NSA spying again ruled unlawful.

Because Snowden was not one of the elite. Clapper could do anything, lie about anything because he was a member of the establishment elite. He can still get away with anything because of that association.
“Following the revelation, officials said the NSA's surveillance program had played a crucial role in fighting domestic terrorism, including the convictions of Basaaly Saeed Moalin, Ahmed Nasir Taalil Mohamud, Mohamed Mohamud, and Issa Doreh, of San Diego, for providing aid to al-Shabab militants in Somalia.” ibid

And there you have it.

Snowden is the ‘bad guy’ because he jeopardized America’s ability to combat domestic terrorism – with ‘another’ 9/11 the consequence.

Not saying this is true or correct, but some believe that Snowden should be subject to criminal prosecution:

‘Former U.S. Ambassador John Bolton told a Chicago radio show that Snowden should face treason charges.

“He took an oath to keep the secrets that were shared with him so he could do his job. He said he would not disclose them, and he lied,” Bolton said.’


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