Number 1 Reason Obama Will Lose


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

If you saw the game between the Green Bay Packers and the Seattle Seahawks and were pissed off about the way the refs called that game, especially at the end, you understand why Obama will lose.

Regardless how misinformed the electorate is most of us understand the difference between right and wrong and we all know when someone is being jobbed or cheated.

It should be clear to any reasonable person that the media is treating Obama the same way that those replacement refs treated the Seahawks. Invisible pass-interference calls, interceptions turned into touchdowns, it was pretty pathetic. It got so bad that the outcry reached a fever pitch and the replacement refs have at this writing been fired, both sides have reconciled and the lock-out is over. The real refs will be working tonight and it took that game and in particular one play to make it happen. After the game I'm sure most of us felt like I did when they questioned Seahawk players and the head coach after the game and they all said they won fairly. What a load of BS.

Once you wade through all of the BS it's clear that most of America can still tell right from wrong, especially when it is so blatant.

For example:

Obama has been telling us for a couple of weeks that a video was responsible for the deaths of 4 embassy employees in Libya, but today they were forced to admit it was a planned attack led by terrorists close to al Qaeda. Fact is the Obama administration knew this within 24 hours yet Obama went on "The View" and lied that they didn't know.

The media refuses to nail them to the wall on this and other lies or "mistakes" as Obama calls them.

Obama is getting a free ride from the press. They're attacking Romney for Obama and all Obama has to do is just be cute and not fuck up too much. He's not even making an effort to do his job. He's just appearing on talk-shows and going to parties like nothing important is happening in the world and I really feel America is taking notice.

Truth is I doubt this is setting well with America. They don't like cheats. They don't like unfairness. They don't like it when everyone in the room knows the truth but one guy acts like the truth isn't the truth and is allowed to skip out on it because he has help from someone who should be looking for the truth, just like NFL refs and just like the media.

Americans showed their contempt for a rigged game when it came to football and I think the same thing will happen in the presidential election.
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All I can say is, look at November 2010 when Obama took an historic ass-kicking.

He was put on notice by the American people that they would not tolerate his radical marxism. Instead of moving more towards the center, he has only gotten more radical. And things have only gotten worse (higher debt, higher gas prices, middle east on fire, etc.).

He's going to lose in a fucking landslide. It is eery how similar his term has been to Jimmy Carter's - right down to embassy's being over run.
He should lose because he's inept as POTUS.

Doesn't mean he will lose though because there are plenty out there who still believe his Hope and Change BS.

Loads of voters still think he's great.

I look at the economy and UE and know he isn't but hey. We all vote.

Nov will tell the tale.
What will be accomplished if he gets 4 more years ? More debt ,welfare ,wars ,reduced
wages ,Obamacare ? You would think people would see through all his bullshit and bombardment of campaign ads ... Moving forward ? Yea right.
You had better wake-up America.........:cuckoo:

If you saw the game between the Green Bay Packers and the Seattle Seahawks and were pissed off about the way the refs called that game, especially at the end, you understand why Obama will lose.

Regardless how misinformed the electorate is most of us understand the difference between right and wrong and we all know when someone is being jobbed or cheated.

It should be clear to any reasonable person that the media is treating Obama the same way that those replacement refs treated the Seahawks. Invisible pass-interference calls, interceptions turned into touchdowns, it was pretty pathetic. It got so bad that the outcry reached a fever pitch and the replacement refs have at this writing been fired, both sides have reconciled and the lock-out is over. The real refs will be working tonight and it took that game and in particular one play to make it happen. After the game I'm sure most of us felt like I did when they questioned Seahawk players and the head coach after the game and they all said they won fairly. What a load of BS.

Once you wade through all of the BS it's clear that most of America can still tell right from wrong, especially when it is so blatant.

For example:

Obama has been telling us for a couple of weeks that a video was responsible for the deaths of 4 embassy employees in Libya, but today they were forced to admit it was a planned attack led by terrorists close to al Qaeda. Fact is the Obama administration knew this within 24 hours yet Obama went on "The View" and lied that they didn't know.

The media refuses to nail them to the wall on this and other lies or "mistakes" as Obama calls them.

Obama is getting a free ride from the press. They're attacking Romney for Obama and all Obama has to do is just be cute and not fuck up too much. He's not even making an effort to do his job. He's just appearing on talk-shows and going to parties like nothing important is happening in the world and I really feel America is taking notice.

Truth is I doubt this is setting well with America. They don't like cheats. They don't like unfairness. They don't like it when everyone in the room knows the truth but one guy acts like the truth isn't the truth and is allowed to skip out on it because he has help from someone who should be looking for the truth, just like NFL refs and just like the media.

