Nurse arrested for following hospital policy

The Latest: Prosecutor wants criminal probe of nurse arrest
Footage shows this nurse being forcefully arrested for following her hospital's rules


The Latest on a nurse in Utah who was handcuffed by police over a blood draw (all times local):

3:45 p.m.

A Utah prosecutor says he’s asked for a criminal investigation into a police officer who dragged a nurse from a hospital and arrested her for refusing to allow blood to be drawn from an unconscious patient.

Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill said Friday that he was concerned when he saw police body-camera footage of the officer arresting nurse Alex Wubbels in July.

Gill says he called Salt Lake City Police Chief Mike Brown to request the investigation and that the chief agreed.

Gill says Brown will choose an outside police agency to investigate. He declined to say what charges the officer could face.

Police did not immediately return telephone messages seeking comment or details about the criminal investigation.
The Latest: Prosecutor wants criminal probe of nurse arrest

:rolleyes:This is the newer Orange America folks! What an :asshole: criminal cowardly cop.
And I think the women was sexually assaulted by the PIG!
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'Until the COWARD cops are arrested and convicted for their abuses of power it will not change.'

Police are an Organized Crime Family of murders with ALL police cowards AS co-conspirators
in murdering the general public. And yes, ALL are, abusing their power daily, victimizing the public for money. In many, many many ways. So are the prosecutors' cowards. As they allow these crimes to happen, unchecked.

BTW------------------As noted below.

"Blue code" redirects here. For Code Blue emergencies, see Hospital emergency codes.
The blue wall of silence,[1] also blue code[2] and blue shield,[3] are terms used in the United States to denote the unwritten rule that purportedly exists among police officers not to report on a colleague's errors, misconducts, or crimes, including police brutality. If questioned about an incident of alleged misconduct involving another officer (e.g. during the course of an official inquiry), while following the code, the officer being questioned would claim ignorance of another officer's wrongdoing or claim to have not seen anything.Blue wall of silence - Wikipedia
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the law in UTAH is screwed up------if the attending Doc thinks there is a need to check blood chemistries-----
then the blood should be drawn

I'm guessing this is a DWI case and the cops got pissed because they couldnt collect evidence.

as a matter of routine---a blood alcohol level will be done and the cops can get it with a court order.
If the cop was worried that the right sample would NOT be drawn----he should have asked to talk to
the doctor-----not ASSAULT the nurse
A nurse in Utah was arrested because she would not take blood from an unconscious patient. Apparently the hospital policy only allows drawing of blood from unconscious patients if they have given consent, if the police have a warrant, or if the patient is under arrest. The body cam video of the incident seems to show the officer involved arresting the woman out of anger and frustration, rather than because she had violated any law.

The nurse was not charged. The officer was taken off of blood draw duty. Based just on the video (and obviously, there may be important information we don't get from this video) I would think the officer needs some sort of discipline. It appears to me to be an abuse of authority.

Nurse arrested for refusing to draw blood from unconscious patient
Cha-ching! I wish I could earn a couple of million that easy...
The cop wanted a drug test from someone left in a coma after a collision. The evidence would disappear before a warrant can be obtained.

The nurse should have obeyed to cop. If the "search" was illegal, let a judge decide that later. You don't get to disobey police because of your policy. You don't get to disobey a cop because you think he's making a mistake.

The hell you don't. She was doing her job. There were specific conditions under which he could get a blood sample. None of those conditions were met.
A nurse in Utah was arrested because she would not take blood from an unconscious patient. Apparently the hospital policy only allows drawing of blood from unconscious patients if they have given consent, if the police have a warrant, or if the patient is under arrest. The body cam video of the incident seems to show the officer involved arresting the woman out of anger and frustration, rather than because she had violated any law.

The nurse was not charged. The officer was taken off of blood draw duty. Based just on the video (and obviously, there may be important information we don't get from this video) I would think the officer needs some sort of discipline. It appears to me to be an abuse of authority.

Nurse arrested for refusing to draw blood from unconscious patient
Cha-ching! I wish I could earn a couple of million that easy...
She won't get rich
She was only detained for a few minutes in a police car. It will be difficult to prove damages even if there are punitive damages
A nurse in Utah was arrested because she would not take blood from an unconscious patient. Apparently the hospital policy only allows drawing of blood from unconscious patients if they have given consent, if the police have a warrant, or if the patient is under arrest. The body cam video of the incident seems to show the officer involved arresting the woman out of anger and frustration, rather than because she had violated any law.

The nurse was not charged. The officer was taken off of blood draw duty. Based just on the video (and obviously, there may be important information we don't get from this video) I would think the officer needs some sort of discipline. It appears to me to be an abuse of authority.

Nurse arrested for refusing to draw blood from unconscious patient
Cha-ching! I wish I could earn a couple of million that easy...
She won't get rich
She was only detained for a few minutes in a police car. It will be difficult to prove damages even if there are punitive damages

She won't get rich, but she will become pretty well off. What that cop did was way over the top, and if she is smart she will go after him personally. Were it me I would leave that prick destitute.
This is a monster cop. The horrible man is a monster. He should be executed without trial and his corpse hung in the town square to rot and be eaten by birds. That will teach other monsters to behave themselves.
Not going to argue over piddling amounts. My point remains.


What point would that be?

That the vast majority of cops are good people. Having trouble reading today?


How does your "point" relate to the topic of this thread?

Really. Having trouble reading today?

It counters the prevailing opinions of many people here and participants in this very thread.


Who in this thread has expressed an opinion counter to your claim that "most police are good"?

Even more specifically, who expressed that opinion prior to your jumping to this cop's defense?

Sorry, explaining everything to you is getting tedious. Figure it out for yourself if you can.
This issue was decided decades ago by the USSC, the officer may have cost the department, i.e. taxpayers a bundle. Medical care first, then blood, usually with a warrant.
I used to live in SLC and know that hospital well. It's a fantastic hospital with excellent staff. U of U Hospital also is sort of a Mormon hold out, considered a liberal establishment. Bet that cop is Mormon. Just sayin'.

Do you have any local insight about the SLC police in light of this? If the cop is a Mormon as you bet, does that make a difference in how he does his job? Unfamiliar with SLC and curious.

I don't know if the cop is a Mormon, but he definitely is a Moron.
Umpteenth thread on this... Got something to say? Say it there.
But I think this is the first one who blames the Frumpinator for the arrest............ :lol:

Well, he has been dog whistling YUGLEY and gave Sheriff Joe a pardon for attacking the public.
Sooooo, that makes it his fault.......? You sound just like the blame Obama for everything crowd. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Well, IT's spewing the line, so to BE done this way. AS... The Great Orange Douche needs the uneducated poor ANAL DOPer base love.
This issue was decided decades ago by the USSC, the officer may have cost the department, i.e. taxpayers a bundle. Medical care first, then blood, usually with a warrant.

The law is straight forward. This guy was playing the bully for the department.

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