Number of Americans living paycheck to paycheck jumps 7 percent, report shows

Durable Goods Orders Fell Sharply in December​

Orders for durable goods declined by a sharper than expected nine-tenths of a percentage point in December, the government said Thursday.

Economists had forecast a milder 0.5 percent drop in orders for durable goods.

Durable goods are those made to last three years or more.

Core capital goods orders–which exclude transportation and defense, and are considered a proxy for business investment–were flat compared with November. Orders for November were revised up to show a rise of 0.3 percent gain after the preliminary estimate of no change.

Orders for transportation equipment led the decline in December, falling 3.9 percent. Orders for cars, trucks, and motor vehicle parts rose 1.4 percent. Orders for nondefense aircraft fell 14.4 percent and defense aircraft orders fell 11.2 percent.
Thats exactly what it means you dope. If you don't understand that there are poor people out there who can barely feed their kids because Bidenflation is causing food and heating costs to soar then you need to pull your head out of your ass.

You don't know what a fact is you liar

But those people still buy smokes, booze and coffee at Starbucks and eat out for lunch every day

Consumer Confidence Dragged Down As Bidenflation and Omicron Crush Hope​

The economic confidence of U.S. households declined in January following three months of improving consumer morale at the end of last year, survey results released Tuesday showed.

The Conference Board said its index of consumer confidence declined to 113.8 from 115.2 in December. That was slightly better than the 111.9 reading forecast by the Econoday poll.
Why inflation is a political nightmare for Biden

Joe Biden's next political nightmare is inflation, a force that can destroy family budgets and political careers and is being driven by domestic and global factors tough for a president to quickly fix.

Government data showing the cost of living rose 6.2% over the last 12 months -- the highest rate in 30 years -- set off White House alarm bells on Wednesday and offered a new opening for Republicans lambasting Biden over high energy prices.
QUOTE= AzogtheDefiler

And the middle class (moi) is hit the hardest.

Middle-class households were squeezed harder than other groups, with prices up 6.7% in December.

“A lot of people are hurting because of high inflation. $276 a month—that’s a big burden,” said Ryan Sweet, a senior economist at Moody’s Analytics who conducted the analysis. “It really hammers home the point of ‘what is the cost of inflation?’”

Hispanic or Latino households faced inflation of 7.1%, thanks again to a disproportionately large share of spending on used autos and gasoline. That compared with 5.6% for Asian families, who tend to earn more than the average American household. (SO MUCH FOR SYSTEMIC RACISM IN AMERICA)

$276/Month is a used car payment 90% of a weekly grocery bill for our family. Fed will raise rates in March and likely by 50ps so those with those pesky credit card balances will pay more.

The news only gets worse Toyota, Ford, and GM are suspending or scaling back production at several plants as Freedom Convoy protests continue to disrupt a vital trade route along the US–Canada border. Meanwhile, the US Department of Homeland Security warned that brewing copycat protests in the US could threaten the Super Bowl this weekend.

Elections have consequences.

As usual the middle class feels the squeeze. I am not sure what the voters were thinking in Nov 2020...likely many now want their vote back.
I simply post facts. This place exaggerates Trump and Biden to the level of gross distortion. I am on record with plenty of criticism of Biden and the Democrats. However they have by far the superior agenda for America so policy wise it’s no choice. I assure you I don’t post waxing posts about missing them like a puss.
View attachment 603941
What superior agenda?

— Defund the Police
— CRT in public schools
— Mask and vaccine mandates

There is a reason VA went red. There is a reason three members of a school board deep blue SF were recalled and the DA is next. Democrats have moved too far left. I have Told you this countless times and it still fails to resonate.
Thats exactly what it means you dope. If you don't understand that there are poor people out there who can barely feed their kids because Bidenflation is causing food and heating costs to soar then you need to pull your head out of your ass.

You don't know what a fact is you liar
I know 2020 wasn’t the high point in consumer confidence which you seem to think. You posted that up thread. Everyone can see. You’re a partisan hack.

FACT: families living paycheck to paycheck is down from Trump precovid levels.

HOWEVER there is much we can do to help working families more. Passing the social spending bill to provide daycare for working mothers for instance will inject labor into the industry yet right wing nuts want to complain that it is socialism to help people get to work. Fuck off right wing nutters.
QUOTE= PoliticalChic

And the Left/Democrat's response to the hidden tax on Americans, inflation.....

From the Ministry of Truth, the state media:

‘Dirty little secret’: MSNBC anchor claims Americans can afford more expensive groceries

MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle has come under fire for saying it’s a “dirty little secret” that Americans can afford expensive groceries amid a 30-year high in inflation — because households saved money by not going out during the COVID pandemic.

Ruhle told NBC’s “Sunday Today” that the high inflation rate and rising cost of food across the country had been predicted and should be put “in perspective.”

“The dirty little secret here, Willie, while nobody likes to pay more, on average, we have the money to do so,” she told host Willie Geist." voted in support of this.
I know 2020 wasn’t the high point in consumer confidence which you seem to think. You posted that up thread. Everyone can see. You’re a partisan hack.

FACT: families living paycheck to paycheck is down from Trump precovid levels.

HOWEVER there is much we can do to help working families more. Passing the social spending bill to provide daycare for working mothers for instance will inject labor into the industry yet right wing nuts want to complain that it is socialism to help people get to work. Fuck off right wing nutters.
It is socialism. Why should I have to pay for someone else’s choices? If you can’t afford kids then don’t have them.
The best time to sell a business is after several years of good profits.

You don't wait for a drop of in business before you sell as the profitability is the major component of setting the price
No shit. He never said he sold his business. Of course people want to sell after a career year. I do this for a living, Leftist. I do Not need your opinion on it.
No shit. He never said he sold his business. Of course people want to sell after a career year. I do this for a living, Leftist. I do Not need your opinion on it.

It sure as hell seemed likes you do since you said a business owner making record profits wouldn't retire

And if he was a business owner and retried he probably sold his business.
What superior agenda?

— Defund the Police
— CRT in public schools
— Mask and vaccine mandates

There is a reason VA went red. There is a reason three members of a school board deep blue SF were recalled and the DA is next. Democrats have moved too far left. I have Told you this countless times and it still fails to resonate.
Those are all culture war bullshit items that the right wing elite lead the imbeciles that support them. All of those are geared at scary brown people.

- Defind the police is not a thing. But it plays well to people scared of the brown skin Americans.

- CRT is not a thing but it plays well to the imbeciles scared of brown skinned folks.

-Masks are entirely voluntary now and we’re a minor inconvenience meant to stir up emotion when the right wingers had no strategy on Covid. Left wing strategy: Get a vaccine and wear a mask. Right wing strategy: Try not to die if you get it so you can say you have natural immunity. That has led to 96% of deaths being the unvaxed.

How about real policy?
- infrastructure bill
- rolling back wealthy tax credits to reduce deficit
- access to daycare so single women can find work
- access to education so America can compete
- investment in next gen tech and energy so we can lead from strength
- a rational immigration policy that Trump backed away from when the Dems considered trading for the wall

Honestly if you back away from “scary brown people will kill you” rhetoric of the right you’re left with terrible policies that continue to make the US a feudal system of haves and have nots. There have to be policies that drive opportunity and wealth into the broad classes of Americans or we will crumble. It won’t be socialism that takes over. It will be anarchy.
It sure as hell seemed likes you do since you said a business owner making record profits wouldn't retire

And if he was a business owner and retried he probably sold his business.
Sell yes. Retire no. Who made record profits in 2020? Very few. I doubt Moony was one of them.

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