Americans showed their contempt for a rigged game when it came to football and I think the same thing will happen in the presidential election.

When you're this factually challenged, do you really feel 'bliss'?

Because you seem angry. And maybe that saying that ignorance is Bliss is not always true.
He should lose because he's inept as POTUS.

Doesn't mean he will lose though because there are plenty out there who still believe his Hope and Change BS.

Loads of voters still think he's great.

I look at the economy and UE and know he isn't but hey. We all vote.

Nov will tell the tale.

Nobody believes in Hope & Change anymore.....even the Obama campaign.

Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter: “We’ll continue doing what we have been doing, trying to get the president’s message out on the ground. Whether it’s in the suburban areas of Northern Virginia, or Denver, Ohio, to talk about what the president wants to do in the future. That’s the other thing that you find most often with women. They’re not really concerned about what’s happened over the last four years, they really want to know what’s going to happen in the next four years.”

Cutter: Women “not really concerned about what’s happened over the last four years” « Hot Air
President Obama 265 Governor Romney 191

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Colorado President Obama 2.9

Florida President Obama 3.2

Iowa President Obama 4.7

Nevada President Obama 4.2

New Hampshire President Obama 1.0

North Carolina President Obama 1.0

Virginia President Obama 4.5

Every time that you click on these polls, the President is showing stronger leads in more states. In fact, I would not be surprised to see him start pulling in some of the leaning to Romney states. And if Romney keeps putting his foot in his mouth, you might even see Texas in the Obama column.
What will be accomplished if he gets 4 more years ? More debt ,welfare ,wars ,reduced
wages ,Obamacare ? You would think people would see through all his bullshit and bombardment of campaign ads ... Moving forward ? Yea right.
You had better wake-up America.........:cuckoo:

all I know is the following....

GWB said that Bin Laden was just one man and not important...and I agree...yet he was severley criticized for such a true statement..... and now that Bin Laden is gone and many of the "top" al-queda leaders are gone, we are still attacked on sovereign US soil by al-quaeda....proving that the killing of Bin Laden may have been "justice" for that one man, but by no means a step in the direction of ending terrorism.

Unlike any other president in recent history, Obama did not feel it necessary to address the American People following the attack. Instead he felt the need to take out ads that did nothing more than criticize a pastor for applying his freedom of speech.

Unemployemnt is still above 8%

Our debt is over 16 trillion dollars

we have more people on food stamps than ever before.

Median income dropped over the past 3 years.

An embassador is dead after a brutal attack and torture.

Non American flags were raised on US soil and replaced Amerrican flags

There are 33 countries that staged anti american rallies after nearly 4 years of Obama foreign policy.

SO what I dont understand is....

Why do so many people on the left on this board not see ONE THING WRONG with Obama and are so adamant that he is doing a great job?
President Obama 265 Governor Romney 191

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Colorado President Obama 2.9

Florida President Obama 3.2

Iowa President Obama 4.7

Nevada President Obama 4.2

New Hampshire President Obama 1.0

North Carolina President Obama 1.0

Virginia President Obama 4.5

Every time that you click on these polls, the President is showing stronger leads in more states. In fact, I would not be surprised to see him start pulling in some of the leaning to Romney states. And if Romney keeps putting his foot in his mouth, you might even see Texas in the Obama column.

Romney's getting jobbed and when they debate America will discover how and why.
President Obama 265 Governor Romney 191

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Colorado President Obama 2.9

Florida President Obama 3.2

Iowa President Obama 4.7

Nevada President Obama 4.2

New Hampshire President Obama 1.0

North Carolina President Obama 1.0

Virginia President Obama 4.5

Every time that you click on these polls, the President is showing stronger leads in more states. In fact, I would not be surprised to see him start pulling in some of the leaning to Romney states. And if Romney keeps putting his foot in his mouth, you might even see Texas in the Obama column.

Spend some time reading the demographics used for the polls.
What will be accomplished if he gets 4 more years ? More debt ,welfare ,wars ,reduced
wages ,Obamacare ? You would think people would see through all his bullshit and bombardment of campaign ads ... Moving forward ? Yea right.
You had better wake-up America.........:cuckoo:

all I know is the following....

GWB said that Bin Laden was just one man and not important...and I agree...yet he was severley criticized for such a true statement..... and now that Bin Laden is gone and many of the "top" al-queda leaders are gone, we are still attacked on sovereign US soil by al-quaeda....proving that the killing of Bin Laden may have been "justice" for that one man, but by no means a step in the direction of ending terrorism.

