Number of Days Since The Lying Bitch, Hillary Clinton Held A Press Conference: 87

Except that meme is not true.


"""Stevens' body was not dragged through the street, at least not in the way Ingraham suggests, multiple accounts and three official reviews make clear.

The bottom line: Good Samaritans took Stevens to a hospital where he could receive medical treatment.

The most recent summary of the events came from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in January 2014. In an appendix, the report provides a timeline. It has this entry for 1 a.m. Sept. 12, 2012:

"Local Libyans found the Ambassador at the Mission Facility and brought him to a local hospital. Despite attempts to revive him, Ambassador Stevens had no heartbeat and had perished from smoke inhalation."

PolitiFact examined a similar claim in September 2013 and the facts remain the same."""""""

Why do you rely on sensational bullshit and not examine things closer before you make yourself look like an idiot? So emotional.

Where does that say anywhere at all what happened to him before the good Samaritans found him? Nice try but no sale.

Why don't you try going to the link and reading for yourself?
I can lead you to water, but I can't make you think.

Was anyone from your link actually there at the time?

Was anyone from YOURS?

Apparently. Someone took the photos. The photos weren't taken by your source.

They were taken by ___? Fill in the blank.

These people were actually taking him to the hospital. Notice they are trying to pick him up and carry him, dumb shit.
Try scratching beneath the surface instead of just scratching your balls.

That was after he had been tortured dumb shit.

Prove that. The Senate investigative committee says otherwise.

I realize this is over your head but if he wasn't injured, why were your good Sams taking him to a hospital. Think real hard now.

Except that meme is not true.


"""Stevens' body was not dragged through the street, at least not in the way Ingraham suggests, multiple accounts and three official reviews make clear.

The bottom line: Good Samaritans took Stevens to a hospital where he could receive medical treatment.

The most recent summary of the events came from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in January 2014. In an appendix, the report provides a timeline. It has this entry for 1 a.m. Sept. 12, 2012:

"Local Libyans found the Ambassador at the Mission Facility and brought him to a local hospital. Despite attempts to revive him, Ambassador Stevens had no heartbeat and had perished from smoke inhalation."

PolitiFact examined a similar claim in September 2013 and the facts remain the same."""""""

Why do you rely on sensational bullshit and not examine things closer before you make yourself look like an idiot? So emotional.

Then where did the photos of him come from dumbass.

Politifact didn't say the photos were not of him. They said he was not dragged through the street. Can you not comprehend or read past the first line?
PolitiFact Bias: About PolitiFact Bias/FAQ
About: PolitiFact Bias exists to expose the defective fact checking apparatus at PolitiFact, with special focus on the problems that help show PolitiFact's marked ...
Fact Checkers: PolitiFact Shows Bias -
Newsmax Media
Mar 20, 2015 - PolitiFact Is Guilty of Fact Abuse. ... The reality is these “fact checkers” have their thumb on the scale of truth and actively tilt the discussion toward the left by disparaging conservative issues and elected officials. ... Bryan White, who operates the blog PolitiFactBias, did an ...
Study Finds Fact Checkers Biased Against Republicans ...
U.S. News & World Report
May 28, 2013 - " has rated Republican claims as false three times as often ... bias of the fact checker involved than anything remotely empirical.
PolitiFact bias: Does the GOP tell nine times more lies than ...
Human Events
Aug 30, 2012 - A review of PolitiFact's fact-checking history reveals a glaring bias toward lefty arguments.

Taking the only link that is not a blog, you've got a media center at George Mason University stating their study shows bias. A little college in Fairfax County, Virginia. One of the reddest of the red. Yeah, that proves everything.

Except that meme is not true.


"""Stevens' body was not dragged through the street, at least not in the way Ingraham suggests, multiple accounts and three official reviews make clear.

The bottom line: Good Samaritans took Stevens to a hospital where he could receive medical treatment.

The most recent summary of the events came from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in January 2014. In an appendix, the report provides a timeline. It has this entry for 1 a.m. Sept. 12, 2012:

"Local Libyans found the Ambassador at the Mission Facility and brought him to a local hospital. Despite attempts to revive him, Ambassador Stevens had no heartbeat and had perished from smoke inhalation."

PolitiFact examined a similar claim in September 2013 and the facts remain the same."""""""

Why do you rely on sensational bullshit and not examine things closer before you make yourself look like an idiot? So emotional.

Then where did the photos of him come from dumbass.

