Nurse arrested for following hospital policy

If the police are breaking the law, you are under no obligation to assist them. Warrantless searches are against the law

You're the worst friend in the world, to anyone you give that stupid advice to.

The biggest reason innocent whites get shot and arrested by police is because they think they're in the right so they refuse to cooperate with police. This nurse was arrested because she refused to cooperate. If she were a man on the side of the street, she might have been shot for the same act of unnecessary resistance. And, without a camera, and on the side of the road, if you had your dumb skull bashed in by a cop, there would be no evidence you didn't assault the cop first, as he'd claim.

If your video of being arrested doesn't go viral, don't count on a penny in settlement. You'll get nothing more than to be released without charges.
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Umpteenth thread on this... Got something to say? Say it there.
But I think this is the first one who blames the Frumpinator for the arrest............ :lol:

Well, he has been dog whistling YUGLEY and gave Sheriff Joe a pardon for attacking the public.
Sooooo, that makes it his fault.......? You sound just like the blame Obama for everything crowd. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Well, IT's spewing the line, so to BE done this way. AS... The Great Orange Douche needs the uneducated poor ANAL DOPer base love.
And Obama is a Muslim and was born in Kenya........ All liberals are socialists and or anarchists........ :rolleyes:

I love politics, it's the perfect exercise in wild emoting. :lol:
Okay, so this corruption is institutional. The cops were only there trying to bully the nurse because they knew that the guy was not a suspect in a crime and that they could not get a warrant for his blood. They were hoping to find drugs in his system that would limit their liability and they were dispatched there to bully whomever needed to be bullied. And this happened on July 26th. The Payne guy seemingly went right back to active duty and was only put on paid leave after the video went public. So this "internal investigation" stuff is bunk. The police chief should be fired. The watch commander that authorized the illegal arrest should be fired and charged for criminal malfeasance. Mr. Payne should be fired and charged for assault. Any officers there should be suspended and possibly fired or charged as well for basically being accessories.
If the police are breaking the law, you are under no obligation to assist them. Warrantless searches are against the law

You're the worst friend in the world, to anyone you give that stupid advice to.

The biggest reason innocent whites get shot and arrested by police is because they think they're in the right so they refuse to cooperate with police. This nurse was arrested because she refused to cooperate. If she were a man on the side of the street, she might have been shot for the same act of unnecessary resistance. And, without a camera, and on the side of the road, if you had your dumb skull bashed in by a cop, there would be no evidence you didn't assault the cop first, as he'd claim.

If your video of being arrested doesn't go viral, don't count on a penny in settlement. You'll get nothing more than to be released without charges.
My God, you're nuts.
The cops were only there trying to bully the nurse because they knew that the guy was not a suspect in a crime and that they could not get a warrant for his blood.

A warrant isn't realistic when the body is busy destroying the evidence. And, it's your assumption that the police are trying to cover up a botched chase with a Hail Mary attempt to find alcohol in a system of a driver who did nothing wrong.

Anyway, the cop shouldn't be fired. He was following the law as he understood it. And, you're suppose to get arrested if you disobey an officer, an officer who was instructed by his superior to arrest the woman.

Mob justice isn't justice, except when lynching a colored.
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He got really pissed about having his authority questioned especially by a woman, he overreacted. You could see it in his eyes that he knew he was doing wrong but he couldn't help himself. I'm no cop hater, but I don't put them on a pedestal either. He's probably a wife beater.
The cops were only there trying to bully the nurse because they knew that the guy was not a suspect in a crime and that they could not get a warrant for his blood.

A warrant isn't realistic when the body is busy destroying the evidence. And, it's your assumption that the police are trying to cove up a botched chase with a Hail Mary attempt to find alcohol in a system of a driver who did nothing wrong.

Anyway, the cop shouldn't be fired. He was following the law as he understood it. And, you're suppose to get arrested if you disobey an officer, an officer who was instructed by his superior to arrest the woman.

Mob justice isn't justice, except when lynching a colored.

I don't care what you consider realistic. The law is clear on this. The cops were not following it.

And I assume nothing about the chase. The simple reality is they limit their liability if they find drugs in the blood. That's why they were hellbent on getting it.

This isn't mob justice either, asshole. Cops that don't follow the law should be replaced.
He got really pissed about having his authority questioned especially by a woman, he overreacted. You could see it in his eyes that he knew he was doing wrong but he couldn't help himself. I'm no cop hater, but I don't put them on a pedestal either. He's probably a wife beater.

Too hard to say if he's a wife beater. Some abusers can hold certain persons in high esteem. But my inclination is that this is a guy who has screwed over and abused many and will continue to do so if allowed to. That's why abuse like this simply can't be tolerated.
And I assume nothing about the chase. The simple reality is they limit their liability if they find drugs in the blood. That's why they were hellbent on getting it.