Unlike any other president in recent history, Obama did not feel it necessary to address the American People following the attack. Instead he felt the need to take out ads that did nothing more than criticize a pastor for applying his freedom of speech.

Unemployemnt is still above 8%

Our debt is over 16 trillion dollars

we have more people on food stamps than ever before.

Median income dropped over the past 3 years.

An embassador is dead after a brutal attack and torture.

Non American flags were raised on US soil and replaced Amerrican flags

There are 33 countries that staged anti american rallies after nearly 4 years of Obama foreign policy.

SO what I dont understand is....

Why do so many people on the left on this board not see ONE THING WRONG with Obama and are so adamant that he is doing a great job?

Because they're Seattle Seahawk fans.
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I heard the main reason they ended the lockout wasn't because of the bad publicity but the fact that so many bookies got robbed and they were raising hell.

The only reason Obama is still standing is because he helps Wall Street. However the public is getting screwed and once they realize this they'll vote him out in droves.
OK let me make sure I got this. These Republican UNION HATERS are saying that these lower paid scab NON-UNION refs can't do the job like the higher paid UNION refs? Are you Republican, "get rid of the UNIONS we don't need them, let's takeaway their power all over the country" suminnabishes now trying to say we need UNION employees back? And now that America has seen just how bad shit gets when you try to get rid of UNION workers and replace them with NON-UNION scabs that Republicans have tried to do all over the country, It is going to work in the Republican's favor? So the Democrats fought for the UNIONS that Republicans tried to get rid of. Now that America sees just what the difference is between UNION and NON-UNION scabs they will see that the Democrats were right all along and like the Republicans even more. Is this the logic?
Thanks for the depression and mindless obstruction, Pub dupes.

NBC Quinnipiac- Obama by by 10 in Ohio, by 8 in Fla, 365 electoral...Assume the position, chumps. LOL

You're in Pub BS propaganda land, fools of the greedy rich.

No lies about Libya, just the same confusion EVERYONE had. The other 30 countries WERE reaction to the GD video. ZZZZZZZZZ
#1 reason: The NFL's replacement refs will be in charge of counting ballots and electoral votes.
Every time a poll shows Romney in the lead, we see posts on message boards declaring how Obama is toast because Romney is taking over. The fact that other than an occasional outlier, it's always the same single agency that reports those numbers favorable to Romney means nothing. When even Rasmussen can't report Romney leading, we hear nothing. Now the latest excuse we hear from the right is that every poll is skewed in Obama's favor. You people are delusional and desperate. Your candidate has the personality of a brick wall and hasn't got a single issue in which he can say he stands fast on his position as compared to HIMSELF just a few years ago. No personality, no character, and no respectability. THAT is why Romney can't gain momentum.

I belong to another message board and I tried an experiment there. I challenged the conservastives there(and they dominate the board membership, and count the board owner - and ONLY monitor - monst their membership) to give us affirmative reasons to support Mitt Romney. Not one of them did. The bottom lie is, Mitt doesn't even have the support of his own supporters. They just hate Obama. And THAT is why Mitt will lose.
OK let me make sure I got this. These Republican UNION HATERS are saying that these lower paid scab NON-UNION refs can't do the job like the higher paid UNION refs? Are you Republican, "get rid of the UNIONS we don't need them, let's takeaway their power all over the country" suminnabishes now trying to say we need UNION employees back? And now that America has seen just how bad shit gets when you try to get rid of UNION workers and replace them with NON-UNION scabs that Republicans have tried to do all over the country, It is going to work in the Republican's favor? So the Democrats fought for the UNIONS that Republicans tried to get rid of. Now that America sees just what the difference is between UNION and NON-UNION scabs they will see that the Democrats were right all along and like the Republicans even more. Is this the logic?

Are the refs public sector union? No? Then you've missed the punchline here. By about 2,500 miles.
OK let me make sure I got this. These Republican UNION HATERS are saying that these lower paid scab NON-UNION refs can't do the job like the higher paid UNION refs? Are you Republican, "get rid of the UNIONS we don't need them, let's takeaway their power all over the country" suminnabishes now trying to say we need UNION employees back? And now that America has seen just how bad shit gets when you try to get rid of UNION workers and replace them with NON-UNION scabs that Republicans have tried to do all over the country, It is going to work in the Republican's favor? So the Democrats fought for the UNIONS that Republicans tried to get rid of. Now that America sees just what the difference is between UNION and NON-UNION scabs they will see that the Democrats were right all along and like the Republicans even more. Is this the logic?


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