Politifact didn't say the photos were not of him. They said he was not dragged through the street. Can you not comprehend or read past the first line?
PolitiFact Bias: About PolitiFact Bias/FAQ
About: PolitiFact Bias exists to expose the defective fact checking apparatus at PolitiFact, with special focus on the problems that help show PolitiFact's marked ...
Fact Checkers: PolitiFact Shows Bias -
Newsmax Media
Mar 20, 2015 - PolitiFact Is Guilty of Fact Abuse. ... The reality is these “fact checkers” have their thumb on the scale of truth and actively tilt the discussion toward the left by disparaging conservative issues and elected officials. ... Bryan White, who operates the blog PolitiFactBias, did an ...
Study Finds Fact Checkers Biased Against Republicans ...
U.S. News & World Report
May 28, 2013 - " has rated Republican claims as false three times as often ... bias of the fact checker involved than anything remotely empirical.
PolitiFact bias: Does the GOP tell nine times more lies than ...
Human Events
Aug 30, 2012 - A review of PolitiFact's fact-checking history reveals a glaring bias toward lefty arguments.

Taking the only link that is not a blog, you've got a media center at George Mason University stating their study shows bias. A little college in Fairfax County, Virginia. One of the reddest of the red. Yeah, that proves everything.


These people were actually taking him to the hospital. Notice they are trying to pick him up and carry him, dumb shit.
Try scratching beneath the surface instead of just scratching your balls.

That was after he had been tortured dumb shit.

Prove that. The Senate investigative committee says otherwise.

I realize this is over your head but if he wasn't injured, why were your good Sams taking him to a hospital. Think real hard now.

I don't have to think real hard. I can read. Here, I raised the font size since your brain size is smaller than a pea.

""Local Libyans found the Ambassador at the Mission Facility and brought him to a local hospital. Despite attempts to revive him, Ambassador Stevens had no heartbeat and had perished from smoke inhalation."
Except that meme is not true.


"""Stevens' body was not dragged through the street, at least not in the way Ingraham suggests, multiple accounts and three official reviews make clear.

The bottom line: Good Samaritans took Stevens to a hospital where he could receive medical treatment.

The most recent summary of the events came from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in January 2014. In an appendix, the report provides a timeline. It has this entry for 1 a.m. Sept. 12, 2012:

"Local Libyans found the Ambassador at the Mission Facility and brought him to a local hospital. Despite attempts to revive him, Ambassador Stevens had no heartbeat and had perished from smoke inhalation."

PolitiFact examined a similar claim in September 2013 and the facts remain the same."""""""

Why do you rely on sensational bullshit and not examine things closer before you make yourself look like an idiot? So emotional.

Then where did the photos of him come from dumbass.

Politifact didn't say the photos were not of him. They said he was not dragged through the street. Can you not comprehend or read past the first line?
PolitiFact Bias: About PolitiFact Bias/FAQ
About: PolitiFact Bias exists to expose the defective fact checking apparatus at PolitiFact, with special focus on the problems that help show PolitiFact's marked ...
Fact Checkers: PolitiFact Shows Bias -
Newsmax Media
Mar 20, 2015 - PolitiFact Is Guilty of Fact Abuse. ... The reality is these “fact checkers” have their thumb on the scale of truth and actively tilt the discussion toward the left by disparaging conservative issues and elected officials. ... Bryan White, who operates the blog PolitiFactBias, did an ...
Study Finds Fact Checkers Biased Against Republicans ...
U.S. News & World Report
May 28, 2013 - " has rated Republican claims as false three times as often ... bias of the fact checker involved than anything remotely empirical.
PolitiFact bias: Does the GOP tell nine times more lies than ...
Human Events
Aug 30, 2012 - A review of PolitiFact's fact-checking history reveals a glaring bias toward lefty arguments.

Taking the only link that is not a blog, you've got a media center at George Mason University stating their study shows bias. A little college in Fairfax County, Virginia. One of the reddest of the red. Yeah, that proves everything.


Exposed? So a group of media watchers at a conservative, religious college have the truth?

These people were actually taking him to the hospital. Notice they are trying to pick him up and carry him, dumb shit.
Try scratching beneath the surface instead of just scratching your balls.

That was after he had been tortured dumb shit.

Prove that. The Senate investigative committee says otherwise.

I realize this is over your head but if he wasn't injured, why were your good Sams taking him to a hospital. Think real hard now.

I don't have to think real hard. I can read. Here, I raised the font size since your brain size is smaller than a pea.