This isn't mob justice either, asshole. Cops that don't follow the law should be replaced.

You're assuming the cops acted negligently in the car chase. You're assuming that man you call your dad is really your dad.

The only reason this cop, who was following instructions from his superior, might be fired is to appease you fools in the mob who emotionally an brainlessly react to a video of the woman being arrested and dragged out.
And I assume nothing about the chase. The simple reality is they limit their liability if they find drugs in the blood. That's why they were hellbent on getting it.

This isn't mob justice either, asshole. Cops that don't follow the law should be replaced.

You're assuming the cops acted negligently in the car chase. You're assuming that man you call your dad is really your dad.

The only reason this cop, who was following instructions from his superior, might be fired is to appease you fools in the mob who emotionally an brainlessly react to a video of the woman being arrested and dragged out.

I'm not assuming that they acted negligent whatsoever. Whenever innocent bystanders die as the result of a high speed chase, police departments face a high degree of liability, generally speaking. For what other reason would they be so hellbent on getting the blood that they'd ignore and abuse the law, dude? Use your God given brain. (And you call me "brainless". You're a fucking tool).

This man assaulted a woman who was following the law. He's not a victim. He's an abuser who has no business being a law officer. Your ad hominem doesn't change that.
no the cop should be fired for violating the rights of a professional doing her job....exactly as she was suppose to do it....i reacted to that....the senseless abuse of a professional nurse....nurses are the backbone of the medical system and should be respected
no the cop should be fired for violating the rights of a professional doing her job....exactly as she was suppose to do it....i reacted to that....the senseless abuse of a professional nurse....nurses are the backbone of the medical system and should be respected

That she's a nurse protecting the rights of a man who cannot speak for himself does make this even more appalling.
Which would be a tiny percentage as a whole and they should be dealt with, you cannot paint the majority who risk their lives on a daily basis 24/7, 365 days a year to ensure that entire communities are safe and can sleep peacefully in their beds at night.

To those who hate the police and would want to use this disgusting episode to bash the majority of the police: View attachment 147097

I have crackheads making me money. All cops do is cost me money!
If the police are breaking the law, you are under no obligation to assist them. Warrantless searches are against the law

You're the worst friend in the world, to anyone you give that stupid advice to.

The biggest reason innocent whites get shot and arrested by police is because they think they're in the right so they refuse to cooperate with police. This nurse was arrested because she refused to cooperate. If she were a man on the side of the street, she might have been shot for the same act of unnecessary resistance. And, without a camera, and on the side of the road, if you had your dumb skull bashed in by a cop, there would be no evidence you didn't assault the cop first, as he'd claim.

If your video of being arrested doesn't go viral, don't count on a penny in settlement. You'll get nothing more than to be released without charges.
We the People have this thing we like to call the Constitution
It protects us from abuses of police power
This is one of those cases
The cops were only there trying to bully the nurse because they knew that the guy was not a suspect in a crime and that they could not get a warrant for his blood.

A warrant isn't realistic when the body is busy destroying the evidence. And, it's your assumption that the police are trying to cover up a botched chase with a Hail Mary attempt to find alcohol in a system of a driver who did nothing wrong.

Anyway, the cop shouldn't be fired. He was following the law as he understood it. And, you're suppose to get arrested if you disobey an officer, an officer who was instructed by his superior to arrest the woman.

Mob justice isn't justice, except when lynching a colored.

You are without a doubt completely full of shit. If the Nuremberg trials did not prove it then the Abu Ghraib trials certainly should have. I was only following orders is not a defense.

Getting a warrant is a breeze. They are electronic now. It would have taken less time than arguing with the nurse to call a Judge, one is always on call, and get a warrant issued.

The Nurse was absolutely right. The law says she is right. The badge does not mean you obey without question. If a cop tells you to stab someone you do not do it. He ordered me to is not going to save you from the consequences.

The Hospitals Lawyers knew the "Implied Consent" claim was unconstitutional. If they had drawn blood under that they would not only have been liable but the nurse would have lost her license.

Not only should the cop be fired. The Lieutenant who told him to should be fired. Both of them should be prohibited from ever working in law enforcement ever again. They should be prosecuted for false arrest and violating the nurses civil rights.

I was only following orders is the worst excuse you can give. How did that work out for the troops at Abu Ghraib? That's right. They were convicted and sent to Military Prison.

Committing a crime because the cop told you to is not a legal defense. It won't even get you leniency at your sentencing.

Oh and on your racist closing. I believe you would need a mob to give you the courage to go after one black man. Lord knows you ain't man enough to do it alone in a stand up fight.

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