NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls

dilloduck said:
Well charge his ass with a crime! Amazing how doing the right thing is less important than doing the "legal" thing!

If Congress were actualy doing its job, instead of rubber-stamping every ill-concieved, misbegotten policy the Bush White House has proposed, his domestic spying operations, and much else, would have been shut down long ago.
Bullypulpit said:
If Congress were actualy doing its job, instead of rubber-stamping every ill-concieved, misbegotten policy the Bush White House has proposed, his domestic spying operations, and much else, would have been shut down long ago.

All the politicians are doing what they see as "they're jobs". Staying loyal to their parties and doing what they can to keep thier jobs. Lazy ass Americans don't demand more when it counts.
dilloduck said:
All the politicians are doing what they see as "they're jobs". Staying loyal to their parties and doing what they can to keep thier jobs. Lazy ass Americans don't demand more when it counts.

And you don't think it counts when the pres and vice pres are running things like the U.S. is their own private fiefdom and Congress doesn't say "boo" because they're of the same party.

Yeah...I'm sure you'd feel the same way if we were talking about a dem pres and congress.

yeah...sure ya would. :poke:
jillian said:
And you don't think it counts when the pres and vice pres are running things like the U.S. is their own private fiefdom and Congress doesn't say "boo" because they're of the same party.

Yeah...I'm sure you'd feel the same way if we were talking about a dem pres and congress.

yeah...sure ya would. :poke:
check out many on judiciary, budget committees. Oh yeah, :death:
insein said:
Slippery slope is real. Look at where we are now in terms of government involvement in our lives compared to 1900. Income tax was deemed "necessary" to help fund WW1 and WW2. So why werent they repealed after the wars ended? Government just kept their mouths shut and when not many people complained they kept it permanent. When we had the worst recession in our nation's history during the 30's, what was the governments response? Programs that to this day still cost us money. Why are we still paying for the programs that were meant to revive the economy of the 1930's when our economy is booming? The complaints were too few and far between to make any headway. Government simply kept the money they had no right to and after a few decades, those that opposed it were dead and people just considered it a part of life.

If we allow government to intrude into our lives and take away another freedom in the name of temporary security then we will lose it FOREVER. Then another few decades go by (or since everyone has a miniscule attention span maybe a few years) and another freedom is taking in the name of something else. How long before they start censoring and monitoring everyone's emails and internet activity to stop child predators? Why do you think they are pushing that issue so hard? To make everyone so afraid of a child molestor snatching their kid that they need Big government to swoop in and protect you from yourselves. Its happening right in front of our eyes and few even care.

Outstanding insein! No greater truth has been told on this board. :beer: :clap:

Rep for you.
Bullypulpit said:
If Congress were actualy doing its job, instead of rubber-stamping every ill-concieved, misbegotten policy the Bush White House has proposed, his domestic spying operations, and much else, would have been shut down long ago.

Aaaaahh... you got that backwards bull, it's more like Bush rubber stamping every ill-conceived, misbegotten policy the CONGRESS has proposed.
Pale Rider said:
Aaaaahh... you got that backwards bull, it's more like Bush rubber stamping every ill-conceived, misbegotten policy the CONGRESS has proposed.

You don't really believe that, do you?

Iraq was Bush's (probably Cheney's) idea...

The wiretapping was Bush's (probably Cheney's) idea....

Gitmo...Bush's (probably Cheney's) idea....

NSA getting our phone records ... Bush's (probably Cheney's) ideas.

So it seems to me that while the admin's actions are ill-considered, it's Congress that's refusing to do it's job. Just sayin'
jillian said:
You don't really believe that, do you?

Iraq was Bush's (probably Cheney's) idea...

The wiretapping was Bush's (probably Cheney's) idea....

Gitmo...Bush's (probably Cheney's) idea....

NSA getting our phone records ... Bush's (probably Cheney's) ideas.

So it seems to me that while the admin's actions are ill-considered, it's Congress that's refusing to do it's job. Just sayin'
You are sounding like a savant. Are you?
Kathianne said:
You are sounding like a savant. Are you?

Uh, Kathianne, an "Autistic savant" refers to individuals who have extraordinary skills not exhibited by most people. I suppose, in theory they don't have to be extraodinarly brilliant. :laugh:
dilloduck said:
All the politicians are doing what they see as "they're jobs". Staying loyal to their parties and doing what they can to keep thier jobs. Lazy ass Americans don't demand more when it counts.

Unfortunately, their first loyalty and duty lies, not with their party or even the POTUS, it lies with the Constitution. As for not demanding more, speak for yourself.
Pale Rider said:
Aaaaahh... you got that backwards bull, it's more like Bush rubber stamping every ill-conceived, misbegotten policy the CONGRESS has proposed.

Naaah...Everything from "No Child Left Behind", to Medicare "reform", to energy policy, to the war in Iraq, originated for the White House and it neocon brain-trust.
Well, considering anyone with an internet connection and a credit card can get phone records, I don't have a problem wit the government getting them to try and catch terrorists.

I do think it's funny how people who bitched about "not connecting the dots" to stop 9/11 are bitching about trying to connect the dots.
Kathianne said:
:laugh: screw laterz, should be a banable 'word'. ;)

There's no smilie available to express Rainman throwing a fit. $%*$&#&^%^$*. Close enough.
Bullypulpit said:
Naaah...Everything from "No Child Left Behind", to Medicare "reform", to energy policy, to the war in Iraq, originated for the White House and it neocon brain-trust.

No Child Left Behind = It Takes A Village\ } Hitlery's ideas. Not Bush.
Medicare Reform = Socialistic Medicine /

Energy Policy = Oppose All New Drilling And Refineries. - Liberal democrat position, leading to the predicament we're in today.

War In Iraq = War On Terrorism. - Supported by both parties.

Wanna try again Bull?
rtwngAvngr said:
Still on the terrorists side I see. Sad.

It's always a joy to see the blind faith you have in the government. I guess you're right, they do such a tremendous job with taxes, education, the war.....basically everything.

Unfortunately even if you agree with this travesty, not only is it wrong but as usual they are going about it idiotically. For example they are not eavesdropping on cell phone calls. I guess the White House Whiz Kidz figured out that terrorists don't use cell phones.....right? :dunno: WTF?

I've got an idea. How about they start a list people can sign up on? If you want them to listen to your phone calls, set up cameras in your hotel room, have Cheney give you a prostate exam then you, RWA, and your ilk can sign up for it. The rest of us who want to live in a constitutional democracy can retain our rights. Deal?
Pale Rider said:
No Child Left Behind = It Takes A Village\ } Hitlery's ideas. Not Bush.

If you mean Hillary...um,no...was Bush and Congress, but then they decided not to fund it.

Medicare Reform = Socialistic Medicine

What medicare reform? And yeah...sucks helping old people.

Energy Policy = Oppose All New Drilling And Refineries. - Liberal democrat position, leading to the predicament we're in today.

No...not funding alternative energy is why we're in the predicament we're in. We never had to trash the environment to get rid of our dependence on foreign oil. But you're buying into the gifts the admin keeps giving the oil companies.

War In Iraq = War On Terrorism. - Supported by both parties.

War in Iraq is NOT equal to the WOT. And it was supported based on disinformation. Wonder how much support the admin would have gotten if it told America that *this* was their agenda. (Oh...and please note the signatories to the letter).


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