""Local Libyans found the Ambassador at the Mission Facility and brought him to a local hospital. Despite attempts to revive him, Ambassador Stevens had no heartbeat and had perished from smoke inhalation."

This is from your own Liberal Pufffingtom Fost:

Papers Run Graphic Photo Of Christopher Stevens, Ambassador Killed In Libya (GRAPHIC)
Fact Check: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are ...
The Florida Times‑Union
Sep 28, 2012 - is a nonpartisan fact-finding project of the Annenberg Public Policy ... which exposes what it calls liberal bias by

Since you don't read either, Politifact has a link to the Senate's findings and shows that Laura Ingraham just made the whole thing up. Live with it.
These people were actually taking him to the hospital. Notice they are trying to pick him up and carry him, dumb shit.
Try scratching beneath the surface instead of just scratching your balls.

That was after he had been tortured dumb shit.

Prove that. The Senate investigative committee says otherwise.

I realize this is over your head but if he wasn't injured, why were your good Sams taking him to a hospital. Think real hard now.

I don't have to think real hard. I can read. Here, I raised the font size since your brain size is smaller than a pea.

""Local Libyans found the Ambassador at the Mission Facility and brought him to a local hospital. Despite attempts to revive him, Ambassador Stevens had no heartbeat and had perished from smoke inhalation."

This is from your own Liberal Pufffingtom Fost:

Papers Run Graphic Photo Of Christopher Stevens, Ambassador Killed In Libya (GRAPHIC)

Since when did you start believing in the Huffington Post?
Believe it or not, the press gets a lot of things wrong before they get the facts.
Then where did the photos of him come from dumbass.

Politifact didn't say the photos were not of him. They said he was not dragged through the street. Can you not comprehend or read past the first line?
PolitiFact Bias: About PolitiFact Bias/FAQ
About: PolitiFact Bias exists to expose the defective fact checking apparatus at PolitiFact, with special focus on the problems that help show PolitiFact's marked ...
Fact Checkers: PolitiFact Shows Bias -
Newsmax Media
Mar 20, 2015 - PolitiFact Is Guilty of Fact Abuse. ... The reality is these “fact checkers” have their thumb on the scale of truth and actively tilt the discussion toward the left by disparaging conservative issues and elected officials. ... Bryan White, who operates the blog PolitiFactBias, did an ...
Study Finds Fact Checkers Biased Against Republicans ...
U.S. News & World Report
May 28, 2013 - " has rated Republican claims as false three times as often ... bias of the fact checker involved than anything remotely empirical.
PolitiFact bias: Does the GOP tell nine times more lies than ...
Human Events
Aug 30, 2012 - A review of PolitiFact's fact-checking history reveals a glaring bias toward lefty arguments.

Taking the only link that is not a blog, you've got a media center at George Mason University stating their study shows bias. A little college in Fairfax County, Virginia. One of the reddest of the red. Yeah, that proves everything.


Exposed? So a group of media watchers at a conservative, religious college have the truth?
AND YOU quote a bunch of leftist retards running a PHONY fact check site!

You all just keep masturbating over the hype of Benghazi, and take your gripe up with Trey Gowdy and his team of failures who can't prove anything.
Notice how they have gone away quietly. Maybe that's your cue, too.
Fact Check: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are ...
The Florida Times‑Union
Sep 28, 2012 - is a nonpartisan fact-finding project of the Annenberg Public Policy ... which exposes what it calls liberal bias by

Since you don't read either, Politifact has a link to the Senate's findings and shows that Laura Ingraham just made the whole thing up. Live with it.


Politifact didn't say the photos were not of him. They said he was not dragged through the street. Can you not comprehend or read past the first line?
PolitiFact Bias: About PolitiFact Bias/FAQ
About: PolitiFact Bias exists to expose the defective fact checking apparatus at PolitiFact, with special focus on the problems that help show PolitiFact's marked ...
Fact Checkers: PolitiFact Shows Bias -
Newsmax Media
Mar 20, 2015 - PolitiFact Is Guilty of Fact Abuse. ... The reality is these “fact checkers” have their thumb on the scale of truth and actively tilt the discussion toward the left by disparaging conservative issues and elected officials. ... Bryan White, who operates the blog PolitiFactBias, did an ...
Study Finds Fact Checkers Biased Against Republicans ...
U.S. News & World Report
May 28, 2013 - " has rated Republican claims as false three times as often ... bias of the fact checker involved than anything remotely empirical.
PolitiFact bias: Does the GOP tell nine times more lies than ...
Human Events
Aug 30, 2012 - A review of PolitiFact's fact-checking history reveals a glaring bias toward lefty arguments.

