of domestic violence.

Putting bullets before people, the NRA saw to it that people in Louisiana with a history of violence — to say nothing of a conviction for stalking — can hang onto their guns just in case they are needed to prevent government tyranny or, should the need arise, to water the Tree of Liberty with the blood of women who are tired of being beaten.

Louisiana’s HB 488, which would have provided additional protective measures for victims of domestic abuse, was gutted because the NRA thought it went too far when it included “dating partners” along with “household members.”

According to a member of the state domestic violence prevention commission, the NRA “didn’t want to increase the pool of people who will dispossessed of their firearms.”

So what got yanked out of the bill so it could pass through committee?

Well, they removed “dating partner” from the list of victims of domestic abuse and battery, which means domestic violence victims who don’t live with their abusive partner don’t receive the same protections. This is in a state where 50 percent of domestic violence victims qualify as “dating partners” who live apart from their abuser.

Simple solution to the stalking conviction issue, just make all stalking crimes a felony. Also make domestic violence a felony and you eliminate the need for any expanding of definitions, as convicted felons can't posses firearms legally.

Convicted domestic abusers are already disqualified from having firearms, by federal law, regardless if it's felony or not.

Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I would actually prefer the crimes be made felonies than allow misdemeanors to remove gun rights. I don't trust the gun grabbers to just stop at domestic violence misdemeanor convictions.

I have to disagree, there's no reason someone should be looking at jail time just because someone got a scratch during a argument.

Let me caveat my statement with the qualifier that there has to be an actual crime committed, i.e. an actual assault.

Simple solution to the stalking conviction issue, just make all stalking crimes a felony. Also make domestic violence a felony and you eliminate the need for any expanding of definitions, as convicted felons can't posses firearms legally.

Convicted domestic abusers are already disqualified from having firearms, by federal law, regardless if it's felony or not.

Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I would actually prefer the crimes be made felonies than allow misdemeanors to remove gun rights. I don't trust the gun grabbers to just stop at domestic violence misdemeanor convictions.

I have to disagree, there's no reason someone should be looking at jail time just because someone got a scratch during a argument.

Let me caveat my statement with the qualifier that there has to be an actual crime committed, i.e. an actual assault.

Only thing there are different degrees of assault, you can be convicted of simple assault just for cussing someone, you can lose your rights if that someone lives in your household and it's called domestic abuse. Some laws just go too far.
Nothing stops a stalker like a 9MM :)

Wrong, a .45 does a better job.
Two to the body, one to the head. Wont make a difference if it's a 9mm, .45, hollow point, LRN, or FMJ.

My point, .45 has a much greater shock value than a 9mm because of mass and velocity.
It doesnt matter. Once you get 12" of penetration in gelatin out of the round it's going to be effective. I've studied this for years and there are so many variables that caliber choice and bullet style are very low on the list of what makes an effective shoot.
I've carried 9s, .45s, 40s, .38s, .357s, 44s, 10mm. They all work. They all have a good record of putting bad guys down. Shot placement plus penetration is key.
Not as sick a s basing an argument on a lie:

As part of its never-ending quest to make sure that handguns are cheap, plentiful, and easy for anyone to acquire and keep,

But then, anti-gun loons like yourself know that you can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
You might hate yourself for it, but you do it anyway.
Anti gun loons are the biggest loons out there.
Not that any of the anti-gun loons will understand this...

The provision would have allowed those accused of abusing "dating partners" to be charged with domestic abuse battery, not just "household members."
"Domestic" abuse necessarily requires a domestic -- that is, household - context.
And so, it only makes sense to oppose the expansion of those who can be charged with domestic abuse to non-domestic situations.

But, the anti-gun loons don't care about any of that -- like the mindless partisan bigots they are, they seek only to vilify the NRA.
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Not that any of the anti-gun loons will understand this...

The provision would have allowed those accused of abusing "dating partners" to be charged with domestic abuse battery, not just "household members."
"Domestic" abuse necessarily require s a domestic -- that is, household - context.
And so, it only makes sense to oppose the expansion of those who can be charged with domestic abuse to non-domestic situations.

But, the anti-gun loons don't care about any of that -- like the mindless partisan bigots they are, they seek only to vilify the NRA.
That looks like a bill to empower jilted girlfriends. Discover your boyfriend is dating someone else? Just tell the police he shoved you against the wall. Bingo, domestic violence charge.

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