Taking the only link that is not a blog, you've got a media center at George Mason University stating their study shows bias. A little college in Fairfax County, Virginia. One of the reddest of the red. Yeah, that proves everything.


Exposed? So a group of media watchers at a conservative, religious college have the truth?
AND YOU quote a bunch of leftist retards running a PHONY fact check site!

Until it's convenient for you:

"You are three times more likely to be able to get a mortgage if you're a white applicant than if you're black or Hispanic, even if you have the same credentials."
Hillary Clinton on Thursday, February 18th, 2016 in an MSNBC-Telemundo town hall


Hillary Clinton is off-base on comparison of mortgage rejections by race
Fact Check: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are ...
The Florida Times‑Union
Sep 28, 2012 - is a nonpartisan fact-finding project of the Annenberg Public Policy ... which exposes what it calls liberal bias by

Since you don't read either, Politifact has a link to the Senate's findings and shows that Laura Ingraham just made the whole thing up. Live with it.



Another meme. For the illiterate like you, there will always be cartoons.
PolitiFact Bias: About PolitiFact Bias/FAQ
About: PolitiFact Bias exists to expose the defective fact checking apparatus at PolitiFact, with special focus on the problems that help show PolitiFact's marked ...
Fact Checkers: PolitiFact Shows Bias -
Newsmax Media
Mar 20, 2015 - PolitiFact Is Guilty of Fact Abuse. ... The reality is these “fact checkers” have their thumb on the scale of truth and actively tilt the discussion toward the left by disparaging conservative issues and elected officials. ... Bryan White, who operates the blog PolitiFactBias, did an ...
Study Finds Fact Checkers Biased Against Republicans ...
U.S. News & World Report
May 28, 2013 - " has rated Republican claims as false three times as often ... bias of the fact checker involved than anything remotely empirical.
PolitiFact bias: Does the GOP tell nine times more lies than ...
Human Events
Aug 30, 2012 - A review of PolitiFact's fact-checking history reveals a glaring bias toward lefty arguments.

Taking the only link that is not a blog, you've got a media center at George Mason University stating their study shows bias. A little college in Fairfax County, Virginia. One of the reddest of the red. Yeah, that proves everything.


Exposed? So a group of media watchers at a conservative, religious college have the truth?
AND YOU quote a bunch of leftist retards running a PHONY fact check site!

Until it's convenient for you:

"You are three times more likely to be able to get a mortgage if you're a white applicant than if you're black or Hispanic, even if you have the same credentials."
Hillary Clinton on Thursday, February 18th, 2016 in an MSNBC-Telemundo town hall


Hillary Clinton is off-base on comparison of mortgage rejections by race

Mortgage Discrimination and Fair Lending - › Banking Law › Mortgages
The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in the sale, leasing or ... with fair housing rights, the Department of Justice may begin criminal proceedings.
Taking the only link that is not a blog, you've got a media center at George Mason University stating their study shows bias. A little college in Fairfax County, Virginia. One of the reddest of the red. Yeah, that proves everything.


Exposed? So a group of media watchers at a conservative, religious college have the truth?
AND YOU quote a bunch of leftist retards running a PHONY fact check site!

Until it's convenient for you:

"You are three times more likely to be able to get a mortgage if you're a white applicant than if you're black or Hispanic, even if you have the same credentials."
Hillary Clinton on Thursday, February 18th, 2016 in an MSNBC-Telemundo town hall


Hillary Clinton is off-base on comparison of mortgage rejections by race

Mortgage Discrimination and Fair Lending - › Banking Law › Mortgages
The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in the sale, leasing or ... with fair housing rights, the Department of Justice may begin criminal proceedings.

Good grief, you really are stupid.
Fact Check: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are ...
The Florida Times‑Union
Sep 28, 2012 - is a nonpartisan fact-finding project of the Annenberg Public Policy ... which exposes what it calls liberal bias by

Since you don't read either, Politifact has a link to the Senate's findings and shows that Laura Ingraham just made the whole thing up. Live with it.



Another meme. For the illiterate like you, there will always be cartoons.

Yes, when dealing with a scumbag liberal that has the IQ of a MOTH, pictures help, UNFORTUNATELY YOUR IQ is less than A MOTHS!!!

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